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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy



1. ARON R., the class struggle, Gallimard, Paris, 1964, p.72

2. BERSNIAK and G DURU, Economy of Health, Masson, 1997, p.69

3. BAGALWA MASHEKA Joseph, Analyse cost of requests in medical load of PVVIH, school of public health, 2007-2008, 51 p.

4. BAKAFWA WASHIKONA, Saving in Developing country, G2, UNIKIN, FASEG, 2005, p. 33

5. Bernard and Genevieve Pierre, medical Dictionary:for the tropical areas, Kinshasa, BERPS, 1989, p.450

6. Brigitte LAISHE and Mr. Jean-Paul GAYILONI, Bring back, 3rd World Round of the Funds against paludism, 2009

7. C PRESVELOU, Sociology of family consumption, Brussels, Working edition, 1968, p.73

8. CHIMANUKA B, BAHWERE P., BISIMWA B, NINNY N, Plaziervercammen JA, DONNEN P., Envolving altitude malaria has poor rural area surrounding the paediatric hospital of Lwiro in Kivu, The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiène, 2001.

9. HOUYOU, Budget Domestic, Nutrition and Way of life to Kinshasa, Kinshasa, PUZ, 1973, p. 96

10. Jean IVE CAPUL and Olivier Garnier., Dictionary of Economy and social Sciences, Paris, Hatier, p.100

11. KAZADI W et al., Urbain Malaria in Kinshasa, The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2000, Poster presentation, N.602

12. Madeleine G, and Roberto P., Method in Social Sciences, 8th edition, Dalloz, Paris, 1990, p.2

13. MULUMBA MADISHALA M.D. Paul, Medical Elements of Protozoologie, Kinshasa, Médiaspaul, Collection University Publications, 2006, p.17-45

14. PRESVELOU C, Sociology of family consumption, Brussels, Working edition, 1968, p.73

15. Pressing Roland, Demographic Dictionary.>.>, p.11


1. KUZONDISA MBONGA, Notes of Political Course of Economy I, G1 FASEG, UNIKIN, p.67

2. BAKAFWA WASHIKONA, Saving in Developing country, G2, UNIKIN, FASEG, 2005, p. 33

3. LOKOTA Materne Claude, Economy of Health, Run L2 EAR, 1999, p.49

4. LUKUSA DIA BONDO., Notes of Political Course of Economy II, G2, UNIKIN, FASEG, p. 67

5. LUTUTALA., Introduction to demography, L1 Démographie, UNIKIN, Notes new, 1993-1994

6. NGIMBI N.P., and alii, Notes on the anophèles with Kinshasa, RDC, Service of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine of the university of Kinshasa, pp 377-378

7. NGOBEBE, Notes of Course of Public health, G2 Hospital management, ISTM, p.35

8. NYEMBO SHABANI, Notes of course of saving in development, L1, UNIKIN, FASEG, 2008-2009, 215 pages


1. Project CRY (Country of Return Information information on the country of return).Drive country:RDC, May 2007.Address by electronic

2. BAGALWA MASHEKA Joseph, Analyse cost of requests in medical load of PVVIH, school of public health, 2007-2008, 51 p.

3. Strategic document of Growth and Reduction of Poverty, June 2006,

38 pages

4. The IMF, OECD, UNO, the World Bank, Report/ratio on the Objectives of the findable millenium of development on < >

5. Ministry for the Public health: Policy and master line of financing of the health services, 1999, p.5-6

6. WHO, Entomological Profile of paludism in RDC, September 2007, p.6

7. Problem Human: Health Teaching, EEC-Congo Mission, booklet V, June 1963, p.3.

8. Annual report, District MBUKU, 2010

9. Report/ratio of the Ministry of health: State of places of the Health sector, May 1999, p.86

10. Report/ratio on development in the World, To invest in health, 1993, p.164

11. Report/ratio on health in the World:For a real Change, 1999, p.19

12. Pressing Roland, Demographic Dictionary.>.>, p.11 .

>13. World round of the Funds against paludism, 2009

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il ne faut pas de tout pour faire un monde. Il faut du bonheur et rien d'autre"   Paul Eluard