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Critical analysis of the Democratic Republic of Congo national tv coverage of the 2011 elections. Case study of Kinshasa city

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Emile Lambert LAMBE TONDOLEMBE
Hebei university of China - Master 2 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The survey questionnaire

It is noteworthy as the counting of our questionnaire took account of the sex variable. Of this variable we generated variables such as age bracket, level of education, occupational status, In addition, the survey data that is to say the questionnaires responses were included in the tables, these tables are developed using calculations of frequencies or percentages expressed. This work will be based on a sample of 34 journalists who covered the 2011 elections on national television in Kinshasa city.

1. CATEGORY A / questions for journalists

1. How old do you have?

A/ ............................................................

2. What level of study do you have?

a) Secondary?
b) Superior or University?

3. Did you have at your disposal adequate equipment for good media coverage of the 2011 elections?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other answer


4. What attitude did you have adopted during this period as a journalist of the national television?

a) man and woman press?
b) politician?
c) politicized?
d) any citizen?
e) Undecided
f) other answers .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. How have you proceeded to cover the events of the various candidates? and what are the techniques you applied?


6. What professional qualities you put in works during this period?

a) Honesty?
b) Functionality?
c) Appropriateness?
d) Liability?
e) Truth?
f) Sincerity?
g) Credibility?
h) Any?
i) Other answers .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Have you been under political pressure order or your employer to support this or that candidate?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other answers .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. How have you repartees your reportages for the 11 presidential candidates?


9. Were you satisfied with work you have realized as a professional journalist and serving the general interest of the whole people?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other answers .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Have you been physically threatened while on the go in places reporting?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other answers .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. CATEGORY B / Questions related to the time of repartee antenna by candidates. Questions addressed to the general direction of the national television.

11. How important do you have granted to the antenna for each candidate during the 2011 elections?


12. What has been the time given coverage on the air to each candidate at for their election campaigns on national television?


13. In order to explain to the people their country's development plans how many hours have you given to each candidate?


14. How long they realized each for disseminating their campaign commercials on National TV?


15. How have you repartee the working time for different press conferences of each candidate?


16. Do you have something else to say?


Thank you for your cooperation

Contribution and Innovation

Through this research, we are happy to announce our innovation and invention yet again in the field of journalism that "the theory of three verbs" After the publication of my books in Germany and France on Media here I present to you our new contribution and innovation that will be if you let it be published in our research.

This what exactly the theory of three verbs?

This theory which is based on three most important verbs that a professional media must take account in his daily work they are even nuclei journalism and reporter. We believe that these three verbs are never escaped a professional journalist. These three verbs allow a professional resume work by the journalist. These are verbs:

ü interrest

ü Hang

ü inform

ü Interest: Done everything in journalism is not information; the journalist must realize first that his information should interest the target audience. In what journalist covering events is the eye and ear of the public, he must make his work of university professors, leading researchers, to farmers, presidents, writ has categories of persons of every kind for do this the information must be always be interesting and professional.

ü Hang: the question every professional journalist arises is how to hang my audience. It is possible that the information we have is interesting, or even very interesting question remains as to how I can attract people's attention to what I say. This not easy to hung a large number of people who have different interests on a fact why journalists must be talented.

When I diffuse such or such information, people should stay in their lounges to follow. For this talent and professionalism high ranking must be practiced by the journalist. What is interesting at this point must also attract attention and gave a desire follow.

ü Inform: it is useless to do journalism, if at the end of his reportage one will not be given to measuring essential information. The width of the work of reporter informed as drop point. the information you have may be interesting, you may also be able to hung a large number of audience, but in the end you must inform, the most informative message must go, people who have found the interest and were to hang on to your information should in the end have an essential message. They must realize that the three verbs have been professionally respected by journalist.

LAMBE Author

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld