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Financing problems of photovoltaic panels in cameroon

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Geneva Business School  - Bachelor of science in Finance  2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.2 The Process of the research

The process of research will analyse the financial investment with a vision of the project « Niches carriers of the secondary sector in Senegal3. In addition, the objective is to study the possibility of integrating solar panels in Cameroon following a plan investment strategy. However, we will establish our assumption to the problem while examining the theories on the topics of our research. For this purpose, the various topics that will be described are as follows: Presentation and aspects of photovoltaic technology in Cameroon and Barriers to financing of photovoltaic panels in Cameroon and the last part will be the Alternatives to the problems financing photovoltaic panels.

1.3 Problematic & Hypothesis

Most often, we can notice that globalization; investment processes and financial management are constantly changing. Fragmented and divided by ethnic conflicts and state politically unstabilty, nevertheless Africa is more than ever a land of economic promise. Nowadays, growth prospects are explained by demographic reasons.

More generally, the African continent has moved from the stage of rural continent to


an urbanize continent. This proves that Africa's demand for energy power today is stupendous. At the same time, the need to mobilize investments for this purpose is required, however, Africa attracts only 2% -3% of foreign direct investment in the world. Cameroon has a good rate of sunshine that is the reason why I think we could promote projects on photovoltaic energy and it has no political investment plan possible on a long-term investment to allow foreign investors in the sector of solar energy.

The issue is to understand and review what first-aid plan we can offer for the investment in Cameroon; then to understand what are the tools necessary in order to optimize a good investment of photovoltaic panels in Cameroon. To this end, we will highlight some elements based on the assumption that Cameroon offers investment incentives based on the direct support of consumer prices for each household in Cameroon.

1.4 Methodologies 1.4.1 Structure

In order to develop this topic, the first step is to identify the problem and to apprehend the theories and hypotheses related to the subject (Chapter 1). In Chapter 2 we will discuss the definition of photovoltaic panels, its uses, different types and economic and environmental aspects. In Chapter 3, we will examine the financing barriers such as: institutional, economical and financial barriers. In Chapter 4 we will focus on Analysis of an investment project of photovoltaic panels in Cameroon.

1.4.2 Approach and perspectives

The main objective of this research is to highlight and to evidence the brakes to finance solar panels in Cameroon as well as long-term viable alternatives. However, the financial theories evolve over time and are consistent with the companies. All Over Africa, in Cameroon particularly regarding the evolution of financial theories The question of demand and supply can be answered by realising large-scale projects. This research on alternatives involve the establishment of a plan using investments to fund the use of photovoltaic panels while reducing the financial cost associated with its use by each household.

2 Presentation and aspects of photovoltaic technology in Cameroon

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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