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Contribution à  l’amélioration de la maintenance des installations photovoltaïques. Analyse de la récurrence des défaillances.

par Matar DIALLO
Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor - Master de physique 2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The world's energy needs continue to grow. Fossil fuels now retain a dominant position in meeting energy demand. This creates economic and environmental constraints. Based on this observation, it is necessary to look for other alternative energy resources such as renewable energies. Among the potential sources, photovoltaic conversion is extremely promising. The use of solar energy in remote sites for different applications such as water pumping and electrification is of great interest.

However, this technology is currently facing a large number of problems such as the maintenance of photovoltaic systems and after-sales monitoring. Many photovoltaic installations fail for a long time without repair, particularly in Africa. These problems tarnish the reputation of the sector and hinder its development.

The general objective of this work is to contribute to the development of the photovoltaic sector. More specifically, this work consists of identifying the different types of failures in each system. The levels of recurrence of photovoltaic system failures are also determined in this work. Indeed, scientific information relating to failures and their levels of recurrence is made available to the actors (design offices, user installers, etc.) in the photovoltaic field.

The results obtained show that batteries are the most fragile components (40%) for photovoltaic systems for electrification. Controllers are the most vulnerable components (43.75%) for photovoltaic systems for pumping. It should be noted that the main causes of photovoltaic system failures are lightning (40%), overload (30%) and human intrusion (20%).

Thus, to remedy the various problems and ensure optimal operation of a photovoltaic installation, the following solutions were recommended.

Organisation of regular and close visit and inspection campaigns.

Organization of training sessions for users (the beneficiaries of the facilities).

Increased security at installation sites to limit human intrusion.

Installation of lightning arresters in the sites to strongly mitigate the impacts of lightning.

Keywords: Photovoltaics, Pumping, Electrification, Failures, Maintenance, Recurrence.

Année Universitaire : 2017-2018 Page v

Liste des figures

Figure I.1: Types de rayonnements solaires reçus au sol 4

Figure I.2: Intensité de l'ensoleillement reçu sur un plan horizontal incliné (Narimene DEBILI, 2015)


Figure I.3: Analyse spectrale du rayonnement solaire 5

Figure I.4: Présentation schématique d'une cellule solaire 7

Tableau 1: Les différents types de cellules en silicium et leurs rendements 8

Figure I.5: Constitution d'un module PV 9

Figure I.6: Protection des modules par les diodes anti retour et by-pass 9

Figure I.7: Pompage photovoltaique au fil du soleil 10

Figure I.8: Pompage photovoltaique avec stockage d'énergie 11

Figure I.9: Schéma simplifié d'un SPV 12

Tableau 2: Les besoins en eau [11] 14

Figure II.1: Hauteur manométrique totale 15

Tableau 3: Estimation des besoins énergétiques des récepteurs alimentés 16

Figure II.2: Interface HOMER-fichier vierge 19

Figure II.3: Interface HOMER-résultats des calculs 19

Figure II.4: Interface RETScreen 20

Figure II.5: Interface RETScreen-onglet démarrer 20

Figure II.6: Interface PV*SOL 21

Figure II.7: Interface COMPASS Lorentz 22

Figure II.8: Système de pompage solaire 25

Tableau 4: Liste des installations de SPVE 30

Tableau 5: Liste des installations de SPVP 31

Tableau 6 : Les composants d'un système PV et leurs défaillances 32

Tableau 7 : Les composants défaillants 33

Figure III.2: Histogramme de fréquence des défaillances des composants d'un SPVE 34

Figure III.3: Histogramme des niveaux de récurrence des défaillances des modules PV 34

Figure III.4: Histogramme des niveaux de récurrence des défaillances des onduleurs 35

Figure III.5: Histogramme des niveaux de récurrence des défaillances des batteries 35

Tableau 8: Les causes des défaillances 36

Figure III.6: Histogramme des niveaux de récurrence des causes des défaillances des SPVE 37

Tableau 9: Les solutions proposées 37

Tableau 10 : Les composants d'un SPVP et leurs défaillances. 38

Tableau 11: Les défaillances, causes et solutions proposées 38

Figure III.7: Histogramme de récurrence des défaillances des composants d'un SPVP 40

Figure III.8: Histogramme des niveaux de récurrence des défaillances de la pompe 41

Figure III.9: Histogramme des niveaux de défaillances du contrôleur 41

Figure III.10: Histogramme des niveaux de récurrence des défaillances des sondes 42

Figure III.11: Histogramme des niveaux de récurrence des défaillances des tuyaux. 42

Figure III.12: Histogramme de récurrence des causes des défaillances d'un SPVP 43

Année Universitaire : 2017-2018 Page vi

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius