3.3.3.Monthly expenditure of the care of health for
Table 21, shows us that 38,3% of the surveyed households did not
suffer from paludism against 61,7% which suffered from it. for the consultation (Dcon)
It is deduced from this table 22, 67,5% of the households
spend a sum ranging between 2500 and 4500FC for the consultation, 32,4% spent
between 4500 and 9000FC.The average of this expenditure is 4554,04FC is 5,0$USD
by household. Expenditure for the laboratory
This table 24, indicates that 21,6% of the households spend a
sum ranging between 1 000 and 1 000FC for the test of laboratory, 27,0% to us
spent between 1 000 and 1 500FC, 24,3% spent between 1 500 and 2 000FC and
29,7% spent beyond 2 000FC.The average of this expenditure is 1594,59FC is
1,7$USD by household. of hospitalization
It is deduced from this table that 50,0% of the households
spend a sum between 5 000 and 10 000FC in the event of hospitalization, 12,5%
spent between 10 000 and 15 000FC, 37,5% spent between 3 000 and 4500 with an
average of 11 875FC is 13,0$USD by household. of nonhospitalization
It is deduced from this table 25, 8,1% of the households spend
a sum ranging between 1000 and 1500FC in the event of nonthe hospitalization,
27,0% spent between 500 and 1 000FC, 10,8% spent between 1500 and 2 000FC and
32,4% spent more than 2 000FC.The average of this expenditure is 1560,3FC is
1,7$USD by household. for control
This table 26, shows us that 78,3% of the households spend
less than 10 000 for control, 21,6% spent beyond 10 000FC, with an average of
7162,16FC is 7,8$USD by household.These spend include the consultation and the
tests of laboratory. of the drugs
It is deduced from this table 27, that 73,0% of the households
spend a sum between 300 - 1500FC for purchase of the drugs of paludism, 10,8%
spent between 1500 and 3000FC, 16,2% spent between 3000 and 4500 with an
average of 1508,1FC is 1,6$USD by household. expenditure
This table 28, shows us that 41,8% of the households spend
between 1000 and 3000 for other expenditure, 21,8% spent between 6 000 and 9
000FC, 14,5% spent between 9 000 and 12 000 and 20,0% spent beyond 12 000FC.The
average of this expenditure is 5472,9FC is equivalent to 6,0$USD by
household.This expenditure includes the expenditure keeps sick, transport. expenditure of the care of health for paludism
The total expenditure of the households for the care of health
is the sum of all the averages in particular:of consultation laboratory

, control
(the hospitalization , not hospitalization
, and the Other monthly expenditure
That is to say:

The total monthly expenditure of the households rises 28
674,27FC is 31,5$USD i.e., a household spends close to 31,5$USD to look after a
member of family which suffers from paludism.
3.3.4.Other aspects related to paludism Place of
the care
It rises from this table 29 that 44,8% of the households were
looked after in centers of health against 55,2% which takes the direction of
the hospital.