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The nature of schools and academic performance of pupils in primary schools in Gasabo district Kigali City( Télécharger le fichier original )par Damien Nzabihimana Université internationale de Kampala - Master 2010 |
5.4. Suggestions for Further ResearchThe researcher suggested the following areas for further research: · The relationship between educational resources and pupils' academic performance in primary schools of Rwanda; · The role of parents/guardians' collaboration with primary schools in the academic performance of pupils. · Determinants of pupils' performance in public primary schools in Rwanda REFERENCESAdeosun, V.O., (2001). The RelativeEfficacy of Pictures and Realia in the Teaching of Verbs in Junior Secondary Schools. UNAD. J. Edu., 2: 50-56. Afolabi A. O. (2005). Comparison of Private and Public School Products' Performance in Mathematics and English Language from Educational Technology Perspective. In Ilorin Journal of Education Retrieved at http://www.unilorin.edu.ng/unilorin/journals/education/ije/aug2005/ Ajayi, I.A. And E.O. Ashaolu, (2002). 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