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The prospect of international intervention legitimacy: case study of 2011 libyan armed conflict

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Jean de Dieu ILIMUBUHANGA
Kigali Independent University - Master degree in public international law 2014

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5.2.2. Second Hypothesis: «International intervention in Libya by NATO of 2011 was for political purpose which led to the negative humanitarian outcomes»

The international intervention in Libya by NATO reveals the weakness and shortcoming in the international legal system of collective security. This resort to use of force in Libya by NATO was primarily motivated by the NATO interest. Those tricking interest of NATO in Libya was based on geostrategic hidden, the Franco-British expenditure and American economical and Political will. The researcher noted that the intervention in Libya by NATO caused some violation of international law consider by it's as jus cogens. For instance, NATO has violated the different law providing the means and warfare of war which led to the negative humanitarian outcomes. As it has been seen in precedent chapters, the researcher pointed out that international intervention in Libya of 2011 was for different reasons (e.g. political reason, economical reasons etc.) and had the negative humanitarian outcome.

Hence the second hypothesis framed by a researcher «International intervention in Libya by NATO of 2011 was for political purpose which led to the negative humanitarian outcomes» has been validated.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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