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The role of civil society in promoting greater social justice for forced migrants living in the inner city of Johannesburg( Télécharger le fichier original )par Dieudonné Bikoko Mbombo University of the Witwatersrand of Johannesburg, South Africa - Master of Science in Development Planning 2006 |
II. Unpublished and Conference Papers1. Cebekhulu, N.N., 2004: Spatial Planning Systems and Poverty Alleviation: The Case of Johannesburg Development Corridors, unpublished dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. 2. Fainstein, S., 1998: We can make the Cities we want? Annual meeting of the Assoc. of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Pasadena, CA., Nov. 1998. 3. Fainstein, S., 1994: Justice, Politics and the Creation of Urban Space, Conference on Social Justice and Fin-de-siecle Urbanism, School of Geography, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, March 1994. 4. Fainstein, S., 2006: Planning and the Just City, Conference on Search for the Just City (GSAPP), Columbia University, Vancouver, April 29, 2006. 5. Kok, P.C, et al., 2005: Migration in Southern Africa, Cape Town. 6. Sandercock, L., 1998: Making the Invisible Visible : A Multicultural Planning History, University of California Press, Berkeley. 7. Sandercock, L., 2005: Designing with Diversity: The Satanic Verses as Design Manifesto in an Age of Migration. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 8. Sandercock, L., 2006: Mongrel Cities of the 21th Century: Is Multiculturalism the Solution or the Problem? United Nations (UN) Urban Forum, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 9. Winkler, T., 2006: Kwere Kwere Journeys into Strangeness: Reimagining Inner Cit y Regeneration in Hillbrow, Johannesburg, unpublished Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. III. Government Reports and Legislations.1. Johannesburg, 2005: Reflecting on a Solid Foundation, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Shereno Printers, Boksburg. 2. Johannesburg, 2006: Growth and Development: GDS and IDP 2006/11, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Johannesburg. 3. South Africa, 1998: No. 130 of 1998: Refugees Act, Government Gazette, Volume 402, Number 19544, Cape Town. 4. South Africa, 2002: No. 13 of 2002: Immigration Act, Government Gazette, Volume 443, Number 23478, Cape Town. 5. South Africa, 1996: The Constitution of the republic of south Africa, Act 108 of 1996, Typeface Media, Cape Town. IV. Newspaper ArticlesDe Lange, I., 2006: Grants For Aliens: Welfare must plan for the disabled, Tuesday 31 January 2006. V. Articles, Report, and Working Papers Published on the Internet1. Mpumalanga Department of Education (2006). Celebrating Diversity. INTERNET. http://www.mpumalanga.gov.za. Cited 02 September 2006. 2. Human Right Watch (2005). III. Background. INTERNET. http://hrw.org/reports/2005/southafrica1105/3.htm. Cited 03 April 2006. 3. Kihato, C. (2006). Invisible Lives, Inaudible Voices: The Social Conditions of Migrant Women in Johannesburg. INTERNET. http://migration.wits.ac.za/speaker.pdf#search=%22Caroline%20kihato%2C%20forced%20m igration%2C%20wits%22. Cited 04 October 2006. 4. Monash University (2006). Primary Data. INTERNET. http://en.mimi.hu/marketingweb/primary_data.html. Cited 08 August 2006. 5. Para Legal Advice (2003). Citizenship Immigrants and migrants. INTERNET. http://www.paralegaladvice.org.za/docs/chap02/03.html. Cited 08 March 2006 6. Rulashe, P. (2004). Refugees Lobby for Identity in South Africa. INTERNET. http://www.unhcr.org/cgi- bin/texis/vtx/news/opendoc.htm?tbl=NEWS&page=home&id=406c1c3c4. Cited 08 March 2006. 7. South Africa Info (2004). Refugees and asylum-seekers. INTERNET. http://www.southafrica.info/public_services/foreigners/immigration/refugees_asylum.htm. Cited 08 March 2004. 8. United Nations (1951). UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. INTERNET. http://www.unhcr.org/cgi- bin/texis/vtx/protect/opendoc.pdf?tbl=PROTECTION&id=3b66caa10. Cited 20 June 2006. 9. Tellis, W., (1997). Application of a Case Study Methodology. The Qualitative Report, Volume 3, Number 3, September 1997, INTERNET. http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR3- 3/tellis2.html. Cited 09 August 2006. 10. Wikipedia (2006). Civil Society. INTERNET. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_society. Cited 31 July 2006. 11. Wikipedia (2006): Case Study. INTERNET. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Case_study. Cited 10 August 2006. APPENDIX |