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Contribution of microfinance on women empowerment case study of Vision Finance company ltd Nyaruguru

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Protestant institute of arts and social sciences - Bachelor's degree in Business studies with education 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


In the world a men dominated society, women have always been underestimated and discriminated in all domains of life be it their family and social life or their economic and political life. Furthermore, the traditional duties of managing households make interruptions in their social and economic empowerment. Over the years various efforts have been made by many Government and Non-Government organizations to promote women empowerment in general and especially in rural areas. One such effort is the microfinance intervention. Many microfinance aims to promote self-sufficiency and economic development among people who don't have access to the traditional financial sector. They do this primarily by extending small loans without the strict requirements of traditional lenders. Recipients are usually the poor and "unbanked," but they also include people who are not poor but who lack the credit standing to borrow money to start or grow a business, most of these populations includes women. This study sought the contribution of microfinance institutions on women empowerment. It addressed specifically the analysis of the role of microfinance institutions on women empowerment and their family life in nyaruguru District, especially in Kibeho, Muganza, Ngera, Cyahinda, Rusenge, Nyagisozi and Ngoma Sectors and it investigated to identify various determinants of women empowerment in Nyaruguru district. Researcher took a sample of 64 respondents that were selected from study only target population made of 919 VFC women clients in Nyaruguru District within 1509 total VFC clients in Nyaruguru including men. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The analysis was made via purposive sampling. The researcher employed analytical method, descriptive methods and synthetic method. The data collection techniques used includes questionnaire, documentation, and interview. The study found that all respondents agreed that after receiving the loan from VFC their income and saving culture have been increased and their management skills have been increased after acquiring the loan from VFC Ltd and carrying out their business, 62.5% confirmed that women economically-developed change gender role and status within household and community, (95.3%) agreed that most women may be economically self-sufficiency due to microcredit without the men, 79.7% of respondents confirmed that Business held by women is competitive with others, 100% agreed that Women empowerment involves the family and community development have highest the important in the family promotion, 85.9% were particularly proud of the financial contribution of the loan received to their empowerment especially in their family, increases personal income, access to basic needs, and improved welfare of households. The researcher suggested that Microfinance institutions should try to extend more credit facilities to clients to expand their businesses. It was also suggested that MFIs should raise-up the loan amount for supporting the business of their target group. The Government should provide some fund and subsidies to MFIs in order to help MFIs delivering financial services at low price.

Abbreviations and Accronyms

PIASS: Protestant institute of arts and social sciences

MFIs: Microfinance institutions

VFC: vision finance company

Ltd: Limited

SMEs: small and medium enterprises

FAO: Food and agriculture organization of the United Nation

UN: united Nations

SEWA: Self Employed Women's Association

WWF: Working Women's Forum

ILO: International Labor Organization

SACCOs: Savings and Credit Cooperatives

EDPRS 2: Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy

EICV: Enquête Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie des Ménages (Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey)

MDG: Millennium Development Goals

NISR: National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

RPHC4: Fourth Rwanda Population and Housing Census (2012)

VUP: Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme

NGOs: Non-Government Organizations

VFC Ltd: Vision Finance Company Limited

CGAP: Certified Government Auditing Professional

Vol.: Volume

SHG: self help group

CIDA: Canadian International Development Agency

RMF: Rwanda Microfinance Forum

MIGEPROF: Ministry of Gender and Women Promotion

NGO: Non-government organization

UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund

UNIFEM: United Nations Development Fund for Women

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote