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Droit et Sciences Politiques
Droit Pénal
Legal analysis on the crime of rape under ICTR jurisdiction
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Jean Damascene SEMANZA
Kigali independant university - Bachelor's degree in law 2012
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1. Choice and interest of the study
2. Delimitation of the study
3. Problem statement
4. Research Hypotheses
5. Research objective
6. Research Methodology
7. Subdivision of the work
I.1.1.Definition of rape
I.1.3. Rape as act of torture
I.1.4. Sexual violence
I.1.6. Sexual slavery
I.1.7. Sexual mutilation
I.1.8.The act must be inhuman in nature and character causing great suffering or serious injure to bodily or mental /physical health
II. 2. Background of the crime of rape and sexual violence
I.2.1. Rape and Sexual Violence in International Criminal Law
I.2.3. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
I. 3. Classification of the crime of rape and sexual violence under the ICTR statute
I.3.1. Rape as Genocide
I.3.2. Killing members of the group as act of rape
I.3.3. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
I.3.4. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
I.3.5. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
I.3.6. Rape as crime against humanity
I.3.7. Sexual Violence as a War Crime
I. 3.8. Rape as violation of the article 3 common to the Geneva Convention of 1949
II.1. The ICTR jurisprudence
The ICTR has developed significant jurisprudence on the prosecution for rape and sexual violence since 1994. The ICTR judgments established that rape and sexual violence were major components of the Rwandan genocide. In 1994 rape and sexual violence were committed as part of widespread and systematic attack against a targeted group of Tutsi women.
II.1.1. The individual criminal responsibility
II.1.1.1. Instigating
II.1.1.3. Committing
II.1.1.4. Aiding and Abetting
II. 2. The role of consent in defining and proving rape
II. 3. The challenges of prosecuting crime of rape and sexual violence
II. 4. Joint Criminal Enterprise theory in sexual violence jurisprudence
II. 5. Targeted Application for maintaining Legitimacy
II.6. ICTR weakness in conviction for crime of rape and sexual violence
II.7. Prosecuting of rape with inadequate evidence
This chapter deals with legal mechanisms for adjudicating rape and sexual violence in ICTR and in Rwandan jurisdictions.
After having seen the gravity of the crimes committed in 1994 in Rwandan genocide, the UN Security Council in its resolution 955 created the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) with its statute to prosecute crimes like genocide, crime against humanity and violation of article 3 common to the Geneva Convention and Additional Protocol II. These crimes include rape and sexual violence. The government of Rwanda adopted legal mechanisms used to punish those crimes based on cases adjudicated in ICTR for rape and sexual violence, and for preventing the culture of impunity.
III. 1. Mechanisms to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
III.3. The ICTR rules 11bis of procedure and evidence
III.4. Mechanisms to Rwandan Law
III.4.1. Rape under the law No. 59/2008 of 10/09/2008 on prevention and punishment of Gender- Based Violence
III.4.2. Rape under the law No. 13/2008 of 19/05/ 2008 establishing the organization competence and functioning of Gacaca in Rwanda
III.4.4. Organic law n°03/2009/ of 26/05/2009 concerning the transfer of cases from ICTR to Rwandan jurisdictions
III.5. Consequences of rape in Rwanda
General Conclusion and Suggestions
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