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The role of the african union in the resolution of the conflict in mali

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par Akizi-Egnim AKALA
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya / UNITAR - Master in conflictology 2018

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Lomé (TOGO), September 2018

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

The role of the African Union in the resolution

of the conflict in Mali

Master degree in Conflictology

Student : Akala Akizi-Egnim Counsellor : Andreu Solà

Academic year : 2016 - 2018



Table des matières

Contents ii

Appendices: figures iv

Abstract v

Introduction 1

1- Background of the study 1

1.1- Africa: a continent of conflicts and political crisis 1

1.2- In search of effective solutions 1

1.3- Persisting nature of conflicts and the eruption of Mali crisis 3

2- Research questions 3

3- Rationale 3

4- Objectives 4

4.1- General objective 4

4.2- Specific objectives 4

5- Sphere of application and target group 4

6- Structure 4


1- Theoretical framework 6

1.1- Definition of concepts 6

1.2- Theories of intrastate conflicts 7

1.3- The African Union and the conflict intervention framework. 12

1.4- Literature review 18

2- Methodological framework 24

3- The contextual framework: Description of the study area 25

3.1- Geography 25

3.2- History 26

3.3- Demographics 27

3.4- Political sphere 28

3.5- Economy 28


1- An overview of the conflict 30

2- Humanitarian impact of the conflict 33

3- The causes of the conflict 33

3.1- Structural causes 34

3.2- Proximate causes or triggers of the conflict 40

4- The actors of the armed conflict 42


4.1- The national warring actors and their interests 42

4.2- Relations between armed groups: interactions and coalitions 45

4.2- International Organizations and Governments' intervention 47

Chapter 3: AFRICAN UNION INTERVENTION: Strengths and challenges 49

1- The intervention process 49

1.1- Overview of diplomatic and political efforts 49

1.1.1- Early warnings 49

1.1.2- The Framework Agreement with CNRDRE, April 2012 50

1.1.3- The Ouagadougou Peace Processes and Agreement, December 2012; June 2013 51

1.1.4- Post military intervention mediation 51

1.1.5- From Ouagadougou to Algiers: the Inter-Malian Inclusive Peace Talks, 2014-2015 52

1.2- The Military efforts 53

1.2.1- From the idea of MICEMA to the establishment and Evolution of AFISMA 53

1.3- Some post-conflict Reconstruction and Development initiatives 55

2- Difficulties and challenges met by the AU in the intervention 56

2.1- The limitations of African Peace and Security Architecture 56

2.2- The lack or insufficiency of finance and logistics. 58

2.3- The lack of fair cooperation from UN and UN funders 59

2.4- The operational challenges of AFISMA in the field 59

3- Recommendations 60

3.1- Towards an efficient AU 60

3.2- For an effective and lasting peace in Mali 63

Conclusion 65

Bibliography 67

Annexes 70


Appendices: figures

Figure 1: Summary of some key Timelines of the Mali Conflict from 2011 to October 2015 71

Figure 2 : Map Mali climate 75

Figure 3: Map Mali spatial distribution of ethnic groups in Mali 76

Figure 4: Map of Mali as of January 11, 2013 77

Figure 5: Map of Intensity of security incidents in Mali till April 2016 78

Figure 6: Conflict events by actors and location in Mali and Niger 2017-2018 79

Figure 7: Leadership of Mali peace agreement 80

Figure 8Implementatiuon of Bamako Agreement 81

Figure 9: Fragmentation and recomposition of compliant armed groups 82



In the final decade of the 20th century, the mounting need for greater continental integration resulted in the transformation of OAU in to AU (African Union) in 2002. Among the priority agendas of the new organization are issues of peace and security on the continent. Despite the commitment and efforts to build institutional capacity to confront problems, objective realities on the ground reflect that situations of political instabilities and armed conflict in the continent are far from significantly resolved. The Malian crisis which unfolded from 2012 is one of the examples of the limits of the new organization in preventing and addressing effectively crisis.

The study identified the Malian crisis with issues of political and economic marginalization, poor governance leading to ethnic dissatisfaction and rebellions, and expressions of some form of religious radicalism and criminal networks that involves actors respective to each of the factors.

Moreover, the researcher has explored the intervention of the AU and its RECs/RMs on the one hand, and on the other hand, portrayed the challenges these regional organizations are facing in the maintenance of continental Peace and Security in light of the Malian political crisis with regard to their lack of capacity to conduct peace operations including insufficient financial and logistic support, lack of cooperation and tensions within the organizations and with the UN. Finally the researcher has suggested some solutions for the way forward.


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"La première panacée d'une nation mal gouvernée est l'inflation monétaire, la seconde, c'est la guerre. Tous deux apportent une prospérité temporaire, tous deux apportent une ruine permanente. Mais tous deux sont le refuge des opportunistes politiques et économiques"   Hemingway