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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


To collect the data of this study, we started by collecting information only on District MBUKU in order to constitute our base of survey. Having at our disposal the number of avenues, we proceeded by the reconstitution of our sample by calling upon the systematic sampling which constitutes an alternative of the random sampling.

Initially, starting from the total number of the avenues, we chose 15 avenues randomly like targets because of 4 households by avenues. We organized interviews near 4 households out of 15 avenues. What gives us a sample of 60 households?

After the examination and the coding of the questionnaires, the data of the investigation were checked before being treated with the computer with software EPIDATA. Then, the data were analyzed thanks to software SPSS.


3.3.1. Socio-demographic characteristics of the surveyed households Size of manage

In District MBUKU, the average face of the households is of 5, 75 people. One observes very few households made up of more than 13 people is 3,4%;46,6% households have a size ranging between 4 and 6 people. status of the head of household

He appears after the reading of this table 5, that 53,3% of the heads of household are grooms, 35% are single people, the veuf(ve)s account for 8,3% and 1,7 % of surveyed are divorced and 1,7% are the polygamous ones. Educational level of the head of household

He is deduced from this table 6, that 43,3% of the heads of households are bachelors, 35,5% gradué(e)s, 13,3% reached the secondary level and 8,3% stopped at the primary school. of the head of household

Table 7, informs us that on 60 heads of surveyed households, 56,6% are civils servant, 16,8% are workers in the private sector, 3,0% are inter alia tradesmen and housewives.

3.3.2.Monthly expenditure of the households Expenditure food (Dal)

It arises from the table 8, that 35,0% of the households spend a sum ranging between 15000 and 45000FC for the food, 3,3% spent between 45000 and 75000FC, 11,7% spent between 75000 and 105000FC, 5,0% spent a sum ranging between 105000 and 135000FC, 23,3% of households spent between 135000 and 165000 FC, 6,7% spent between 165000 and 225000FC and 8,3% of household spent beyond 225000FC.We notice that the average of this expenditure is 114000FC is 126,6$USD by household. schooling (Dscol)

Table 8, indicates that 31,7% of the households spend a sum ranging between 5000 and 15000FC for schooling, 48,3% to us spent between 15000 and 25000FC, 15,0% spent between 25000 and 35000FC, 5,0% spent beyond 35000FC.We notice that the average of this expenditure is 19333,3FC is 21,2 $$USD>by household. Expenditure of the care of health (Dss)

Table 9, shows us that 62,2% of the households spend a sum ranging between 100 and 1500FC for the care of health, 10,8% spent between 1500 and 3000FC, more than 27,0% spent beyond 4500FC.The average of this expenditure is 2159,45FC is 2,ÚSDpar household.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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