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Influence of lime and farm yard manure( Télécharger le fichier original )par Dieudonne MUGOBOKA ISAE Busogo - Bachelor's Degree 2008 |
4.1.2 Organic matterThe organic matter content on experimental site varies from 5.585% to 5.672%, and 5.46% to 6.9%, respectively before and after experiment. According to MUTWEWINGABO and RUTUNGA (1987), the soil is classified into «humic soils». The figure below shows the variation of organic matter according to treatments: Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. Figure : Organic matter content before and after experiment. From the figure above, it is observed that the organic matter content has depleted in treatments T0, T4, T5 and T6 while it has increased for T1, T2 and T3. The ANOVA table below shows whether the difference observed between treatments is significant. Table : ANOVA table for soil organic matter after experiment
CV %= 6.88 The ANOVA table below shows that the difference between treatments is significant at 1% threshold as the value of calculated F is greater than the value of table at 1% threshold. The difference observed between blocks is not significant as the F ratio is lower than the value of F .table at the same threshold. Table : Mean separation for soil organic matter observed after experiment
Referring to the above mean separation table, all treatments are classified into two groups where T3, T2 and T1 are into group A while T4, T5, T6 and T0 are classified into group B. From these, it is clear that treatments within which organic matter (FYM) has been applied result in improvement of soil organic matter and this varies according to the amount applied. The depletion of organic matter in T0 is due to the loss by mineralization(little a bite) and leaching by rainfall while in T4,T5 and T6,in addition to leaching due to rainfall, the increase in pH (figure 4 and 5) has influenced the microbial activity in terms of organic matter decomposition and mineralization(RAYAR,2000). The increase in organic matter content for T1, T2 and T3 is caused by the addition of FYM and it increases as the added manure increases. 4.1.3 Total NitrogenThe total Nitrogen content varies from 0.270%to 0.2836% and 0.269% to 0.339%, respectively before and after experiment. This classifies the soil N content in «very low» range» to «low «range (ANONYME, 1991). The figure below indicates the variation of Nitrogen according to treatments: Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable. Figure : Variation of Nitrogen content according to treatments before and after experiment From the figure above, there has been Nitrogen depletion for T0, T4, T5 and T6 while an increase in nitrogen content is observed in T1, T2, and T3. The ANOVA table below shows whether the observed difference is significant. Table : ANOVA table for total nitrogen
CV %= 3.22 From the ANOVA table above, it is observed that there is a significant difference between treatments at 1% threshold as the value of calculated F is greater than the value of F table at 1%threshold. The difference observed between blocks is not significant as the F ratio is lower than the value of F .table at the same threshold. Table : Mean separation for Total soil Nitrogen observed after experiment
From mean separation table, the total soil nitrogen observed after harvesting are classified into 5 homogenous groups and treatments which have received organic matter prove to results in better improvement of soil into total nitrogen compare to T4, T5, T6 and T0 where no organic material had been applied (Rayar,2000). The decrease of nitrogen in those treatments is due to plant up take, leaching by rainfall water and depletion of depletion of organic matter by the causes mentioned early. The increase in Nitrogen for the remaining treatments is due to the addition of FYM, which contains a certain quantity of Nitrogen (Raymond, 1990). |