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Critical analysis of the Democratic Republic of Congo national tv coverage of the 2011 elections. Case study of Kinshasa city

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Emile Lambert LAMBE TONDOLEMBE
Hebei university of China - Master 2 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.5 Justification

In fact, many scholars and researchers will ask the question: "Why talk about the media coverage during the 2011 elections»? Are there researchers who have worked on this reality in the Congo? The answer is simple and motivated by two poles:

v In Standpoint theoretical or scientific, this study will allow us to accumulate new knowledge in matters of practicing of the journalism profession during elections and identify requirements to be taken into account in media coverage of not only the events of the election coverage, but also other possible events like disaster and war.

On this subject, theories and information that will be developed in this work will be as our contribution to the world of science. This information whose complexity recommends a high sense of professionalism and knowledge that would make the related disciplines of journalism use it to understand the tricks of the journalism profession;

v On the personal level, this work will equip me more on the elements that can enrich my knowledge as a journalist and colleague journalists particularly on the roles and principles of TV journalism during the pre-election period, election, and post-election in the DRC. 6(*)

1.6 Aims and objectives

In conducting this study, I am pursuing a fundamental objective, namely to assist any journalist to understand the meaning of "social responsibility" in his/her profession.
I want to make available to media professionals a practical tool that can help well-conducted election coverage regardless of the continent or country where it is located.

Our desire in this rate is largely due to the fact that conflict always exists in elections period but through the work of journalists these conflict can significantly decrease in Africa and particularly in the DRC after the publication of this research.
That journalists becoming more professional in their duties to inform the citizens by upholding the principle of neutrality.

1.7 Scope and Limitation

The Democratic Republic of Congo has 10 national television stations, and many radio stations , added therefore is the great city of Kinshasa TV station which is the capital relayed by the provincial stations for major events. National TV Headquarter is base in Kinshasa with more than 1,200 officials and reporters in five departments. To conduct this research, I will narrow the field of study with the great national television station in Kinshasa.
This research only covers the 2011 elections which take into consideration the pre-election period, the election period and the post-election period from January 2011 to the November in the same year.

1.8 Significance of the Study

The study will critically analyse the 2011 DRC national elections and the election converge of the Congolese national TV Station in Kinshasa. The study will also unearth the many challenges and succeeses made by the National TV journalists or reporters. The study will also make some sgnificant fact on election reporting code of conduct in DRC and maintaining impartiality in all National TV coverage of the élections

* 6 NGOMA BINDA, political participation , ethical, for a culture of peace, democracy and good governance, Kinshasa, ITEP, 2005

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le don sans la technique n'est qu'une maladie"