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Impact of one cup of milk per child program on school dropout in Huye district

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Birasa FABRICE
University of Rwanda - Bachelor of honore degree 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.7. Data Processing and Analysis

Data processing is broadly, the collection and manipulation of items of data to produce meaningful information. In this sense it can be considered a subset of processing, the change of information in any manner detectable by an observer. It is important to show the various tools at which the data were obtained from the field.

Data analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. According to Shamoo and Resnik (2003) various analytic procedures provide a way of drawing inductive inferences from data and distinguishing the signal(the phenomenon of interest) from the noise (statistical fluctuations) present in the data.

3.7.1. Coding

Coding will be used to summarize data by classifying different responses in categories that are easily understandable.

3.7.2. Editing

Editing refers to a process whereby errors are eliminated whenever identified in interview schedules and the questionnaires. The researcher followed this procedure in order to minimize errors and mistakes. Unnecessary phrases, words and repetitions, and other sorts of such kind will be minimized to facilitate accuracy, uniformity legibility and consistency of data to the best of the researcher.

3.7.3. Tabulation

The tabulation process will involve determination of the frequency of the responses for every variable and fixing data into statistical tables. Kakinda (1990) says that after data is edited and coding frame established, and data coded, it is often tabulated and may undergo other statistical manipulation.

3.8 Methods of data analysis

The researcher used two types of methodologies, namely: descriptive statistics (frequency statistics and bivariate analysis) and multivariate analysis using multinomial logistic regression which was used to identify the direction of effect for each independent variable adjusting for the others on the level of dropout existing in schools within whhich this research was conducted.

3.8.1 Descriptive statistics

The descriptive statistics of variables is important for summarizing the characteristics of the sample. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test was used to identify if there is a relationship between the dependent variable and each independent variable.

The chi-square formula is

Where O is the observed frequency in each category of independent variable

E is the expected frequency in the corresponding category of independent variable

: is the chi-square value

3.8.2 Multivariable analysis

Multivariable logistic regression analysis extends the techniques of multiple regression analysis to research situations in which the outcome variable is categorical (Dayton 1992). Generally, logistic regression is well suited for describing and testing hypotheses about relationships between a categorical outcome variable and more categorical predictor variables. Multinomial logistic regression was typically used in this study because the dependent variable has more than two categories (Bender and Grouven 1997)

3.8.3 Multivariable logistic regression model

The conditional likelihood by a set of parameters () given data (x and ) is . Intuitively, follows a probability distribution that is different for x, but x itself is never unknown, so there is no need to have a probabilistic model of it. For each x there is different distribution of, but all these distributions share the same parameters (). Given data consisting of () pairs, the principle of maximum conditional likelihood says to choose a parameter estimate that maximizes the product. Note that we do not need to assume that are independent in order to justify the conditional likelihood being a product; we just need to assume that are dependent when each is conditioned on its own. For any specific value of x, can then be used to predict values for y; we assume that we never want to predict values of x. Suppose that y is a multinomial outcome and that x is a real-valued vector. We can assume that the distribution of y is a fixed nonlinear function of a linear function of x. Specifically. We assume the conditional model:

Responses ('s) are categorical variables with more than two categories (coded 1 for high level, code 2 for middle level, coded 3 for low level of dropout). Predictor values ('s) can be categorical. We are interested in modeling in terms of: is a multinomial random variable, whose proportion parameter depends on predictors' variable. The ratio is called the odds of the event y given and is called the log of odds. Since probabilities ranged between 0 and 1, odds range between 0 and 1, odds range between 0 and , log odds range unboundedly between . A linear expression of the form can also take unbounded values, so it is reasonable to use a linear expression as a model for log odds, but not as a model for odds for odds or for probabilities. Essentially, logistic regression is the simplest reasonable model for a categorical outcome that depends linearly on predictors. For each feature i, is a multiplicative scaling factor on the odds. If the predictor is real-valued, then is the extra odds of having the outcome y=1 when the value of increased by one unit.

In fact, the ratio is the probability of occurrence of an event to the probability of its not occurrence. If there is a probability for the level of dropout, then the odds can be considered the ratio of the probability for the level of dropout over the probability for no dropout.

An odds ratio (OR) is a measure of association between an exposure and an outcome. The OR represents the odds that an outcome will occur given a particular exposure, compared to the odds of the outcome occurring in the absence of that exposure.

Multinomial logistic regression models make it possible to estimate the probability for dropout level on the combination of independent variables included in the model.

The model in terms of probability of outcome occurring is:

= Odds ratio for a person having characteristics i versus not having it

=Regression coefficients =constant = ith variable Where; i=1, 2, ...., k

= probability of outcome occurring

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