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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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HAVE :Surface of Health

BCZS :Central office of Zone of Health

CS :Center Health

FC :Honest Congolais

STI :Infection Sexually Transmissible

K :Capital

L :Work

OMD :Objectives of the Millenia for the Development

WHO :World organization of Health

ONG :Nongovernmental Organization

PEV :Program Elargie Vaccination

GDP :Gross domestic product

PNLP :Program National of fight against Paludism

RDC :Democratic republic of Congo

SPSS :Statistical Pactkage for the social Science

SSP :Care of Primary Health

ZS :Zone of Health



The socio-economic development of a country depends on several factors of which health. This last is a fundamental sector which occupies a place of choice in the development of the nations, insofar as health directly affects the economic growth while acting on the factor work (L) and capital (K).

For that, the countries of the whole world are invested to improve health of their populations by improving their living conditions and while fighting against the diseases likely to prevent the economic growth and the durable development in general. Among these diseases, we can quote: the tuberculosis, the VIH/SIDA and the paludism which are the great diseases to be fought within the framework of the objectives of the millennium of the development from here 2015, (4th OMD).

In connection with paludism, of any is not unaware of that this disease belonged to the tropical and subtropical landscape of the terrestrial sphere, in particular those of sub-Saharan Africa as well as few Mediterranean moderate areas. It is the most fatal disease of the world more than the VIH/SIDA. It permanently threatens 40% of humanity, that is to say two billion individuals.

According to estimates' of WHO made on 30 countries of Africa, paludism tackles 96 million people each year and causes 1 to 3 million died in the children of less than 5 years. Always according to WHO, paludism would be responsible for 59% of the external reasons for consultation in the children of less than 5 years, 41% of the reasons for consultation among pregnant women, 54% of the reasons for hospitalization among pregnant women. It would be one great causes also depopulation and deterioration of the quality of life as well in urban environment as in rural medium of the RDC and country sub-Saharan in general.

However the vectors of paludism are known as well as the drugs to look after this disease.

In RDC, paludism belongs to the three great causes of morbidity and mortality. Its impact on the reduction in the capacity to work (invalidation or absenteeism) and on the economy in general is not yet well evaluated.

In absence of this disease, the request for care of health in the households will be less. Moreover, we know that in RDC, the cares of health are primarily financed by the households.

In addition, the RDC, country of the Third World whose income per capita of inhabitant is difficult to determine because of the natural character of its economy and the not yet developed monetary reports/ratios; the yearly consumption by household is estimated at 1735$ in the cities. This figure hides great disparities according to the types of the households: it is against 1450$ for the "abstract private households" 2360$ for the "public households" which are the best affluent ones. The yearly consumption of the households (including the charged subsistence farming and rents) is 2055 $, that proves that the population congolaise lives below the poverty line. Nevertheless the monthly average income could amount to 97,5 USD by household in 2006, that is to say an income spent per day and anybody of 0,85$ US.

In these incomes, it is not impossible that the expenditure of care of health related to paludism is an unbearable burden by the households.

The town of Kinshasa know a rate of paludism very high, related generally to insalubrity, with the presence of water of tides, stagnant water everywhere in the city. Many existing medical structures, practise a discrimination of price to look after this disease, with an unquestionable incidence on the household expenses in this city. But this incidence was not the subject yet of an evaluation in the studies which we read. For this reason we wanted tempted to evaluate some.

Our concern is to analyze or study the impact of the cost of the care of health relating to paludism in the households kinois of district MBUKU of the commune of KISENSO.

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