C -b Classical theory
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
(more commonly called `The wealth of Nations), published in 1776 has played in
the construction of our modern economic system. Indeed, Adam Smith is
considered as the father of the modern economy, as his ideas have been followed
by the most powerful countries in the world.
Andrew Wyatt Walter associates Adam Smith to the notion of a
natural «harmony of interests»83. Indeed, in the wealth of
Nations, Adam Smith explained the principle of the invisible hand by showing
that every individual is acting in the way to maximize his personal
«As every individual, therefore, endeavours as much
as he can, both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and
so to direct that industry that its produce maybe of the greatest value; every
individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as
great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public
interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of
domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by
directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest
value, he intends only his own gain; and he is in this, as in many other cases,
led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his
As explained by Andrew Wyatt Walter, Smith recognized a
«natural order» drives by a self-interested behavior85.
The benefits from this behavior will be more important if it is applied in a
system of «natural liberty». Indeed, due to the important regulations
applied by the governments, the liberalism theory assumes that it is important
to banish them in order to have an economic liberalization, which would create
an economic growth. According to Smith, this economic liberalization would be
characterized by the promotion of free choice of occupation (according to the
personal interests), free trade in land, free internal trade and free trade in
foreign commerce86.
83 Andrew Wyatt Walter, Ian Clark, Iver B. Neuman,
Classical theories of international relations, St Antony's series, 1996,
84 Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes
of the Wealth of Nations, 1776, Book IV, Chap.II, P.P. 363-364.
85 Andrew Wyatt Walter, Ian Clark, Iver B. Neuman,
Classical theories of international relations, St Antony's series, 1996,
86 Ibid, 1996, P.P. 145-146.
Indeed, these principles according to Smith would help to
expand the market, which is really desirable as it would bring a greater
advantage of the division of labor and of man's natural propensity to
exchange87. In the Wealth of Nations, Smith reduced the state to
sovereign functions:
«According to the system of natural liberty, the
sovereign has only three duties to attend to; three duties of great importance,
indeed, but plain and intelligible to common understandings: first, the duty of
protecting the society from the violence and invasion of other independent
societies; secondly, the duty of protecting, as far as possible, every member
of the society from the injustice or oppression of every other member of it, or
the duty of establishing an exact administration of justice; and, thirdly, the
duty of erecting and maintaining certain public works, and certain public
institutions, which it can never be for the interest of any individual, or
small number of individuals to erect and maintain; because the profit could
never repay the expense to any individual, or small number of individuals,
though it may frequently do much more than repay it to a great
According to many authors, Liberalism and free trade do not
only generate an economic growth. Indeed according to Immanuel Kant, the
liberalism system would lead to the peaceful relations between the countries.
Indeed he believed that self-interests behavior (Smith theory) would permit the
end of tensions between the different nations89.
Liberal internationalism of Kant, takes into consideration
that wars can be overcome, thanks to domestic changes and the establishment of
international structures of governance. Kant has established three points
directly connected to the Liberal theory, which should permit the end of wars.
Indeed, the «Kantian constraints» are90:
- Democracy: Kant suggested that democracies can lead to a
worldwide stability. Indeed democracies rarely fight each other.
- International trade: This point has a solid place in the
liberal thought. As international trades reinforce the GDP of the countries
involved, it creates an interdependency which means that the nations maintain
good relations between each other.
87 Ibid 1996, P.P. 147
88 Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes
of the Wealth of Nations, 1776, Book IV, Chap.II, P.P. 560-561.
89 Bruce Russett, Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, Steve Smith,
International relations theories discipline and diversity, Oxford, 2010, P.P.
90 Ibid, 2010, P.P. 102-104
- International organizations: IGOs have each to focus on
specific topics, in specific regions of
the world. They ensure the good functioning of the liberal
system (for example World Ttrade
Organization), or good political relations between the countries
(United Nations).
These liberal points developed by Kant have good interactions,
to provide peace and economic prosperity to the countries. The following graph
shows how work these interactions (The Kantian triangle).
91Figure 7: The Kantian triangle

Bruce Russett used the European Union as a case study to
explain better the classical liberalism system. Indeed according to the author,
the founding fathers of the EU (Konrad Adenauer, Alcide de Gaspari, Jean
Monnet, and Robert Schuman) had set up an economic system based on the
classical liberalism92.
91 Reproduction from : Bruce Russett, Tim Dunne, Milja
Kurki, Steve Smith, International relations theories discipline and diversity,
Oxford, 2010, P.P. 107
92 Bruce Russett, Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, Steve Smith,
International relations theories discipline and diversity, Oxford, 2010, P.P.
Indeed as Bruce Russett analyzed, the EU is one of the most
liberalized institution in the world. First, it is important to highlight the
free trade within the EU area. This point perfectly answers to the theory of
Adam Smith about the free trade. The EU even adopted a common currency to
facilitate the exchange. As we have previously seen, there is also a
specialization of the territories (clusters in Paris and in every regions of
Europe) in order to maximize the profits and efficiency, and be in an
international trade. As Kant has shown, these exchanges created an economic
interdependence, which set good relations between the European member states
This European Union is also composed by supranational
institutions in order to control the exchanges and take common decisions in
order to keep a homogenous strategy (European court of Justice, European
council, or the European parliament).
The European Union is the perfect example to characterize the
liberal system. Indeed it is composed by all the Liberalism insights such as
free trade, and proves perfectly the efficiency of the Kantian triangle.
Bruce Russett has shown that the European Union was driven by
the classical liberalism insights. Paris being the most important city of
Europe, we can formulate our first hypothesis regarding the economic
Hypo thesis 1: The greater Paris is not part of the European
economic model
As we have seen, the European Union is functioning under the
liberal theory. Nevertheless, the French government has, as we have previously
seen, been an important interventionist state. According to Vivien Schmidt, the
French government realized during the 80's that their traditional economic
system of interventionism based on the Keynesian model was not efficient
anymore, because of the global economy change93. Indeed the
Keynesian tools lost their efficiency with the free trade development in
Europe, as the economic recovery of 1981 has shown the limits of the fiscal
policy. Indeed at this time the economic recovery helped more the German
economy than the French one.
But is this project of Grand Paris from a Keynesian model? We
could argue that yes, the government is using the multiplier effect in order to
generate some economic growth. By the willing of the state to invest in new
transports infrastructures, we can directly see the correlation with the
Keynesian policy.
93 V. Schmidt, «From stake to market, the
transformation of French Business and government», University of
Cambridge, 1996, P.P. 175
Indeed, according to the Prime Minister report, the economic
objectives of the project are in these words «to obtain a Keynesian effect
on the economy»94. The government will inject some money in the
economy through important construction projects, in order to obtain the
multiplier effects of the General theory of Keynes.
This is why we can seriously think about the economic impact of
the Greater Paris on the economy, because of the discordance of the French and
European economic models.
We can see where would be a major problem for the Greater
Paris in its goal to create an economic growth. Article 14 of the loi
relative au Grand Paris precise that «la societé du Grand
Paris» has to select the actors which will be in charge of the
construction of the new automatic transport infrastructure according to
competitive criterion95.
Because of this law we can see a threat for the Parisians and
French companies. Indeed, the construction of this automatic line will cost
approximately 20 billion of Euros. The region and the government will have to
issue a call for tender, and will maybe have to entrust the project to a
foreign company.
As previously seen, the François Mitterand's policy of
1981 had used a Keynesian model to recover the French economy at this time. But
because of the free trade area of Europe, the French consumption has generated
more imports from Germany, as the German products were more competitive
regarding to their price.
This is why we can link this historical problem to the Greater
Paris model. As the «Societé du Grand Paris», the project
should create approximately one million jobs. Nevertheless, this forecast
should be strongly reduced if for example a company from Eastern Europe would
win the tender.
Indeed, this eventual foreign company could «import»
its labor force to France, without hiring French labor force. This would impact
the economic recovery expected by this investment, because of the low hiring
rate for the transport system construction.
So no, the Greater Paris cannot be considered as part of the
European economic model as it is an application of the Keynesian model. This is
why, because of the European economic infrastructure; we can analyze some
threats which could reduce the expectations from this project regarding the
economic recovery objective.
94 Premier Ministre François Fillon, «
Projet de loi relatif au Grand Paris étude d'impact, 2009, P.P.31
95 Assemblée Nationale, « Projet de Loi
relatif au Grand Paris », Décembre 2009, P.P 16
Nevertheless, this analyze has to be moderated, because the
injection of the money will still be effective. Indeed, this project will still
increase the consumption in France (even if the construction of the new public
transport system, will just be ensured by foreign labor force, the moving of
this population to France would still increase the French market consumption).
We also have to notice the human benefits of this project (people closer to
their work place, so maybe more efficient at work), which can also be taken
into consideration, with no matter concerning the economic model used.