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Critical analysis of the Democratic Republic of Congo national tv coverage of the 2011 elections. Case study of Kinshasa city

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Emile Lambert LAMBE TONDOLEMBE
Hebei university of China - Master 2 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


By definition, a challenge is what can win or lose in a competition, a company. For the people, the major issue of the election is to make it free and truly independent, that is master of his own fate. This is the issue of self-determination. Unfortunately for some politicians and political groups, the elections are an opportunity to climb to power or control to acquire or save some benefits.

According to our understanding, the electoral challenge is the focal point around which the elections are held alternatively, expectations and aspirations of the people around the elections.

A democracy is always based on the possibility to express freely varying opinions and well-informed citizens vote. Media and journalists play therefore a key role in the electoral process in ensuring the flow of information and opinions, and their confrontation. They allow a better knowledge of the candidates, parties and programs.

They contribute to the effective participation of citizens in the democratic debate, particularly by placing at the heart of the campaign themes of general interest. Guarantors of democracy, journalists were also instrumental in the legitimation and acceptance of the results of the elections, in particular in the countries in democratic transition or crisis.

These responsibilities give journalists rights and duties. The right to inform freely, without being subject to pressure or intimidation, a corollary duty to issue to voters responsible, i.e. objective, informative and constructive information. It is a complex work, with challenges and pitfalls to avoid. Many are indeed examples of journalists who allowed them to be diverted from their neutral and impartial fact-finding in favor of partisan, violence-generating positions taken.


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Des chercheurs qui cherchent on en trouve, des chercheurs qui trouvent, on en cherche !"   Charles de Gaulle