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La stratégie de Marvel Studios : de la faillite à l?avènement( Télécharger le fichier original )par Fanny Bonnemayre Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 - Master Etudes Cinématographiques 2015 |
AnnexesANNEXE 1 : Comparaison entre un pulp (à gauche) et un comic books (à droite). ANNEXE 2 : Couverture : Simon, J. et Kirby, J., Captain America #1, mars 1941, Timely Comics. 52 ANNEXE 3 : Graphique issu du livre The Secret History of Marvel Comics par Blake Bell & Dr Michael J Vassallo. ANNEXE 4 : Couverture normale (à gauche) et variante (à droite) de Superior Iron Man #1, Marvel Comics. 53 ANNEXE 5 : Liste des records établis par le film Avengers. [url : http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/?page=byrecord&p=.htm] consulté le 18/11/2014. 54 ANNEXE 6 : Interview complète réalisée par mail avec le Dr. Arnold Blumberg. - I would like to understand what made The Avengers such a huge success. Am I right in saying that the reunion of six franchise plus Joss Whedon as director was the key? That the reunion of the six heroes multiplied by six the audience and that having Joss Whedon as the director was a great choice because he had the approval of the fans thanks to his past with Marvel and his comicbook Astonishing X-Men. AB: The Avengers certainly had the advantage of a great deal of good will built up by the success of the previous films and the expert way Marvel built expectations for the team-up through the previous installments and no small amount of marketing. Whedon's guiding hand as director was surely a big part of how that film hit all the right notes (although his experience in the past with Marvel was likely very low on the list - remember that millions of movie goers that made this a success never read a comic in their life, so they knew nothing of that), but credit is also due the ensemble cast that already inhabited their characters well and sparked off one another so smoothly. To see Mark Ruffalo come in and create a new version of the Hulk in that film that seamlessly joined the saga in progress was impressive as well. - Do you think that only these two factors can account for the huge success of the film? Was the movie meant to be a success before it was even released? AB: No movie is meant to be a failure before it's released, so I think they were fairly assured they had a hit on their hands. How much of a success is another story. - Do you think that the movies post-Avengers 3 will be the decline of the MCU? AB: As for post-Avengers 3, I would imagine as long as the films still do well and as long as Marvel/Disney can, they'll keep this universe of storytelling viable. I don't see any decline coming unless audiences decide they'd like a break from the saga. That can happen, but I think it would be a slowing down of the pace, not necessarily an end. - I also would like to know if you agree when I'm saying that there is two ways to watch the MCU: one for the fans like a TV show (with hidden references etc.) and one for the uninitiated. That is why the public is so wide. AB: I would say you're correct in the sense that the movies do offer a great deal of referential material for long-time fans familiar with the comic book minutiae; however, as the films grow in popularity, many of those uninitiated are becoming dedicated fans in their own right and seeking out source material in some cases, so less and less is lost on them. - Is the MCU more for the adults than for the children? AB: The MCU is for all ages; it's entertainment that speaks to everyone, which is part of why it's doing so well. 55 ANNEXE 7 : Montant du box-office mondial des films du Marvel Cinematic Universe issu du site BoxOficeMojo.com [url : http://www.boxofficemojo.com/franchises/chart/?id=avengers.htm] consulté le 24 mai 2015. (Chiffre sujet à modification en raison de la sortie du second volet des Avengers actuellement en salle.) ANNEXE 8 : Green Arrow à gauche (DC Comics) et Hawkeye à droite (Marvel Comics) 56 ANNEXE 9 : Sondage réalisé par le site Allociné.com. [url : http://www.allocine.fr/article /fichearticle_gen_carticle=18630968.html] Question : Le casting des "Quatre Fantastiques" est-il... fantastique à vos yeux ? 57 ANNEXE 10 : Capture d'écran de la bande-annonce du film Les Quatre fantastiques (2015) mise en ligne sur le site Youtube.com [url : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-BVs-KCSiA ] On constate que près de 19.529 personnes n'ont pas aimé la vidéo. Un chiffre qui est assez conséquent et rarement vu pour une bande-annonce d'un blockbuster. En conparaison, la bande annonce de Ant-Man, le film concurrent, n'a reçu que 2 159 commentaires négatifs. 58 ANNEXE 11 : Capture d'écran du site TThistory.com, un site d'archive recensant les sujets ayant atteindre les Trending Topics sur Twitter. [url : http://tt-history.appspot.com/] Trending Topics du 28 octobre 2014 (monde) ANNEXE 12 : Programme télévisé récapitulant les diffusions des films de super-héros pour le seul mois d'avril 2015.
Série TV : Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Diffusé chaque semaine à 20h50 en mars, avril, mai sur W9 59 |