Intoxications and ingestions are the second most common cause
of domestics accidents for children. Preventing these disasters represents a
public health challenge.
Despite governmental engagement and healthcare professionals'
mobilization, domestics' accidents have increased during lockdowns periods.
Therefore, we asked ourselves : « How pediatric
nurses in maternal and child protection can reduce accidental ingestions by
children between six months and four years ? ».
We interviewed fifty-two parents of children under five years
old and four pediatric nurses from maternal and child protection. Theirs
answers allowed us identifying three specials parents' needs : first to be
informed about ingestions risks, second to be informed about psychomotor
development and third to receive a summary of these risks.
Our project was focused on these needs. With healthcare
professionals of Grenoble couple/children hospital, we organized a prevention
workshop about accidentals ingestions of children. Our objective is to make
aware parents about domestics' risks and allow them to avoid dangerous
We also gave them a summary leaflet grouping emergencies
numbers, psychomotor development and a departmental card of differents
locations of maternal and child protection.