The study on the migrations of population made it possible
to characterize the leading causes of the migrations and to analyze their
impacts on the economic life socio of the populations. Work is undertaken in
the commune of Savalou to the West of the department of the hills and more
precisely in six rural districts of the commune. She knew two essential phases
of ground: the exploratory study and the investigation itself. The sizes
samples varied according to the manpower of the actors: natives resident in the
commune, the immigrants, the municipal authorities, the administrative
authorities, the nationals (emigrating of the commune of Savalou), the
children victims of the draft, the parents of migrant children.... The tools
used are: semi-structured maintenance, structured maintenance, observation,
triangulation, the questionnaire, and guides of maintenance and tools
statistical (table, graph, average, test Khi-deux de Pearson and the gross
The study emphasized the fundamental causes of the
migrations which are summarized with natural causes (climate, grounds), the
human causes (demography, sociology), the economic causes (search for easy
profit, low-income of the populations). It as well reveals the positive
consequences of the migrations as of the negative consequences which are of
economic order, cultural, social.
For the safeguard of opportunities and assets available to
the migrations of population in the commune of Savalou, of the recommendations
were made at the place of all the layers of Savalou community.
Key-words: migration, emigration,
immigration, populations, rural-exodus
ACDI : Agence Canadienne pour le Développement
International ;
BM : Banque Mondiale ;
CeRPA : Centre Régional pour la Promotion de
l'Agriculture ;
CMMI : Commission Mondiale de Migration
Internationale ;
CTA : Centre Technique pour l'Agriculture ;
DGAT : Département de Géographie et
Aménagement du Territoire ;
FAO : Food and Agriculture Organisation
(Organisation des nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture)
FLASH : Faculté des Lettres, Arts et Sciences
Humaines ;
GIFS : Gestion Intégrée de la
Fertilité des Sols ;
IFAD : International Fund of Agriculture Development
INSAE : Institut National de la Statistique et de
l'Analyse Economique ;
IRD : Institut de Recherche pour le
Développement ;
NISER : Institute of Social and Economic Research;
OIT : Organisation Internationale du
Travail ;
PARBCC : Projet de Renforcement des capacités
des Acteurs Ruraux Béninois face aux Changements Climatiques ;
PDC : Plan de Développement
Communal ;
PIB : Produit Intérieur Brut ;
PNB : Produit National Brut ;
PNUD : Programme des Nations Unies pour le
Développement ;
RCPA : Responsable Communal pour la Promotion
Agricole ;
RGPH : Recensement Général de la
Population et de l'Habitation ;
UNESCO : Organisation des Nations pour l'Education, la
Science la culture ;
UNICEF : Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'Enfance.