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Quality of Service and performance characterization of IPv6 relative to IPv4

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par KAYUMBA Thierry and KAYUMBA Fred
National University of Rwanda - Bs Degree 2006

Disponible en mode multipage

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


To the Almighty God

To my late father

To my dearest mother

To my appreciate Brothers

To my cousins

I dedicate this book.


To the Almighty God

To my late family

To my appreciate family victims of genocide

To my adoptive families

I dedicate this book.



Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following persons and organizations for their contribution to the success of this work.

Our sincere thanks go first and foremost to Mr. ASHRAPH Sulaiman and Miss. Marie Paule for having accepted to supervise this dissertation despite their enormous responsibilities. Without their guidance, support and advice, the completion of this dissertation would be a burden.

Sincere big thanks go to the following families: KAYUMBA Etienne, KAYUMBA Charles, family KAMANGO Théophile and family MUCUMANKIKO Silas for their education and love we have presently achieved.

Profound thanks go to my aunt late Caritas, my aunt UMUHOZA Epiphanie, MUREKEYISONI Zuena, HAKIZIMANA Louis, MUNYANEZA Achille, RWISUMBURA Eric and MATABARO Albert. [K. Fred]

Special thanks go to COUPALA, my little brother NYAGATARE M. Serge, my aunt MUKAKIREZI Joséphine, my cousin-sister TUNGA Claire, GRAINDORGE Céline, SAPHIR Paula Hélène, SANGWA Sylvie and African Evangelical Enterprise Rwanda who have been there when we need them and for their great affection. [K. Thierry]

We also thank our classmates and friends for their encouragement and support, whose assistance has not been ignored. The researchers also wish to pass special thanks to the Government of Rwanda, the National University of Rwanda, especially the Department of Computer Science that availed us skills for the accomplishment of this work.












I.5.1 Personal Interest 3

I.5.2 Community Interest 3







II.2.1 Internet 5

II.2.2 WWW 6

II.2.3 Types of Nodes 6

II.2.4 Techniques Used in the Transition 6

II.2.5 Protocols 7


II.3.1 IP Versions 8


II.4.1 IPv6 address 10

II.4.2 IPv6 addressing notation 10

II.4.3 IPv6 prefixes notation 12

II.4.4 IPv6 address in Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 13

II.4.5 IPv6 types 13

II.4.6 Special addresses 14

II.4.7 IPv6 addresses with embedded IPv4 addresses 15


II.5.1 IPv4 Header 17

II.5.2 IPv6 Header 18

II.5.3 Header Simplified 20

II.5.4 Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 Headers 21

II.5.5 New Extension Headers 22


II.7 ICMP 24

II.7.1 ICMPv6 24


II.8.1 DHCPv6 25

II.8.2 IPv6 and the Domain Name System 25








III.3.1 Determining Requirements 30

III.3.2 Understanding the existing system 31

III.3.3 Decision making 31

III.3.4 Testing 33

III.3.5 Deploying 34

III.3.6 Management 34



III.5.1 Advantages of migration methodology 35

III.5.2 Disadvantages of migration methodology 35


III.6.1 Software Tools 35

III.6.2 Hardware 36




IV.2.1 Operating Systems 37

IV.2.2 Applications and Services 38


IV.3.1 Bytes 39

IV.3.2 Bandwidth 39


IV.4.1 Dual Stack technique 40

IV.4.2 Tunneling technique 41


IV.5.1 Ping Results of Network test lab 43

IV.5.2 Netwrok test lab Telnet results 45

IV.5.3 Network test lab Analysis 46

IV.5.4 Summary of Test 50


IV.6.1 Install IPv6 on Windows XP 51

IV.6.2 Uninstall IPv6 on Windows XP 54

IV.6.3 Difference between an IPv4 and an IPv6 system with Windows XP 55

IV.6.4 IPv6 with Linux 57








AH Authentication Header

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6

DNS Domain Name System

DOS Disk Operating System

DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point

EH Encryption Header

FEDORA Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol version 6

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

IHL Internet Header Length

IOS Internetwork Operating System

IP Internet Protocol

IPng Internet Protocol next generation

IPsec Internet Protocol security

IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4

IPv5 Internet Protocol version 5

IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6

IPv9 Internet Protocol version 9

ISP Internet Service Provider

Kbps Kilobits per second

MAC Media Access Control

MB Mega Byte

PDA Personal Digital Assistant

PING Packet Internet Groper

PING6 Packet Internet Groper version 6

QoS Quality of Service

SDM Security Device Manager

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

ToS Type of Service

TTL Time to Live

UDP User Datagram Protocol

URL Uniform Resource Locator

WWW World Wide Web


Figure 1: IPv4 Header 17

Figure 2: IPv6 Header 19

Figure 3: Dual Stack 32

Figure 4: Tunneling 33

Figure 5: QoS Status 39

Figure 6: QoS of bandwidth 40

Figure 7: Dual Stack diagram 41

Figure 8: Network test-lab diagram 42

Figure 9: Ping IPv4 address 43

Figure 10: Ping6 IPv6 site-local 44

Figure 11: Ping6 IPv6 link-local address 44

Figure 12: Ping6 IPv6 embedded IPv4 address 44

Figure 13: Telnet IPv6/IPv4 45

Figure 14: The packets list. 46

Figure 15: Sent Packets 49

Figure 16: Received Packets 49

Figure 17: Total Packets 50

Figure 18: IPv6 install 51

Figure 19: IPv6 install with NETSH 52

Figure 20: IPv4 node Local Area Connection Status 53

Figure 21: Network Component / Protocol 53

Figure 22: IPv6 install 54

Figure 23: IPv4/IPv6 node Local Area Connection Status 55

Figure 24: IPv6 uninstall 56

Figure 25: IPv4 address 56

Figure 26: IPv6 address 57

Figure 27: IPv6 installation in Linux 58


Table 1:IPv6 prefix notation 13

Table 2: Comparison of IPv4 header and IPv6 Header 22

Table 3: IPv4 versus IPv6 28

Table 4: IPv6 and IPv4 Header packet 47

Table 5: Internet Traffic per System and Protocol 48


The purpose of this project is to analyze the evolution of Internet Protocol, how we can migrate from the existing one running to its successor.

The theoretical concepts needed to carry out this study have been thoroughly studied and described in this book. The motivations behind the adoption of the IP next generation have been focused on for a good understanding.

The methodology used was «the migration methodology» in order to aid the network migrator to analyze and simplify the migration process. The steps in the migration methodology have been followed carefully to achieve this study.

The feasibility study of migrating to IPv6 from IPv4 part that was the crucial phase of this study has been critically considered. The first activity was to determine devices that can support the IPv6. The second activity carried out was to set up a network. The third activity was to use Network Analyzer software to detect traffics in network. Finally, we analyze the results obtained.

Recommendations have also been suggested for further research to enhance, revise and more features to the related topic.



Internet Protocol (IP) is a technical standard that allows computers of all sizes, from many vendors, running totally different operating system, to communicate each other over networks.

Nowadays many organizations have started to depend on Internet in their usual work, Internet is growing day by day, and the spread of Internet is providing significant benefits to its users by enhancing good opportunities. Internet has become a fundamental part of life.

Millions of users at ten of thousands of sites around the world depending on the global as part of their daily work environment, it might appear that Internet is a completely stable production facility.

The Internet world has passed the early stage of using the IPv4 and has supported the Internet's phenomenal growth over the last decade, and IPv4 is the first version of the Internet Protocol to be widely deployed.

As the technology continues to evolve, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) discover new ways to use the technology and have developed a newer version of IP, known as IPv6 (also known as IP next generation) which will upgrade the IPv4, and it is designed to replace the current version (IPv4)


Due to the rapid growth of Internet, limitations in its design and the imminent IP address space limitations, in a few years the Internet will face several problems such as conflict between IP addresses in the network.

In the early 1990s, people became aware of the rapidly diminishing address space of IPv4, due also to this lack of IPv4 addresses with the current addressing scheme, and there is not enough IP addresses available to the future demand of device connectivity as the current version (IPv4) that is expected that will be supported until at least 2025, there will be a point when there will be lack of free addresses available for connecting to new hosts. At that point, no more users can sign up for account at ISPs, and no more machines can be set up to access the web.

As new technologies emerge, the market dominating vendors such as Microsoft, Cisco are start going to set the IPv6. Computers and networks hardware continue to evolve; they come with Network Interface Card incorporated into that requires an IP address. For example IP telephony, IP scanners, IP printers, etc.

Due to all those problems, this study motivates us to study the evolution of IP and examine the efforts of IETF to propose a revision of IP.


The main project objectives and goals of our work are:

· To study the change from IPv4 to IPv6.

· The feasibility study of migrating from IPv4 to IPv6.

· To set up a LAN network running IPv4/IPv6.

· To analyze the Quality of Services (QoS) and the performance of the next generation of Internet.

The aim of this study is to consider the ongoing evolutionary process and lead us to view the Quality of Service (QoS) and the performance of the existing system relative to the future system.


This project aims at verifying the following hypothesis:

«It is possible to migrate to IPV6 from IPV4 which will provide better quality of service and performance of network to end users.»


I.5.1 Personal Interest

· To put into practice concept learned as computer science undergraduates in order to improve our knowledge in network management.

· Understand how a new version (IPv6) will upgrade a current version (IPv4).

· Understand better how IPv6 network works and be familiar with the configuration of IPv4/IPv6.

I.5.2 Community Interest

· To ensure that the Internet can support an exponential growing of Internet and the increasingly large number of IP enabled devices.

· To solve the shortage problem of IPv4 address in the future.

· To be up to date and be ready with new applications.

· Implemented efficiently the new version of Internet without changes of the existing Internet which has more features and performance than the current version.

· To bring huge benefits of national economy and increase the country's competitiveness in science and technologies...

· To start considering switching to IPv6 before spending money on IPv4.

· To introduce IPv6 into their existing networks.


The project is focused on comparing the two main versions, analyzing the new version, the IPv6 transition and interoperability mechanisms that are designed to allow users to adopt and to provide direct interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6 hosts.

Due to the lack of a company or organization that had already IPv6 in their network or an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that provide IPv6 services; we were not able to test some IPv6 applications such as File Transfer Protocol, HTTP (it requires to have a network running one of IPv6 mechanisms)1(*), etc... and analyze these applications and other marvels of the Next Generation Internet.


With the aim of verifying the above stated hypothesis and achieve the given objectives the following methodology has been used:

· The migration methodology has been used in order to aid the migration of network in choosing migration mechanisms.

· Comparative methodology has been also used of comparing the two versions with a view to discovering something about one or more characters being compared. This methodology was used to collect data to gather, and others information.


The roadmap for the rest of this study contains five chapters arranged as follows:

· Chapter one: The first chapter is about the general introduction.

· Chapter two: It deals with theoretical concept and terminology of IP from different sources such as books, electronic, Internet, and other relevant sources.

· Chapter three: It deals with the methodology used for this study.

· Chapter four: It deals with QoS, test and analysis.

· Chapter five: The last chapter provides the conclusions and recommendations.



This chapter provides terminology used and presents a brief description of theoretical concepts related to IP. This chapter provides also different versions of IP and an explanation of features, benefits of IPv6 and comparison of versions of IP. The purpose of this chapter is to provide readers of this book guidance on the evolution of IP.


II.2.1 Internet

The Internet, or simply the Net, is the publicly accessible worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using a standardized Internet Protocol (IP).2(*)

In other word the Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet. Information that travels over the Internet does so via a variety of languages known as protocols.3(*)

As of January 2006, over 1 billion people use the Internet according to Internet World Stats4(*)

II.2.2 WWW

The World Wide Web ("WWW" or simply the "'Web") is a global information space which people can read-from and write-to via a large number of different Internet-connected devices.5(*)

The term WWW is often mistakenly used as a synonym for the Internet itself, but the Web is actually something that is available over the Internet, just like e-mail and many other Internet services.

II.2.3 Types of Nodes

The following terms are used in this study:

· Node: A device that implements IP. A node can be a host, router, a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or a cell phone.

· Host: Any node that is not a router, it can be a personal computer, a PDA or a cell phone.

· Router: A router is a node with two or more network (physical or virtual) interfaces, capable of forwarding packets between the interfaces.

· IPv4-only node: A host or router that implements only IPv4. An IPv4-only node does not understand IPv6. The installed base of IPv4 hosts and routers existing before the transition begins are IPv4-only nodes. Nodes that do not support IPv6.

· IPv6/IPv4 node: A host or router that implements both IPv4 and IPv6.

· IPv6-only node: A host or router that implements IPv6, and does not implement IPv4. A node that will replace IPv4-only node.

II.2.4 Techniques Used in the Transition

· The term «dual-stack» refers to TCP/IP capable devices providing support for both IPv4 and IPv6. It is important to understand that having a device being able to communicate over both IPv4 or IPv6 does not necessarily mean that all applications operating within this device are capable of utilizing both IPv4 and IPv6. The term «Dual-stack routing» refers to a network that is dual IP, that is to say all routers must be able to route both IPv4 and IPv6.

· The term «tunneling» refers to a means to encapsulate one version of IP in another so the packets can be sent over a backbone that does not support the encapsulated IP version. For example, when two isolated IPv6 networks need to communicate over an IPv4 network, dual-stack routers at the network edges can be used to set up a tunnel which encapsulates the IPv6 packets within IPv4, allowing the IPv6 systems to communicate without having to upgrade the IPv4 network infrastructure that exists between the networks.

These are not expected to be the only tools available for transition mechanisms. Additional transition mechanism (such as Automatic tunneling, Pv4 multicast tunneling, IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses) are available but this study is focused on these techniques mechanism of transition stated above.

II.2.5 Protocols

A protocol is an agreed upon format for transmitting data between two devices. So that packages of data can go of a computer source to a computer of destination on a network, it is important that all the units of the network communicate in the same language or protocol. A protocol consists of a whole of rules which increase the effectiveness of the communications within a network.

They are two types of protocol:


They are the protocols operating a control of transmission of the data during a communication established between two machines in such a diagram, the receiving machine sends acknowledgements of delivery at the time of the communication, thus the transmitting machine is guarantor of the validity of the data which she sends. The data are thus sent in the form of flood. TCP is a protocol directed connection


It acts of a mode of communication in which the transmitting machine sends data without preventing the receiving machine, and the receiving machine receives the data without sending notice of receipt to the first. The data are thus sent in the form of blocks (datagram). UDP is a protocol not directed connection


Internet Protocol is the network layer for the TCP/IP protocol suite by which data is sent from one computer to another. IP like all network-layer protocols moves of information from the original source to the ultimate destination. This service is sometimes referred to «end-to-end packet delivery». This reliability of the service provided by IP is called «best-effort» which means that IP will try very hard to deliver a packet to destination, but IP makes guarantee that packet will arrive without error.6(*)

II.3.1 IP Versions

There are currently two main versions of Internet Protocol IPv4 and IPv6.

II.3.1.1 IP version 4

IPv4 is the first version of the Internet Protocol to be widely deployed. IPv4 is the dominant network layer protocol on the Internet. It is the most IP widely used today. 7(*)

The name was assigned as IPv4 because on any IP header, the first 4 bits are reserved for protocol version. Thus the first version of IP had been assigned as IPv4.

II.3.1.2 IP version 5

IPv5 was assigned to an experimental protocol called ST2 (Internet STream protocol, version 2).

IPv5 was not a successor to IPv4, but an experimental flow-oriented streaming protocol intended to support video and audio. It was discussed as a successor to IPv4, but it has never been introduced for public usage.8(*)

II.3.1.3 IP version 6

IPv6 is short for "Internet Protocol Version 6". IPv6 is the "next generation" IP protocol designed by the IETF to replace the version IPv4 (or IP only), the Internet protocol that is predominantly deployed and extensively used throughout the world.9(*)

Invented by Steve Deering 10(*)and Craig Mudge at Xerox`s Palo Alto Research Center, IPv6 was adopted by the Internet Engineering Task Force in 1994, when it was called "IP next generation" (IPng).

The name IPv6 and not IPv5 as successor for IPv4 is because the number 5: is reserved for the ST2. The next free number was 6. Hence IPv6 was born.11(*)

II.3.1.4 IP version 9

IPv9 is a relatively unheard-of version of the Internet Protocol attributed to China. The IP version 9 numbers has not been allocated for this protocol by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.

On June 25, 2004, an announcement was made at the New Generation Internet Ten-Digit Network Industrialization & Development Seminar at Zhejiang University, that the protocol had been «formally adapted and popularized into the civil and commercial sectors of China».

The validity of any meaningful implementation of IPv9 is in question. It has been described as a protocol similar to IPv6, but with a 256 bit addresses space instead of IPv6's 128 bit address space. Chinese experts have suggested that the required edge router translation protocols would not be worth the questionable benefit of expanding the address space further.12(*)


An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a unique number that devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard (IP). IP address is used in different ways to identify a particular network and a host on that network.13(*)

II.4.1 IPv6 address

The most obvious distinguishing feature of IPv6 is its use of much larger addresses. The size of an address in IPv6 is 128 bits, which is four times larger than an address in IPv4. A 32-bit address space allows for 232 or 4,294,967,296 possible addresses. A 128-bit address space allows for 2128 or (3.4 × 1038) possible addresses.14(*)

II.4.1.1 IPv6 node has multiple addresses

Any IPv6 node should recognize the following addresses as identifying itself:

· Link-local address for each interface.

· Site-local address for each interface.

· Assigned (manually or automatically) unicast/anycast addresses

· Loop back address

· All-nodes multicast address

· Solicited-node multicast address for each of its assigned unicast and anycast address

· Multicast address of all other groups to which the host belongs

II.4.2 IPv6 addressing notation

Since IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long (compared to IPv4's 32 bits), a different representation is required.

The preferred way of writing an IPv6 address is:

The IPv6 128-bit address is divided along 16-bit boundaries. Each 16-bit block is then converted to a 4-digit hexadecimal number [0-9, A-F], separated by colons. The resulting representation is called colon-hexadecimal. This is in contrast to the 32-bit IPv4 address represented in dotted-decimal format, divided along 8-bit boundaries, and then converted to its decimal [0-9] equivalent, separated by periods. 15(*)

The following example shows a 128-bit IPv6 address in binary form [0-1]:



The following example shows this same address divided along 16-bit boundaries:

0010000111011010 0000000011010011 0000000000000000 0010111100111011

0000001010101010 0000000011111111 1111111000101000 1001110001011010

The following example shows each 16-bit block in the address converted to hexadecimal [0-9, A-F] and delimited with colons.


The IPv6 address is case insensitive; this example can be also written like this:


IPv6 representation can be further simplified by removing the leading zeros within each 16-bit block. However, each block must have at least a single digit. The following example shows the address without the leading zeros:


IPv6 representation can also contain long sequences of zeros. In IPv6 addresses, a contiguous sequence of 16-bit blocks set to 0 in the colon-hexadecimal format can be compressed to :: (known as double-colon), Zero compression can be used only once in an address. The following example shows the address of compressing zeros:

The link-local address


Can be compressed to


The biggest reduction is seen by the IPv6 local host address:

0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 -> ::1

Zero compression enables to determine the number of 0 bits represented by each instance of a double-colon (::). To determine how many 0 bits are represented by the ::, count the number of blocks in the compressed address, subtract this number from 8, and then multiply the result by 16. The following example shows how to determine zero compression:


There are two blocks (the FF02 block and the 2 block). The number of bits expressed by the :: is 96 (96 = (8 - 2) × 16).

II.4.3 IPv6 prefixes notation

The prefix is the part of the address that indicates the bits that have fixed values or are the bits of the network identifier.

IPv6 prefix <1-128 bits> is very similar to the way IPv4 <1-32 bits> addresses are written in Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) notation and it is also commonly used for subnetted IPv4 addresses <IPv4 address / subnet mask>.

An IPv6 prefix is written in notation appends the prefix length, written as a number of bits with a slash, which leads to the following format:

<IPv6address/prefix length>

The prefix length specifies how many left-most bits of the address specify the prefix. This is another way of noting a subnet mask.

In IPv4 a subnet mask specifies the bits of the IPv4 address that belong to the network ID. The prefix is used to identify the subnet that an interface belongs to and is used by routers for forwarding.

The following explains how the prefix is interpreted as shown in the table below:

IPv6 prefix notation 2E78:DA53:12::/4016(*)

Hexadecimal notation

Binary notation

Bits of prefix


0010 1110 0111 1000

16 bits


1101 1010 0101 0011

16 bits


0001 0010

8 bits


Total =16+16+8= 40

Table 1:IPv6 prefix notation

Source: IPv6 essentials, O'REILLY, ISBN: 0-596-00125-8, page 28

II.4.4 IPv6 address in Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

In a URL, IPv6 address is enclosed in squared brackets []

The following examples show the IPv6 address in URL:


http://:: can be represented as


Accessing IPv6 only web-sites assumes that you have connectivity to the 6bone (the word 6bone stands for "IPv6 backbone").

II.4.5 IPv6 types

IPv6 address is 128 bits identify for interface and can be categorized into the following types:

· Unicast: An IPv6 unicast is an identifier for a single interface. A packet sent to a unicast address is delivered to the interfaces identified by that address (An address for a single interface).

The IPv6 unicast examples are: Loopback, unsigned, scope address (link local, site local)

· Anycast: An IPv6 anycast address is an address that is assigned to more than one interface (typically belonging to different nodes), with the property that a packet sent to an anycast address is routed to the "nearest" interface having that address, according to the routing protocols measure of distance.

· Multicast: An IPv6 multicast address is an identifier for a group of interfaces (typically on different nodes). A packet sent to a multicast address is delivered to all interfaces identified by that address.

No broadcast in IPv6. Multicast is used instead, mostly on local links.17(*)

II.4.6 Special addresses

There are a number of addresses with special meaning in IPv6:

· ::1/128 The loopback address is a local host address. If an application in a host sends packets to this address, the IPv6 stack will loop these packets back to the same host (corresponding to in IPv4). This is a special address for the loopback interface, similar to IPv4 with its "".

· ::/128 The address with all zeroes is an unspecified address, and is only to be used in software. This is a special address like "any" or "" in IPv4.

· fe80::/10 The link-local prefix specifies that the address only is valid in the local physical link. The link local can only be used between nodes of the same link, it can not be routed. The link local is automatically configured on each interface.

· fec0::/10 The site-local prefix specifies that the address is only valid inside the local organization. The site local can only be used between nodes of the same site, it cannot be routed outside the site (it means Internet).

It is very similar to IPv4 private addresses.

· ::/96 (0:0:0:0:0:0:a.b.c.d/96 or in compressed format ::a.b.c.d/96)- the zero prefix was used for IPv4-compatible addresses (Used for automatic tunneling in transition mechanism).

· ::ffff:0:0/96 (0:0:0:0:0:ffff:a.b.c.d/96 or in compressed format ::ffff:a.b.c.d/96) - this prefix is used for IPv4 mapped addresses (in transition mechanism).

· ff00::/8 - The multicast prefix is used for multicast addresses.

There are no address ranges reserved for broadcast in IPv6. Applications are supposed to use multicast to the all-hosts group instead.18(*)

II.4.7 IPv6 addresses with embedded IPv4 addresses

In environments where IPv4 and IPv6 nodes are mixed, another convenient form of IPv6 address notation is to put the values of an IPv4 address into the four low-order byte pieces of the address.

Because the transition to IPv6 will be gradual, two special types of addresses have been defined for backward compatibility with IPv4.19(*)

II.4.7.1 IPv4-mapped IPv6 address

IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses constitute a special class of IPv6 addresses. It allows a host that support both IPv4 and IPv6 to communicate with a host that supports only IPv4. The IPv6 address is based completely on the IPv4 address. This is an IPv6 that is used to represent an IPv4 address.

II. Notation

As a special exception to IPv6 addresses notation, IPv4 mapped addresses are commonly represented with their last 32 bits noted as an IPv4 address.

An IPv6 address has its first 80 bits set to zero, followed by 16 bits set to one, while its last 32 bits represents an IPv4 address.20(*)

An example of IPv4-mapped IPv6 address

· 0:0:0:0:0: = :: is the same address as C0A8:1E01

II.4.7.2 IPv4-compatible IPv6 address

An IPv4 compatible address allows a host supporting IPv6 to talk IPv6 even if the local router(s) don't talk IPv6. IPv4 compatible address is used to tunnel IPv6 packets dynamically over an IPv4 routing infrastructure. It tells endpoint software to create a tunnel by encapsulating the IPv6 packet in an IPv4 packet.

II. Notation

80 bits of 0s followed by 16 bits of 0s, followed by a 32 bit IPv4 Address:


II.5.1 IPv4 Header




Figure 1: IPv4 Header

Source: (August 13, 2066)

The IPv4 header fields are discussed below:21(*)

· Version: The first field in the IP header is the version field. This is used to identify which version of IP was used to create the header. It always set to the value 0100 (4 -bit). For IPv4, this has a value of 4 (hence the name IPv4).

· Internet Header Length (IHL): The second field is a 4-bit Internet Header Length (IHL) telling the number of 32-bit words in the header. It provides the length of the header itself.

· Type of Service (ToS): Now known as Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) (usually set to 0, but may indicate particular Quality of Service needs from the network, the DSCP defines the way routers should queue packets while they are waiting to be forwarded). This filed has 8 bits were allocated to a Type of Service (ToS) field.

· Total Length: This field defines the entire datagram size, including header and data, in bytes.

· Identification: This field is an identification field and is primarily used for uniquely identifying fragments of an original IP datagram.

· Flags: This filed is used to control whether routers are allowed to fragment a packet, and to indicate the parts of a packet to the receiver.

· Fragment Offset: a byte count from the start of the original sent packet, set by any router which performs IP router fragmentation

· Time to Live (TTL): An 8-bit time to live (TTL) field helps prevent number of hops /links which the packet may be routed over.

· Protocol: This filed indicates the type of transport packet being carried.

· Header Checksum: This field is a hop counter. The 16-bit checksum field is used for error-checking of the header. Each time the data unit traverses through a router, the router decrements this field by 1. When the time-to-live field reaches a value of zero, the data unit is discarded.

· Source Address: The field of IP address of the original sender of the packet.

· Destination Address: The filed of the IP address of the final destination of the packet.

· Options: Additional header fields (called options) may follow the destination address field, but these are not often used, but when used the IP header length will be greater than five 32-bit words to indicate the size of the options field

II.5.2 IPv6 Header

The general header structure of IPv6 has a fixed-length of 40 bytes:

· 16 bytes for source address

· 16 bytes for destination address

· 8 bytes for general header information (Version 4-bits, Traffic Class 1-byte, Flow label 20-bits, Payload Length 2-byte, Next Header 1-byte, Hop limit 1-byte)





Figure 2: IPv6 Header

Source: (September 02, 2006)

The IPv6 header fields are discussed below:22(*)

· Version: Internet Protocol Version number (IPv6 is 6). This has a value of 0110 (6-bits), it identifies its version.

· Traffic Class (also known as priority field): Enables a source to identify the desired delivery priority of the packets. Priority values are divided into ranges: traffic where the source provides congestion control and non-congestion control traffic.

· Flow label: Used by a source to label those products for which it requests special handling by the IPv6 router. The flow is uniquely identified by the combination of a source address and a non-zero flow label.

· Payload length: Length of payload (in octets).

· Next header: Identifies the type of header immediately following the IPv6 header.

· Hop limit: 8-bit integer that is decremented by one by each node that forwards the packet. The packet is discarded if the Hop Limit is decremented to zero.

· Source address: 128-bit address of the originator of the packet.

· Destination address: 128-bit address of the intended recipient of the packet.

II.5.3 Header Simplified

The IP header in IPv6 has been streamlined and defined to be of a fixed length (40 bytes). In designing the IPv6 Header, fields from the IPv4 Header have been removed, renamed (but still providing the same type of functionality) or moved to the new optional IPv6 Extension Headers.

II.5.3.1 Changes in the general header structure:

Five fields have been removed from the IPv4 header:

1. Header Length (fixed length header doesn't need it)

2. Identification

3. Flags

4. Fragment Offset

5. Header Checksum (checked at the transport layer)

Three fields have been renamed and modified from the IPv4 header:

1. Traffic Class (type of service in IPv4)

2. Next Header (protocol type in IPv4)

3. Hop Limit (Time to live in IPv4)

One field has been added:

1. Flow Label.23(*)

As shown above in the IPv4 Header (Figure 1) and the IPv6 Header format (Figure 2), here are changes in the general headers:

· The «IHL» or header length field is no longer needed since the IPv6 Header is now a fixed length.

· The IPv4 «Type of Service» is equivalent to the IPv6 «Traffic class» field.

· The «Total Length» field has been replaced with the «Payload Length» field.

· Since IPv6 only allows for fragmentation to be performed by the IPv6 source and destination nodes, and not individual routers, the IPv4 segment control fields (Identification, Flags, and Fragment Offset fields) have been moved to similar fields within the Fragment Extension Header.

· The functionality provided by the «Time to Live» field has been replaced with the «Hop Limit» field.

· The «Protocol» field has been replaced with the «Next Header Type» field.

· The «Header Checksum» field was removed, which has the main advantage of not having each relay spend time processing the checksum. This, however, also introduces the risk of undetected errors, which is seen as minimal due to checksums being used in most of the encapsulating procedures.

· The «Options» field is no longer part of the header as it was in IPv4. Options are specified in the optional IPv6 Extension Headers. The removal of the options field from the header provides for more efficient routing; only the information that is needed by a router needs to be processed.

II.5.4 Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 Headers

Fields of the IPv4 Header

Fields of the IPv6 Header

Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 Headers

Version (4-bit)

Version (4-bit)

Same function but the IPv6 header contains a new value.

Header length (4-bit)


Removed in IPv6. The basic IPv6 header always has 40 octets.

Type of service (8-bit)

Traffic class (8-bit)

Same function for both headers.


Flow label (20-bit)

New field added to tag a flow for IPv6 packets.

Total length (16-bit)

Payload length (16-bit)

Same function for both headers.

Identification (16-bit)


Removed in IPv6 because fragmentation is handled differently in IPv6.

Flags (3-bit)


Removed in IPv6 because fragmentation is handled differently in IPv6.

Fragment offset (13-bit)


Removed in IPv6 because fragmentation is handled differently in IPv6.

Time to live (8-bit)

Hop limit (8-bit)

Same function for both headers.

Protocol number (8-bit)

Next header (8-bit)

Same function for both headers.

Header checksum (16-bit)


Removed in IPv6. Link-layer technologies and upper-layer protocols handle checksum and error control.

Source address (32-bit)

Source address (128-bit)

Source address is expanded in IPv6.

Destination address (32-bit)

Destination address (128-bit)

Destination address is expanded in IPv6.

Options (variable)


Removed in IPv6. The way to handle this option is different in IPv4.


Extension headers

New way in IPv6 to handle Options fields, fragmentation, security, mobility, Loose Source Routing, Record Route.24(*)

Table 2: Comparison of IPv4 header and IPv6 Header

Source:, (August 23, 2006)

II.5.5 New Extension Headers

The IPv6 specification currently defines 6 Extension Headers:

· Routing Header - Similar to the source routing options in IPv4. Used to mandate a specific routing.

· Authentication Header (AH) - A security header which provides authentication and integrity.

· Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) Header - A security header which provides authentication and encryption.

· Fragmentation Header - The Fragmentation Header is similar to the fragmentation options in IPv4.

· Destination Options Header - This header contains a set of options to be processed only by the final destination node. Mobile IPv6 is an example of a destination Options Header.

· Hop-by-Hop Options Header - A set of options needed by routers to perform certain management or debugging functions.


The ping (Packet Internet Groper) command: The command is used with the IP address of the destination device. The command can be utilized as shown in Figure using the IP address of the destination device. In these examples, the ping command issues four echo requests and receives four echo replies, confirming IP connectivity between the two devices.25(*)

The following command of ping6 is shown below:

· To ping the global address of another node:

ping6 Address

where Address is the global address of the other node.

If the ping6 command fails, verify the global address of the other node.

· To ping another node by name:

ping6 Name

where Name is a name that can be resolved to an IPv6 address through entries in the local hosts file, or through AAAA resource records that are present in your Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure.

If the ping6 command fails, verify that the name can be resolved to an IPv6 address.

· To ping the IPv4-compatible address of another node:

ping6 ::IPv4Address

where IPv4Address is the IPv4 address of the other node.

If the ping6 command fails, verify the IPv4 address of the other node.

· ping the loopback address by typing ping6 ::1.

If the ping6 command fails, verify that the ::1 address is assigned to the interface named Loopback Pseudo-Interface.26(*)


The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is an integral part of the TCP/IP protocol suite. It is known as a best effort delivery mechanism. In fact, all IP implementations must include ICMP support. The reasons for this are simple. First, since IP does not guarantee delivery, it has no inherent method to inform hosts when errors occur. Also, IP has no built-in method to provide informational or control messages to hosts. ICMP performs these functions for IP.27(*)

ICMP is an error reporting protocol for IP. When datagram delivery errors occur, ICMP is used to report these errors back to the source of the datagram.

ICMP reports on the status of the delivered packet only to the source device. It does not propagate information about network changes to routers. The ICMP protocol can be used to test the availability of a particular destination.

II.7.1 ICMPv6

The ICMP for IPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol Version 6) is an integral part of the IPv6 and must be completely supported by all IPv6 implementations. ICMPv6 works with IPv6. It reports errors if packets cannot be processed properly and sends informational messages about the status of the network.

ICMPv6 is much more powerful than ICMPv4 and contains new functionality, It combines functions previously subdivided among different protocols, such as ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol version 4), IGMP (Internet Group Membership Protocol)4, and ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), and it introduces some simplifications by eliminating obsolete types of messages no longer in use.

It is used by IPv6 nodes to report errors encountered in processing packets, and to perform other Internet-layer functions, such as diagnostics (ICMPv6 "ping"). ICMPv6 is an integral part of IPv6 and must be fully implemented.28(*)


A protocol layer that is immediately above IPv6. The impact of IPv6 on upper-layer protocols is minimal because the datagram service has not changed substantially. This section discusses UDP and TCP over IPv6 and describes changes for upper-layer protocols, such as DNS, DHCP when used over IPv6.

II.8.1 DHCPv6

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a set of rules used by a communications device (such as a computer, or router) to allow the device to request and obtain an IP address from a server which has a list of addresses available for assignment, without requiring a manager to configure information about the computer in a server database.29(*)

The DHCPv6 enables DHCP servers to pass configuration parameters such as IPv6 network addresses to IPv6 nodes.

II.8.2 IPv6 and the Domain Name System

This section defines the changes that need to be made to the Domain Name System (DNS) to support hosts running IPv6. The DNS is the most important applications that have to run on IPv6 before anyone can use. The changes include a resource record type to store an IPv6 address, and a domain to support lookups based on an IPv6 address.30(*)

Current support for the storage of Internet addresses in the Domain Name System (DNS) can not easily be extended to support IPv6 addresses since applications assume that address queries return 32-bit IPv4 addresses only.

To support the storage of IPv6 addresses in the DNS, Two new DNS record types have been defined for IPv6 hosts to map a domain name to an IPv6 address.

· New Resource Record Type (AAAA)

«A record type» is used for storing an IP address (specifically, an IPv4 32-bit address) associated with a domain name. So a new one was created to allow a domain name to be associated with IPv6 128-bit address, this new one is called «AAAA record type (also called quad-A records)». This new AAAA has been added to support IPv6 address.

The four «A»s («AAAA») are used to indicate that the IPv6 address is four times the size of the IPv4 address. It is the equivalent of IPv4 A record.

A host that has more than one IPv6 address has an AAAA record for each address.

· A6 type record 31(*)

This new record types support renumerable and aggregatable IPv6 addressing.

A6 is defined to map a domain name to an IPv6 address, with a provision for indirection for leading "prefix" bits.


IPv6 was designed to build on the existing features of IPv4 and provide new services and capabilities. Listed below is an overview of several features and benefits IPv6 is intended to provide.

· Extend the IP address space enough to offer a unique IP address to any device.

Larger address space: IPv6 increases the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits. Increasing the size of the address field increases number of unique IP addresses from approximately 4.3×109 to 3.4 × 1038.

· Coexistence with IPv4 network

IPv6 will be an important and major upgrade to all our networks and to the Internet. With all the transition mechanisms defined though, it will gradually grow into our networks. There will not be a flag day like there was with IPv4 in 1983, where the Internet was switched directly to TCP.

IPv6 can and will coexist with IPv4 for a long time and the transition mechanisms are so flexible, that there is no specific upgrade order required. This means, as a home user you can use IPv6 even if your ISP does not offer it yet. And within a corporate network you can for instance roll out IPv6 at the edge of the network, while your backbone is till IPv4 only.

· Auto-configuration

Clients using IPv4 addresses use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to establish an address each time they log into a network. This address assignment process is called stateful auto-configuration. IPv6 supports a revised DHCPv6 protocol that supports stateful auto-configuration, and supports stateless auto-configuration of nodes. Stateless auto-configuration does not require a DHCP server to obtain addresses. Stateless auto-configuration uses router advertisements to create a unique address. This creates a «plug-and-play» environment, simplifying address management and administration. IPv6 also allows automatic address configuration and reconfiguration. This capability allows administrators to re-number network addresses without accessing all clients.

· More header compression

Some fields from the IPv4 Header have been removed, renamed or modified and a new field has been added.32(*)


IPv6 is based on IPv4; it is an evolution of IPv4. So many things that we find with IPv6 are familiar to us. The main differences are illustrated in the table below:



The size of an address in IPv4 is 32 bits

The size of an address in IPv6 is 128 bits

Address Shortages:

IPv4 supports 4.3×109 (4.3 billion) addresses, which is inadequate to give one (or more if they possess more than one device) to every living person.

Larger address space:

IPv6 supports 3.4×1038 addresses, or 5×1028(50 octillion) for each of the roughly 6.5 billion people alive today.33(*)

IPv4 header has 20 bytes

IPv4 header has many fields (13 fields)

IPv6 header is the double, it has 40 bytes

IPv6 header has fewer fields, it has 8 fields.

IPv4 is subdivided into classes <A-E>.

IPv6 is classless.

IPv6 uses a prefix and an Identifier ID known as IPv4 network

IPv4 address uses a subnet mask.

IPv6 uses a prefix length.

IPv4 has lack of security.

IPv4 was never designed to be secure

- Originally designed for an isolated military network

- Then adapted for a public educational & research network

IPv6 has a built-in strong security

- Encryption

- Authentication

ISP have IPv4 connectivity or have both IPv4 and IPv6

Many ISP don't have IPv6 connectivity

Non equal geographical distribution (>50% USA)

No geographic limitation

Table 3: IPv4 versus IPv6

Source:, Internetworking with TCP/IP principle, protocols and Architectures, Fourth Edition, Douglas E. Comer, ISBN 81-7808-444-9, page 612.


QoS refers to a broad collection of networking technologies and techniques. The goal of QoS is to provide guarantees on the ability of a network to deliver predictable results. Elements of network performance within the scope of QoS often include availability (uptime), bandwidth (throughput), latency (delay), and error rate.

QoS involves prioritization of network traffic. QoS can be targeted at a network interface, toward a given server or router's performance, or in terms of specific applications. A network monitoring system must typically be deployed as part of QoS, to insure that networks are performing at the desired level.34(*)



This third chapter describes the process for setting up an Netowrk test lab. The study will involved the use of networking concepts. In this study, the migration methodology will be used with well-defined steps.

This chapter also presents the software tools and hardware needed to achieve these purposes.


The migration methodology has been developed by IETF in order to aid the network migrator to analyze and simplify the migration process. The migration methods the IETF recommends are dual stacks and tunneling.


The ideal migration methodology project plan should be broken down into steps, which mirror the overall project development phases. These steps consist of:35(*)

1. Determining Requirement

2. Understanding the existing System

3. Decision making

4. Testing

5. Deploying

6. Management

Each of these phases will be defined in further detail in the following sections. These steps will significantly impact the outcome of this project.

III.3.1 Determining Requirements

The first step is to determine what equipments have to be used and software that are required to accommodate the new technologies that can support IPv6.

III.3.2 Understanding the existing system

The second step in any new implementation is to understand what is currently on existing network. Current benchmarks of the IPv4 protocol traffic must be obtained so they may be compared with benchmarks for the new IPv6 traffic.

III.3.3 Decision making

The next step in the migration process is to decide among transitions strategies mechanisms which one can be used. This step focuses on finding the best migration method. The migration methods the IETF recommends are dual stacks and tunneling. The dual stacks method refers to IP nodes that support IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. The tunneling approach advocates running IPv6 packets over existing IPv4 infrastructures.

III.3.3.1 Dual Stack Transition Mechanism (DSTM)

Dual stack implies providing complete implementations of both versions of the IP (IPv4 and IPv6).

The most straightforward way for IPv6 nodes to remain compatible with IPv4-only nodes is by providing a complete IPv4 implementation.

IPv6 nodes that provide complete IPv4 and IPv6 implementations are called "IPv6/IPv4 nodes". IPv6/IPv4 nodes have the ability to send and receive both IPv4 and IPv6 packets. They can directly interoperate with IPv4 nodes using IPv4 packets, and also directly interoperate with IPv6 nodes using IPv6 packets.

Even though a node may be equipped to support both protocols, one or the other stack may be disabled for operational reasons. Here we use a rather loose notion of "stack". A stack being enabled has IP addresses assigned, but whether or not any particular application is available on the stacks is explicitly not defined.

Thus, IPv6/IPv4 nodes may be operated in one of three modes:

· With their IPv4 stack enabled and their IPv6 stack disabled.

· With their IPv6 stack enabled and their IPv4 stack disabled.

· With both stacks enabled.

IPv6/IPv4 nodes with their IPv6 stack disabled will operate like IPv4-only nodes. Similarly, IPv6/IPv4 nodes with their IPv4 stacks disabled will operate like IPv6-only nodes. IPv6/IPv4 nodes may provide a configuration switch to disable either their IPv4 or IPv6 stack.

The figure below show dual-stack mechanism

Figure 3: Dual Stack

Source: Own drawing

III. Address Configuration

Because the nodes support both protocols, IPv6/IPv4 nodes may be configured with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. IPv6/IPv4 nodes use IPv4 mechanisms (e.g., DHCP) to acquire their IPv4 addresses, and IPv6 protocol mechanisms (e.g., stateless address autoconfiguration [RFC 2462] and/or DHCPv6) to acquire their IPv6 addresses.36(*)

III.3.3.2 Tunneling Transition Mechanism

Configured tunneling provides a means to carry IPv6 packets over unmodified IPv4 routing infrastructures.

Tunneling can be used to deploy an IPv6 forwarding infrastructure while the overall IPv4 infrastructure is still the basis.

Tunneling can be also used to carry IPv6 traffic by encapsulating it in IPv4 packets and tunneling it over the IPv4 routing infrastructure.

For instance, if an ISP still has an IPv4-only infrastructure, tunneling allows you to have a corporate IPv6 network and tunnel through your ISP's IPv4 network to reach other IPv6 hosts or networks.

Tunneling techniques is used to avoid order dependencies when upgrading hosts, or routers.37(*)

The figure below shows how tunneling works.

Figure 4: Tunneling

Source: IPv6 essentials, O'REILLY, ISBN: 0-596-00125-8, page 170

IPv6 node 1 on an IPv6 network wants to send an IPv6 packet to another IPv6 node 2 on another IPv6 network. The network between the two IPv6 nodes is an IPv4 network only.

1. IPv6 node 1 sends an IPv6 packet to Router1.

2. When router 1 receives the packet address, it encapsulates the IPv6 packet in an IPv4 header and forwards it to router 2.

3. Router 2 decapsulates the packet and forwards it to its final destination (the IPv6 node 2)

III.3.4 Testing

After the steps stated above, the migration to IPv6 is ready to be tested. Comprehensive testing is required for application performance, router/access device capacity and interoperability. It is recommended that all testing be performed in an offline lab. This minimizes the impact on the network during testing. Testing will provide also the documentation about test results and will help us to analyze the QoS and performance of IPv6.

III.3.5 Deploying

In this study, we have not dealt with deploy step because it requires to enable IPv6 applications and protocols and modification of the entire network. Deploying network cannot realistically be done for several reasons:

· Several types of router require a flash upgrade to support larger IPv6 images or a memory upgrade to support the two concurrent routing tables.

· Lack of IPv6 support from manufacturers for some equipment. Some older equipment will never support IPv6.

III.3.6 Management

The final yet often forgotten step in the process is the management. This step consists of any change in network. Change can be based on some factors such as to add new equipment.


Training gives a thorough understanding of how best to put IPv6 to work in their environment. As with any new technology, IPv6 requires a learning curve for network managers and operations personnel.

For end users, the protocol is transparent, and there should be no learning curve unless their application requires typing in explicit addresses. Probably end users will not see much difference if their Internet service providers run IPv6; all Internet applications should run transparently on both IPv4 and IPv6. However, as new applications and devices running IPv6 become available, end users will be able to expand the amount of applications and devices they use over the Internet.

To assist network migrator, network managers and users in becoming comfortable with IPv6, Cisco Systems has developed an IPv6 education program that includes:

· Cisco IOS Software IPv6 e-learning class available from

· IPv6 book available from Cisco Press


III.5.1 Advantages of migration methodology

It is easy to interpret the results, compare and analyze the Quality of Service and the Performance of this purpose.

The presented research aims to provide also a structured migration methodology to aid the network migrator in choosing and implementing optimal migration mechanisms as well as understanding and subsequently optimizing the impact of the migration on the network.

III.5.2 Disadvantages of migration methodology

Disadvantages include the fact that managing the process may be more difficult because the IPv6 is a work in progress.


III.6.1 Software Tools

The following software utilities are used in this study:

· Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Operating System for hosts to be used and installed.

· Cisco IOS used on the vast majority of Cisco Systems routers and Cisco network switches.38(*)

· Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) is a Web-based device-management tool for Cisco routers that can improve the productivity of network managers, simplify router deployments, and help troubleshoot complex network and VPN connectivity issues.39(*)

· Fedora Core: the platform on which IPv6 can be installed. It is explained in the next chapter.

· The MaaTec Network Analyzer: a tool that allows to capture, save, and analyze network traffic on a LAN Internet connection.40(*)

III.6.2 Hardware

In our study, we used the following various hardware to set up an Network test lab network.

· Three personal computers acting as clients.

System: Microsoft Windows XP.

Version: 2002

Service: Pack 2

Pentium IV

Central Processor Unit 2.53 Giga Hertz.

Hard disk 80 Giga Bytes.

Random Access memory 256 Mega Byte (MB).

· Two Routers:

Model type Cisco 2811.

Total memory 256 MB.

Total flash capacity 61 MB.

Cisco IOS 12.4T

· Two Switches:

Model type Catalyst 3560.

Total flash memory 32 Mega Bytes.

· Cross-over cable.

· Rollover cable.

· Straight cable.



The purpose of this chapter that is the main part of this book is to give a look on this new technology. The transition mechanisms have been tested, a network analyzer has been used to analyze the traffics that are passing through our test Lab. Another major reason of this chapter is to train readers of this book to be familiar with the evolution of network technology.


This section sets out to outline the requirements of IPv6 network. The IPv6 network involves different components:

IV.2.1 Operating Systems

Most of the modern operating systems now have two distinct IP stacks to support both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time. The list below shows the list of platforms that supports IPv6 applications.

· Windows XP: Windows XP has IPv6 built in

· Windows 2000: Microsoft that release IPv6 runs on Windows 2000. It does not work on Windows 95/98.

· Windows VISTA: IPv6 has been fully incorporated into the operating system, it is installed by default.41(*)

· Linux: The All the Linux distribution are based on Kernel (Kernel is the base operating system, which interacting directly with the hardware and services of user programs) identified by its version. The Linux kernel has supported IPv6 since version 2.2.x.

· Sun Solaris: IPv6 support is available from Solaris version 8.

IV.2.2 Applications and Services

Networked applications and services must be modified, or ported, to support IPv6.

Cisco routers and switches running one of the following Cisco IOS Software releases are IPv6-capable: Cisco IOS Software releases 12.2T, 12.3M, 12.3T, 12.4M, 12.4T, 12.2S (and derivatives), 12.0S .Cisco 12000 Series routers and Cisco 10720 Router. Cisco IOS-XR Software (Cisco Carrier Routing System-CRS-1, Cisco XR 12000 Series Router).42(*)


The main objective of this step; it is to understand the traffic characteristics of the network before applying new applications in the existing one to ensure successful implementation. This step has also helped to compare and analyze the result of our Network test lab.

Cisco SDM tool has helped us to understand IP protocol traffics that are passing on the network. With this tool we saw QoS Status of bandwidth and bytes which are used by traffics which were passing through the network.

IV.3.1 Bytes

The figure below displays the bytes utilization statistics defined by different traffics types.

Figure 5: QoS Status

Source: Cisco SDM

As shown in the figure above. The traffics bytes per protocol that are passing in our Network test lab before configuring the IPv6 in the network there are ICMP packet used to test the connectivity, Telnet packet used to remote the computer connect to, Routing Internet Protocol (RIP) packet used to route the packets through the network, DNS packet for resolving the domain name, they are also other traffics that are not defined [unknown].

IV.3.2 Bandwidth

The figure below illustrates the bandwidth utilization for protocols under different traffics that are sent on our test lab. The bandwidths per protocols that are passing are ICMP packet, telnet packet. As shown in the figure below the bandwidth consummation is very low regarding the bandwidth available.

Bandwidth utilization is shown in Kilobits Per second (Kbps).

Figure 6: QoS of bandwidth

Source: Cisco SDM


The objective of this section is to identify the different transition mechanisms options available to a network while migrating from the IPv4 to IPv6. These mechanisms are intended to ensure interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6.

IV.4.1 Dual Stack technique

The objective of dual stack step is to guarantee a smooth transition. In our study we decided to test dual stack. This technique performs a full network software upgrade to run the two separate protocol stacks. It is the simplest approach to introduce IPv6 without changing applications. It supports IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously, maintaining old IPv4 applications and adding new ones to communicate with IPv6 nodes. The dual stack is for end system.

Figure 7: Dual Stack diagram

Source: Own drawing

IV.4.1.1 Dual-stack configuration

Dual-stack configuration is simple. We first enabled both routers to act as IPv6 router. We then configured with IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. IPv6 configuration is different to IPv4 configuration; it has plenty option. IPv6 does not use the subnet mask, it use a slash followed by prefix this replace the big notation in IPv4 that use subnet mask; IPv6 can also be configured automatically using stateless autoconfiguration on an interface. We finally save the configuration. Appendix A gives a dual-stack configuration.

The dual stack configuration helped us to set up a Local Area Network to test our Network test lab.

IV.4.1.2 Dual-stack Ping results

Our dual-stack ping is test connectivity between two routers that acting as IPv6/IPv4 node that obtains the IPv4 and IPv6 Round Trip Time delays for a set of target nodes by running ping and ping6. From the dual-stack ping results, we identified the percentage of dual-stack nodes reachable. The result of this test shows that we success configuring a dual-stack configuration, we have localized IP connectivity.

IV.4.2 Tunneling technique

Due to the lack of IPv6 ISP; during this study the tunneling mechanism was not been tested because it required network integration and we were not running on the ISP that support IPv6.


The purpose of this step is to provide information about how to make a network; configure and test IPv6 protocol functionality and its features.

During the testing, we tested with minimum number of computers. Individual computers have been used to clearly show the QoS and the performance. The configuration, including IP addresses and all other configuration parameters. This network test lab has been tested on a separate network and services provided on the network to avoid the impact of the test on the network.

The following illustration shows the configuration of the Network test lab.

Figure 8: Network test-lab diagram

Source: Own drawing

We made this Network test lab by configuring two routers with both version of IP in order to forward and route packets across clients in this network. The configuration procedure is given in the Appendix.

We installed IPv6 on the side of clients and assigned statically the IPv4 addresses arranged in the appropriate network. The installation is shown in the next section IV.6.

IV.5.1 Ping Results of Network test lab

Our Network test lab ping results were to test the connectivity between work-stations that are in the network. Testing the connectivity between work-stations by using IPv4 addresses were different from using IPv6 addresses.

Testing the connectivity between work-stations that are assigned with IPv4 address can only be tested by using only one address but with IPv6 address the connectivity can be tested with many addresses for example pinging with IPv6 link local address, IPv6 site-local address, IPv6 addresses with embedded IPv4 addresses.

This is one of option that was upgrade to the IPv4, which is one of QoS the devices that support IPv6 can have multiple addresses.

Figure 9: Ping IPv4 address

Source: Output Print Screen of ping IPv4

Figure 10: Ping6 IPv6 site-local

Source: Output Print Screen of Ping6 site-local

Figure 11: Ping6 IPv6 link-local address

Source: Output Print Screen of Ping6 link-local

Figure 12: Ping6 IPv6 embedded IPv4 address

Source: Output Print Screen result of IPv6 embedded IPv4 address

As show in the figures below (figure 10, 11, 12); the TTL has been removed in ICMP packets which can allow ICMPv6 packets to pass quickly trough the network, and it can also allow ICMPV6 packets to test the connectivity without dying until it reach its destination.

IV.5.2 Netwrok test lab Telnet results

As we set a network that include both IP (a dual-stack); we tested with telnet by specifying the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the remote computer to connect to. From the telnet results, we were able to reach the nodes of router or computer connects to.

Figure 13: Telnet IPv6/IPv4

Source: Output of Print Screen of Telnet

IV.5.3 Network test lab Analysis

The Maa Tec Network analyzer has been used during testing the Network test lab

IV.5.3.1 IP packets test

Figure 14: The packets list.

Source: MaaTec Network analyzer/ Packet list

The figure above displays detailed information about the packets. In the packets list, there columns that display information about time and length of the collected packet, the network devices, Media Access Control (MAC) address of the sender or receiver of the packet, the OSI layer of source or destination source of the packet, type of service.

We selected among the packets captured in the layer column where IP laid. The layer 3 (network layer) of OSI model provided the information about the IP header of the system that sent or receive a packet and we compared both IP headers format.

IPv6 Packet

IPv4 Packets

IPv6 - Internet Protocol v6

Ver|DS|Flow: 60000000

Version: 6

Traffic Class: 0

Flow Label: 0

Payload Length: 40

Next Header: 58 (ICMP for IPv6)

Hop Limit: 64

Src FE80::211:43FF:FE2C:BF3C

Dest FE80::211:43FF:FE2C:6BDC

IPv4 - Internet Protocol v4

Ver/IHL: 45

Ver: 4 Header Length: 5 (20 bytes)

Type of Service: 00

Precedence: 0 (Routine)

normal delay | normal throughput | normal reliability

Total Length: 60

Identification: 341

Fragmentation: 0000

may fragment | last fragment

Fragment Offset: 0

Time to Live: 128

Protocol: 1 (Internet Control Message)

Checksum: 45819



Table 4: IPv6 and IPv4 Header packet

Source: Maa Tec Network Analyzer

As shown in the table above the packets format is passing on the same port and the way IPv6 packets are forwarded by paths are different from those for IPv4.

This way IPv6 packets passes allow packets to pass quickly trough routers.

As there is change in design of IP, the new one carries a number of QoS. In IP header there is a good example of the features of QoS. The header of IPv6 is simplified; it does not have many fields to be checked.

This QoS can provide to a network to be fast when packets are traveling through the network.

IV.5.3.2 Network Test Lab Report

The table below displays the information about the Internet Traffic per System and Protocol that are traveling through the network while we were testing our Network Test lab.

Network Test Lab

Sunday, January 21, 2007, 5:45:00 PM - 5:50:00 PM

Internet Traffic per System and Protocol

Address (User)


Sent packets

Rec. Packets

Total Packets

































Server Message Blocker




Server Message Blocker



























NETBIOS -Name Server




NETBIOS -Name Server























Table 5: Internet Traffic per System and Protocol

Source: MaaTec Network analyzer/Report

These two 3D Bar (large) charts below show the packets sent and the packets received every 5 minutes during we were doing the test. As shown in those figures there are packets for IPv4 and packets for IPv6 because in the network we configured the dual-stack one of the strategies mechanism of migration from IPv4 to IPv6.

Figure 15: Sent Packets

Source: MaaTec Network Analyzer/Sent Packets

Figure 16: Received Packets

Source: MaaTec Network Analyzer/Received Packets

Figure 17: Total Packets

Source: MaaTec Network Analyzer/Total Packets

The figure above shows the total packets of sent and received of the activities done in the network Test Lab, it displays on the Y axis the amount of packets sent (outbound) and received (inbound) per every 5 minutes on the X axis.

IV.5.4 Summary of Test

The step of dual stack, one way of strategies mechanism transition that we tested has been implemented efficiently into the existing (IPv4 network) without changes, it can be interoperable and provide more features such as rich connectivity between node with IPv6 (example IPv6 over Ethernet: the link local can not be overlapped) no conflict can occur on network which perform good performance on network. And a node with IPv6 that gain multiple addresses that provide good QoS compared to a node with IPv4.

An organization or company that depends on the Internet to migrate to IPv6 from IPv4 does not need to buy new equipment for IPv6; because IPv6 is already a part of equipment and can be installed as a software upgrade. It depends on the equipment of network capable of supporting IPv6, a network or an ISP that has already migrated to IPv6.

IPv6 is a work in progress; it will take several years to be deployed around the whole world. To replace completely IPv4 requires uninstalling dual-stack, tunneling and other mechanisms that will permit to jump on the IPv6.


The purpose of this part is to provide readers and end users of this book a brief description of concepts that must be clear for installing and configuring IPv6 on their system. IPv6 can be installed as a normal software upgrade in most Internet devices. Mastering technology is not done by reading about it, so the followings platforms have been shown in this book with plenty options. It is very easy, it took not even five minute to configure it or install it.

IV.6.1 Install IPv6 on Windows XP

There are several ways to install IPv6 under Windows XP.

Win XP has an IPv6.exe tool used to configure IPv6 protocol.

1. The figure below shows the installation on Windows XP, in command DOS/WINDOWS

To install IPv6 on Windows XP, simply go to.

Start Menu run shortcut [window key +R] open (command-line) typing the command ipv6 install.

Or pass at Start Menu All programs Accessories Command prompt typing the command ipv6 install.

Figure 18: IPv6 install

Source: Win XP/DOS

2. Or install IPv6 protocol with the new tool for XP the netsh (the ipv6 command will eventually be phased out in future releases of the IPv6 stack and completely replaced by netsh.), which is a command-line utility that you can use to display or modify the network configuration and display all sorts of statistics.

Simply go to start netsh from the command-line prompt to start the utility and change to the context interface, then change to the context ip, and finally to the context IPv6 where contains IPv6 configuration.

Go to Start Menu run open (netsh) interface ipv6 install

Figure 19: IPv6 install with NETSH

Source: Windows XP/DOS

3. Install IPv6 passing through the Control Panel.

Go to StartControl PanelNetwork Connections

Right click on Local Area Connection and select Properties

Figure 20: IPv4 node Local Area Connection Status

Source: Windows XP/ Local Area Connection Properties

Click on the Install button in the resulting Properties dialog box

Figure 21: Network Component / Protocol

Source: Windows XP/ Network Component

In the Select Network Component Type, select Protocol, then click Add.

Figure 22: IPv6 install

Source: Windows XP/ Network Protocol

From the displayed list, choose Microsoft TCP/IP version 6.

Once this has finished installing, dismiss all those windows dialog boxes.

Figure 23: IPv4/IPv6 node Local Area Connection Status

Source: Windows XP/ Local Area Connection Properties

IPv6 does not appear in the list of components in the properties of a LAN connection in Network Connections. To verify that IPv6 is installed on Microsoft Windows XP host, type «ipv6 if», «netsh interface ipv6>show interface» or «ipconfig» at the command line. The command displays interface information. This description can be found into the help and support under the system Win XP.

IV.6.2 Uninstall IPv6 on Windows XP

After install IPv6 on the network adapters, it is not an irreversible action; IPv6 protocol can be removed by uninstalling it using the following as shown in the figure below and go back continue using happily IPv4 host.

Figure 24: IPv6 uninstall

Source: Windows XP/DOS

After uninstall the IPv6, a reboot is required to remove completely the IPv6 protocols on the interfaces.

IV.6.3 Difference between an IPv4 and an IPv6 system with Windows XP

The following figure shows an example of an IPv4 only node before installing IPv6; as shown in this figure the node that using the IPv4 has only one IP address.

Figure 25: IPv4 address

Source: Windows XP/DOS

As shown in the figure below after installing IPv6, the node that is installed with IPv6 has multiple IP addresses, it gains new features. It has a complete support for both protocol versions. This type of node is referred as IPv6/IPv4 node, capable of sending and receiving both IPv4 and IPv6 packets.

Figure 26: IPv6 address

Source: Windows XP/DOS

· The IPv4 address: the address that was assigned statically (

· The link-local address: it is the combination of the prefix fe80::/64 and 64 bit-interface identifier (the MAC address) that is being transformed into the link-local address. Therefore the link local of the example node is fe80::/64 and the Media Access Control address 00-11-43-2C-67-F6 is [ fe80::211:43ff:fe2c:67f6%4 ]

· The site-local address: it the address that is being configured automatically by the router. It generates the address to the host using its built-in configuration. [ fec0::3:211:43ff:fe2c:67f6%1 ]

· The IPv6 embedded IPv4 address: it is the address that is assigned by the Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol designed to provide IPv6 connectivity between IPv6 nodes within a mainly IPv4-based intra-network that does not have an IPv6 router in the site. It is the combination of prefix (64-bit), the interface identifier (00005E) which follows the prefix, following by byte FE that indicates that the address contains an embedded IPv4 address, and the last four bytes that contain IPv4 address written in dotted decimal notation. Therefore the address of the node shown below is [ fe80::5efe: ]43(*)

IV.6.4 IPv6 with Linux

In this study, we used the Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture (FEDORA) Core distribution of Linux. We used Fedora Core release 3; it is based on Linux Kernel version*)

To install the IPv6 on Fedora Core perform the following steps:

Go to applications System Settings Network Edit Enable IPv6 for the interface Activate (activating network device).

Figure 27: IPv6 installation in Linux

Source: Fedora Core

From the displayed list, enable the IPv6 interface, save the configuration change [ctrl +s] and Restart the network services, at the prompt shell, type the command below:

[root@FS-CS-CA ~]# service network restart
see if all interface is [OK]

Or reboot the computer.

[root@FS-CS-CA ~]# reboot


By verifying the hypothesis stated above, we can say that we have succeeded. We managed to set a network which is running under one of the transitions mechanisms; the dual-stack transition mechanism which is the first step to migrate to IPv6.

Regarding the results of the test lab, we can also say that in the network running IPv6 protocols there are better performance because there are some fields that have been removed in IPv4 header which can provide high speed in the network. And at the end users (clients) there is better connectivity between clients because of the infinite life of IPv6 address which provide more QoS.



The main objective of this study was to prepare readers of our book for the next step of networking technology evolution regarding the current exponential growth of the Internet.

The objectives and goals of the study have been achieved successfully:

1. A practical setting up LAN network for migration step was done.

2. Comparison of two version of IP has been given.

3. Analysis of network with network application called MaaTec Network Analyzer has been used to analyze network traffic.

We conclude by saying that the IPv6 is inevitable, will come and will impact on all companies that maintain, implement or use IP networks. So any organization that wants to evolve with the new technology, and upgrade their network, it is right time to begin moving toward IPv6 in order to be in touch with applications that will come with this new technology.


Basing on the findings of this study; we suggest that organizations which depend on the Internet based on the IPv4 infrastructure to start migrating to the IPv6 and require IPv6 addresses space from their ISP.

We also recommend future researchers of this project to integrate the use of IPSec, the protocol for IP network-layer encryption and authentication, which is built-in in IPv6 and the Mobile IPv645(*) which is IETF standard communications protocol that is designed to allow mobile device users to move from one network to another while maintaining their permanent IPv6 address; this research requires an IPv6 network.

Another aspect of network management that we recommend to be integrated in this project is to upgrade the devices that touch IP such as routers in order to support IPv6 applications and to upgrade their backbone and switching hardware anyway, and can use that as an opportunity to turn on IPv6 at the same time. This aspect is especially true for network manager who must assure the quality of service expected by the users.

We do also recommend instructions and most of the disciplines represented in their IT department to integrate IPv6 in institutions.



The following lists of books provide references, which can be read to learn more about IPv6.

· Silvia Hagen: IPv6 Essentials. First edition ; ISBN: 0-596-00125-8; 2002

· Marc Blanchet: Migrating to IPv6: A Practical Guide for Mobile and Fixed Networks. ISBN 0-471-49892-0; 2005.

· Douglas E. Corner: Internetworking with TCP/IP principle, protocols and Architectures. Fourth Edition, ISBN 81-7808-444-9; 2000


The following websites provide a list of e-references, for easy reference.



This appendix provides an overview of most commands that have been used to configure the Network Test Lab (chapter IV):

Router1 (Cisco 2811)

Router1#configure terminal

Router1(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing

Router1(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1

Router2(config-if)#ip address

Router1(config-if)#ipv6 enable

Router1(config-if)#ipv6 address fec0:0:0:3::1/64

Router1(config-if)#ipv6 rip cisco

Router1(config-if)#no shutdown


Router1#write memory

Router1#configure terminal

Router1(config)#interface serial 0/2/1

Router2(config-if)#ip address

Router1(config-if)#ipv6 enable

Router1(config-if)#ipv6 address fec0:0:0:4::1/64

Router1(config-if)#ipv6 rip cisco

Router1(config-if)#no shutdown


Router1#copy running-config startup-config

Router1#configure terminal

Router(config)#ip route serial 0/2/1 permanent

Router1(config)#ipv6 route fec0:0:0:2::/64 serial 0/2/0

Router1(config)#ipv6 route FEC0:0:0:2::/64 fec0:0:0:4::2


Router1#write memory

Router1#configure terminal

Router1(config)#router rip

Router1(config-router)#version 2




Router2 (Cisco 2811)

Router2#configure terminal

Router2(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1

Router2(config-if)#ip address

Router2(config-if)#ipv6 enable

Router2(config-if)#ipv6 address fec0:0:0:2::1/64

Router2(config-if)#ipv6 rip cisco

Router2(config-if)#no shutdown


Router2#write memory

Router2#configure terminal

Router2(config)#interface serial 0/2/0

Router2(config-if)#ip address

Router2(config-if)#ipv6 enable

Router2(config-if)#ipv6 address fec0:0:0:4::2/64

Router2(config-if)#ipv6 rip cisco

Router2(config-if)#no shutdown


Router2#copy running-config startup-config

Router2#configure terminal

Router2(config)#ip route serial 0/2/0 permanent

Router2(config)#ipv6 route fec0:0:0:3::/64 serial 0/2/0

Router2(config)#ipv6 route fec0:0:0:3::/64 serial 0/2/0

Router2(config)#ipv6 route FEC0:0:0:3::/64 fec0:0:0:4::1


Router2(config)#router rip

Router2(config-router)#version 2




The full list of IPv6 command can be downloaded at

* 1 (January 21, 2007)

* 2 (April 04, 2006)

* 3 (April 04, 2006)

* 4 (April 05, 2006)

* 5 (April 05, 2006)

* 6 (May 02, 2006)

* 7 (May 12, 2006)

* 8 (May 12, 2006)

* 9 (May 12, 2006)

* 10 (October 01, 2006)

* 11 (June 09, 2006)

* 12 (May 12, 2006)

* 13 (May 30, 2006)

* 14 (May 12, 2006)

* 15 (June 02, 2006)

* 16 IPv6 essentials, O'REILLY, ISBN: 0-596-00125-8, page 26.

* 17 (August 13, 2006)

* 18 (August 13, 2006)

* 19 IPv6 essentials, O'REILLY, ISBN: 0-596-00125-8, page 31

* 20 (May 13, 2006)

* 21 (September 15, 2006 )

* 22 (October 08, 2006)

* 23,289142,sid7_gci870277,00.html (October 08, 2006)

* 24, (August 22, 2006)

* 25 Reference: Cisco Networking Academy Program 2

* 26 (October 02, 2006)

* 27 Reference: Cisco Networking Academy Program 2, Module 8

* 28 (May 22, 2006)

* 29 (May 22, 2006)

* 30 (May 23, 2006)

* 31 (October 21, 2006)

* 32 (October 21, 2006)

* 33 (May 12, 2006)

* 34 (December 12, 2006)

* 35 (October 19, 2006)

* 36 (October 31, 2006)

* 37 IPv6 essentials, O'REILLY, ISBN: 0-596-00125-8, page 170

* 38 (September 20, 2006)

* 39 (September 21, 2006)

* 40 http:// (December 16, 2006)

* 41 (November 08, 2006)

* 42 (September 21, 2006)

* 43 IPv6 essentials, O'REILLY, ISBN: 0-596-00125-8, page 179.

* 44 Fedora Core is a Red Hat Package Manager based Linux distribution, developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat.

* 45 (November 18, 2006)

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