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Degree of familiarity, inversion effect and
quality of sleep through the type of images used
in face recognition
Working Paper· May 2017
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16760.14083
1 author:
Cindy Schupbach University of Geneva
Some of the authors of this publication are also working
on these related projects:
Face-matching: what results can we obtain between inter-clinical
populations and their relatives? View project
Cassandre project : Where is the link between reality and fiction
through hallucination and delightful ideas? View project
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on 22 July 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file.

« Evolution des déterminants psychologiques de la
santé et du handicap selon les âges de la vie -EVOLVE -
» Prs MC GELY-NARGEOT et S. RAFFARD : Responsables
« Psychologie Clinique, Psychopathologie et Psychologie de la
Santé » Parcours :
Neuropsychologie Clinique, Psychopathologie Cognitive,
Adulte, Personne Âgée » Pr. MC GELY-NARGEOT :
Directrice de la Mention et des Etudes Pr. S. RAFFARD : Coordinateur
Recherche Parcours Dr. S. BAYARD (MCF) : Coordinatrice Recherche M1 A.
GAYRAL (MC associé) : Coordinatrice Pédagogique et Responsable
des Stages
Sous la Direction des Prs. M.C. GELY-NARGEOT et Pr. S.
Référent : C. Bortolon
Année 2016-2017
Abstract :
Through the scientific literature on face recognition, we can
only conclude that experimental biases exist and influence the collection of
data, which in turn detracts from the credibility of our results. In the face
of this, more and more studies seek to make a certain ecological value and to
ensure the validity of the generalities that result from it. Finally, this
study makes it possible to see whether differences between the two types of
images used (natural and standardized) could be observed with regard to the
recognition of faces through the inversion effect and the degree of
familiarity. It was therefore a face-to-face matching expected participants,
recruited within a normal population, aged 18 to 30 years, as well as the
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. In this task, the participants had to recognize
as quickly and correctly as possible the faces presented to them (their own
face, that of the friend or those of the unknown) by pressing the two keys of
the indicated keyboard. Finally, it is the faces of unknowns who are most
affected by the type of images used, being more quickly or better recognized
through standardized images. Compared to the degree of familiarity, his own
face and that of the friends are mostly faster and better recognized than those
of the unknown, but no significance is found between his face and that of the
friends that it is in normal condition or reversed. The inversion effect is
rarely present except for the faces of unknowns under certain conditions.
Against all expectations, the poor quality of sleep does not significantly
affect the recognition of faces except for natural images not match and
reversed. Further studies may be considered.
Keywords : face recognition, quality of sleep, inversion
The principle purpose of this study is to better understand
the recognition and treatment of faces likewise their composants, which can
possibly influence them and at what point. But particularly if the treatment or
recognition of his own face is different depending on we use ambient images or
standardized, an idea of Bortolon Catherine basing on a precedent work
(Bortolon, Lorieux, Raffard, 2017). Know and realize if we finally do it the
right way in order to conduct our studies on this vast field whose main
stimulus is the face. The problematic that we are discussing here is sensitive
: How can we give ecological validity to what we are doing in our research
practices? The objective will not be completely fulfilled, but will encourage a
different vision of what future experiments on this topic could have, which
have already begun to appear.
It's accepted that the recorded faces in memory involve
assemblies of cells located in both hemispheres (Baird & Burton, 2008), but
is there a dominant hemisphere when a face is recognized ? This is what many
researchers have asked themselves. Some have concluded that the
self-representation, which allows the recognition of one's own face, is not
reduced to a particular hemisphere, but is available for the both cerebral
hemispheres independently (Uddin, Rayman, Zaidel, 2005). The corpus callosum,
affording the transfers between the hemisphere, would be necessary for the
different representation of the self (Uddin, 2011). Other authors have found a
dissociation between self-perception and the perception of others with the
dominant left hemisphere for self-recognition and the dominant right hemisphere
for the recognition of other faces (Brady, Campbell, Flaherty, 2004). Reverse
thinking also exists: the recognition of the self will be in the right
hemisphere (Keenan et al., 1999), as well as the treatment of self-related
material (Keenan, Ganis, Freund, Pascual-Leone, 2000). But the main brain
regions specifically involved in facial recognition of themselves would be: the
right limbic system with the hippocampus; insula and cingulate anterior, middle
right temporal lobe, left lower parietal lobe and left prefrontal regions
compared to partner recognition that only activates the right part of the
insula (Kircher et al., 2000). However, the measures are dependent of the means
employed and may involve different neuronal signatures (Butler, Mattingley,
Cunnington, Suddendorf, 2012) as evidenced by the divergences within the
studies (Kaplan, Aziz-Zadeh, Uddin, Iacobini, 2008; Uddin, Kaplan,
Molnar-Szakacs, Zaidel, Iacoboni, 2005).
Recognizing the old self-representation and its current facial
appearance involves treatments in distinct neural circuits. The representation
of the current self image is maintained and updated through plastic processes
inside the cerebral areas, specialized in the treatment of faces, but not
specifically of its own face (Apps, Tjadura-Jiménez, Turley, Tsakiris,
2013). It would contain « strong and configural and featural components
» (Keyes, 2012). A network of common representations between the self and
others seems to be possible and the passing from one to the other can be
realized through self-knowledge and the agency (Dcety & Sommerville, 2003)
and would influence the structural encoding step (Caharel, Fiori, Rebaï,
Bernard, Lalonde, 2006). It is not unthinkable that other components are
important, but not yet detected. Nevertheless, the statuts of
self-representation as special hasn't yet find a consensus within the
scientific literature and needs to be clarified (Gillihan & Farah,
Generally accepted in the scientific literature, we discern
two main types of facial treatment: featural processing and configural
processing. The first refers to the possibility for the human being to treat a
stimulus by stroke, especially when one perceives an object. The second refers
to any phenomenon that involves the perception of the relationships between the
different components of a stimulus such as a face. This type of treatment can
be divided into three types: the first-order relations ; the hollistic
processes and the second-order relations. The first-order relations allows to
detect that a stimulus represents a face and not an animal based on the fact
that all the faces are composed in the same way, of a basic configuration with
certain characteristics : two eyes above a nose, which is above a mouth. This
is a crucial step: the other two types of treatment appear only if a face is
perceived as a face. In the second type, the person will assemble, interconnect
the different facial features in order to form a set. It will now be very
difficult to consider the characteristics of the face independently. The latter
type reflects the spatial distance between the different internal features of
the face, such as the distance between the eyes, which in a way differentiates
individuals from one another. For some authors, the inversion effect would
destroy the ability to detect the second-order relationships (Sergent, 1984),
but would have less effect on the isolated characteristics (Rhodes, Brake,
Atkinson, 1993), as well as on first-order relations while others think it
interferes with all types of configural processing (Maurer, Le Grand, Mondloch,
In contrast, the inversion effect (Yin, 1969) shows that faces
presented upside down, compared to other non-facial stimuli, are less well
recognized and are treated more slowly than faces presented on the right face.
A fall in performance is then observed and reflects the inability of
the person to integrate the features of the stimulus into a
configurational/hollistic representation in contrast to the treatment of
objects, which occurs during traits by traits treatment by traits (analytic
processing). The faces presented upside-down would therefore be treated on the
basis of individual characteristics only and no longer on the sum of the
relationships of the individual characteristics (Thompson, 1980). It is in this
sense that he proposes that faces are special stimuli in comparison with other
stimuli, which have no inversion effect and are probably treated differently.
However, one study shows that it would be possible to develop an inversion
effect for one class of stimuli if one is expert. This vulnerability to
inversion makes it possible to consider the faces differently: they would not
be as unique and the recognition of dogs by an expert would be comparable to
the recognition of the faces. The author explain : "With expertise comes the
ability to exploit" the second-order relational properties "that individualize
members of stimulus classes" (Diamond & Carey, 1986).
An article (Besson et al., 2017) suggests a possible overlap
between the types of configural processing discussed above and three types of
levels: a level of categorization (detection of human faces), a level of
familiarity (recognizing famous people in relation to less familiar ones) and
detecting a person in a crowd. More precisely, he established a hierarchical
experience of the treatments and established their differences: the
categorization of feminine faces would be a first step whereas the individual
recognition of faces and the recognition of familiar faces will follow. The
categorization level is the fastest in the sense that it takes about 240 ms for
a person to decide if a face is a human face and is barely disturbed by the
inversion effect. We put about 260 ms to find a designated person within a
crowd and is still affected by the inversion effect with a correct level of
performance. Finally, it is with 380 ms that one recognizes a face as familiar.
This is the level most achieved by the inversion of faces. They deduce that
categorization requires little or no treatment whereas individual face
processing would need partial hollistic treatments and would correspond to the
first-order relations of Maurer, Le Grand, Mondloch (2002). The recognition of
familiar faces would be greatly disrupted by the inversion effect and would
require the highest level of hollistic treatment.
Through their three experiments, Ellis, Shepherd, Davies
(1979) compared the recognition of familiar faces and unknowns, either in whole
or with the inner or outer facial features. They conclude that internal and
external characteristics are determinant in determining identity, but that for
familiar faces, internal characteristics will lead to further recognition. The
results for unknown faces show that there is no preferential use between these
two categories of facial
features. From their points of view, this can be explained by
the fact that famous personalities have been examined on numerous occasions (on
television, in magazines, etc.) and that observers have paid more attention to
their internal characteristics to understand their emotions,... Attention would
thus play a major role and would lead over time to a better representation in
memory for internal and external facial features. Such a treatment could be
generalized when recognizing familiar persons such as family or friends ...
They have somehow initiated the notion of robust
representation of Tong and Nakayama (1999): Proposed as an extreme form of
familiarity, robust representations involve enormously over-learned faces that
have been encountered under many different conditions and contexts. These are
faces that have been seen through dynamic changes (points of view, light,
expressions) or gradual changes like the effects of age. They would therefore
consist of information that is invariant from the point of view. They allow
faster recognition, can facilitate a variety of visual and decision-making
processes. It is also acknowledged that robust representations of one's own
face require much less attentional resources, but visual experience so that
they develop. The results indicate that one's own face can be recognized more
quickly than that of strangers under any conditions (either side or back,
three-quarters, face, with or without hair, as target or as a distractor). They
therefore propose that very familiar faces should be more robustly represented
than unfamiliar faces and therefore less affected by the inversion effect.
A study goes against the previous assertion (Caharel, Fiori,
Bernard, Lalonde, Rebaï, 2006): the difference of reaction time, clearly
higher for familiar faces than for unknown faces during a configurational
alteration allows us to propose That these two stimuli are treated
qualitatively differently and can solicit various representations in memory:
only the faces presented at the place would be anchored in memory. In another
study (Keyes, Brady, Reilly, Foxe, 2010), the faces of friends are recognized
faster than the faces of unknowns placed at the site, but not during
We are generally good at matching familiar faces unlike
unfamiliar faces, but some authors wonder if photographs are reliable
indicators regarding facial appearance. Many questions arise about the methods
used in this field and a critical look could allow the improvement of our
practices, bringing us a little closer to the reality with regards to the
recognition of the faces. In
research, many have concentrated on the recognition of the
face of unknown persons, which is not very important in everyday life where the
recognition of familiar people is more frequent. The generalization of the
results of studies involving different tasks can also be considered as a
problem to be taken into consideration. Are people similarly recognized on
simple photographs compared to in vivo faces? (Jenkins & Burton, 2011). In
part, our study will serve to determine whether our choices regarding the
stimuli used in the experimental task influence reaction times and the correct
rate of recognition.
Secondly, our study will make it possible to distinguish
certain factors influencing the recognition / treatment of the faces and to
explain the individual differences in the performances that can only be
observed. Only a few studies to my knowledge have been carried out for this
purpose (Beattie, Walsh, McLaren, Biello, White, 2016). Using the Glasgow
face-matching task (GFMT) with unknown faces, and some measures like the
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) ; The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and
the PSI, they showed that participants with sleep disturbances made more errors
in the standardized face-to-face test. However, deficits in identifying tasks
associated with a restricted amount of sleep are not limited to tasks related
to memory recognition of faces (Sheth, Nguyen, Janvelyan, 2009) or emotional
recognition (Els Van Der Helm, Gujar, Walker, 2010).
The secondary objectives of this study will be to better
understand the familiarity of the faces or the inversion effect, but also to
see the impact that the quality of sleep of the participants will have on the
treatment and the recognition of the faces within a non-clinical French
population. Taking into account the study by Jenkins and Burton (2011), we
hypothesize that the style of images used will influence the recognition and
treatment of faces according to the degree of familiarity and the inversion
effect. Second, on the assumption that a lack of sleep can lead to subtle
cognitive changes even in young adults (Benitez & Gunstad, 2012) and that
poor sleep quality is associated with a lack of sustained attention (Gobin,
Banks, Fins, Tartar, 2015), we hypothesize that the sleep quality of the
participants will influence the recognition and treatment of faces according to
the degree of familiarity and type of images used following the Bruce and Young
model (1986).
For the first hypothesis, we believe that:
- Participants will recognize the photos of the unknowns
better and faster through the standardized photos, whether they are placed in
the right orientation or upside-down.
- Participants will recognize, whether with natural or
standardized images, their face and those of their friend more quickly and with
a better rate of correct answers than for unknowns in normal and reverse
For the second hypothesis, we believe that:
- Participants will respond faster and with an average rate of
good answers better when they have a good quality of sleep than when they have
a poor quality of sleep.
- Participants will respond less quickly and with an average
rate of lower correct answers when they have poor sleep quality, than they will
see natural images upside down.
- Participants with poor sleep quality will respond less
quickly but will have an average rate of good responses comparable with those
with good sleep quality when facing their own faces compared to the faces of
friends and strangers.
1. Participants:
30 French participants were recruited on the campus of the
Paul Valéry University in Montpellier to participate in the experiment.
Wishing to carry out a search on a normal population, all persons with a
psychiatric diagnosis were not excluded, a contrario visually impaired persons
who had no correctors of any kind. The participants, whose data was kept
between 18 and 31 years of age, had to be French right-handed and had to
present themselves for the experiment accompanied by a friend who, also
fulfilled these criteria, aware that they would not be rewarded. These men (4)
and women (18) agreed to participate in the experiment as a result of free and
informed consent.
2. Materials:
The forced pairing tasks, each consisting of 168
tests, designed on the E-prime software by Catherine Bortolon, were performed
by participants using a 13.3-inch computer and split into two types: Natural
tasks and standardized tasks. Two different tasks were provided for both task
types. These experimental tasks consisted of images taken by the participant (4
by his friend (4 images), by the experimenter (4 images for
the participant and 4 images for the experimental partner articulating the
sounds a, e and i) and images of unknowns (natural, standardized images). The
images of the standardized unknowns were taken in boxes, at the University of
Paul Valéry beforehand by the majority of the group. The test images of
the training phase were mainly celebrities. All the images used were resized
(260X350), appeared with an interval of 1000 milliseconds and were set black
and white. Modified with the photoshop software, they represent the following
stimulus styles: natural images (for the participant, for his experience
partner, for the two unknowns), natural inverted images (for the participant,
for his experienced partner, the standardized images (for the participant, for
his partner of experience, for both unknowns) and the standardized inverted
images (for the participant, for his partner of experience, for the two
The sleep quality index of Pittsburgh (PSQI) (Buysse,
Reynolds, Monk, Berman, Kupfer, 1989) is represented by an overall score (from
0 to 21) grouping 7 components receiving a score ranging from 0 to 3: the
subjective quality of sleep; the latency of sleep; the duration of sleep; the
usual efficacy of sleep; sleep disorders; the use of a sleep medication; bad
shape during the day. It includes 19 self-assessment questions and 5 questions
asked to the spouse or roommate if he has one. These 5 questions are not
covered in this study. A score of 0 to one component indicates that there are
no difficulties, while a score of up to 3 indicates severe difficulties.
Compared to the overall score, a score of 0 indicates that there are no
difficulties while a score
of up to 21 shows that there are major difficulties.
The manual laterality test (Oldfield, 1971) clarifies
the participants' preferences about the use of their hands in certain
activities. The proposed activities are 12 in number, each with the right-hand
column and the left-hand column: writing, drawing, throwing a ball, holding
scissors, using a toothbrush, using a knife, a spoon, A broom, rubbing a match,
opening a pot (hand holding the lid), which foot is used when you are typing in
a balloon, which eye you use when you need to use only one. Subjects must
therefore indicate which hand they prefer to do certain activities: if they put
a "+" in each column, it indicates that the activity is shared by both hands,
if they put a "+" in one of the columns this indicates that this hand is used
preferentially for this activity and if it puts two "+" in a column it
indicates that the manual preference is exclusive for this activity. A manual
lateral coefficient is then calculated: ((total D - total G) / (total D + total
G)) X 100. A cut-off is provided: if the participant has a coefficient of -100
it will be categorized as left-handed Absolute, -50 will indicate that it is a
preferential left-hander, 0 an
ambidextrous, +50 a preferential right-hander, +100 an
absolute right-hander. 3. Procedure:
Initially, participants recruited according to certain
criteria (right-handers, French nationality, aged 18 to 31) and motivated, had
to come with a friend (right-handers, French nationality, between 18 and 31
years of age) had to provide a number of photographs before the day of the
award. The standardized images for the participants were taken at Paul
Valéry's library, in a box just before the start of the pass. For some
participants, the natural photos were taken just before the start of the
assignment as well and were therefore modified by the experimenter as the
participants began to fill out the questionnaires. The counterbalancing of
tasks and questionnaires was therefore not always respected: the participants
had already completed the questionnaires before the experimenter had time to
complete the modification of the photographs. All participants, who were
already aware of the terms of the study, consulted the informative document and
signed free and informed consent. For the participants who had sent me their
photos the day before and had their complete file, a first counterbalancing
took place: one participant performed both experimental tasks with both hands
while his friend filled out the questionnaires in the Same box and in the
presence of the experimenter so that he can answer the questions. The opposite
was observed approximately 35 minutes afterwards. The participant had to press
one of the two keys ("c" or "n") according to the pictures he saw on the
screen. Depending on the name of the task (1 or 2), the keys were reversed to
allow counterbalancing. For example, the "c" key could mean "similar face"
while the "n" meant "different face". The images, which appeared for 1000
milliseconds, represented photographs of people (the participant, the friend or
strangers) and were separated by a fixing cross. The participant was instructed
to answer as correctly and as quickly as possible by pressing one of the two
keys if he found that the face of a person presented (him, his friend or
strangers) image corresponded to the face of the person seen on the first
Means of reaction times were calculated by considering only the
true responses and values between 100 and 2000 ms. Statistical analysis was
carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20)
with a significance threshold p <0.05. The extreme data were removed
following the use of the Mahalanobis distance: any data greater than 3 were
Orientation effect:
for the correct response rates. The normality of the data was
checked before practicing the repeated measure Anova with the Kolmogorov
Smirnov test. The Bonferroni fit was used. If the normality of the data or the
homogeneity of the variables were not appropriate, the Wilcoxon test was used.
To analyze participants' sleep quality and correct response rates, the
Mann-Whitney U test was used. As for the parasite variables, age correlates
significantly and negatively with the correct average response rate for natural
images and for unknowns, and the correct response rate for standardized images
of inverted friends not matched (p <0.05).
For the genus, a significant difference in mean between men
and women is observed over the average reaction times for the natural images of
unknowns presented at the matching location. t (20,4.54) = 2.330 ; p = 0.030
with a higher average for men.
Degree of familiarity :
For the ambient images : In normal and
matching conditions, a significant difference in the mean reaction time
according to the degree of familiarity is observed F (2.42) = 11.298; P =
0.000; R = 0.663. More precisely, the participants recognize their face more
quickly than those of the unknown (p = 0.000) and the faces of friends more
quickly than those of the unknown (p = 0.000).
In normal and uncorrelated conditions, no significant
differences were observed despite familiarity F (2.42) = 0.938; P = 0.399.
For the standardized images : In normal and
matching conditions, significant differences are observed according to the
degree of familiarity F (2.42) = 7.082; P = 0.002; R = 0.252. More precisely,
one recognizes his own face significantly more quickly than those of the
unknown (p = 0.001). No significant difference was observed between his own
face and that of the friend and the face of the friend from that of the unknown
(p> 0.05)
Under normal and uncorrelated conditions, no significant
difference was observed between average reaction times according to the
different faces perceived F (2,42) = 2,400; P = 0.103.
For the ambient images : In the
inverted and matching condition, there is a familiarity effect F (1.438,
30.204) = 10.849; P = 0.001; R = 0.341: participants recognize their faces
significantly faster than unknowns (p = 0.002) and faster the faces of friends
than the faces of unknowns (p = 0.015). No difference between his own face and
the faces of friends (p> 0.05).
In the inverted and non-matching condition, no significant
difference in average reaction time was observed between his own face, the
faces of the friend and the unknowns F (1,423,29,889) = 0.527; P = 0.536.
Between the normal VS inverted match condition, participants
show no significant difference in mean reaction time either for his own face,
the faces of the friend or strangers (p> 0.05).
Between the normal condition VS inverted non-matching, the
participants show no significant difference in average reaction time either for
his own face, the faces of the friend or unknown F (5,105) = 0.905; p =
For the standardized images : In a matching
and inverted condition, there is a familiarity effect F (2.42) = 11.926; P =
0.000; R = 0.362. Participants answer faster for their own faces than for
unknowns (p = 0.001), for friends' faces than for unknowns (p = 0.001), but no
significant difference is observed for their own face and that of friends
(p> 0.05).
In non-matching and inverted condition, no significant
difference is observed F (1.579, 33.157) = 2.170; P = 0.139.
In normal VS reversed match condition, no significant
difference is observed between his own face, the faces of the friend or
strangers (p> 0.05)
In normal condition VS inverted not matched, a significant
difference is observed for the faces of unknown F (1,21) = 11,534; P = 0.003; R
= 0.355: they recognize the faces of strangers more quickly in the place than
in the back.
Types of images :
For the other conditions, no significant interaction was observed
(p> 0.05).
In match and normal conditions, participants do not respond
significantly faster depending on the use of natural or standardized images,
either in relation to their own face F (1,21) = 0,011; P = 0.919 or that of
friend F (1.21) = 0.044; P = 0.836. On the other hand, the respondents respond
significantly faster for standardized images when the faces of unknowns are in
the right orientation matched F (1,21) = 23,26; P = 0.000; R = 0.526.
In non-match and normal conditions, the participants showed no
significant difference between the natural and standardized images either for
his own face F (1,21) = 0.301; P = 0.589; the faces of the friend F (1,21) =
0.106; P = 0.749 or unknown faces F (1,21) = 2,483; P = 0.130.
In the match and inverted condition, the participants showed
no significant difference between the natural and standardized images either
for his own face F (1,21) = 0,046; P = 0.832; The faces of their friend F
(1,21) = 0.126; P = 0.726. On the other hand, participants respond
significantly faster for standardized images when it comes to the faces of
unknowns F (1,21) = 4,372; P = 0.049; R = 0.172.
In a non-matching and inverted condition, participants showed
no significant difference between natural and standardized images either for
their own face F (1,21) = 0.627; P = 0.437, the faces of the friends F (1,21) =
0; P = 0.988 or unknown faces F (1.21) = 0.510; P = 0.483.
Quality of sleep effect :
For the ambient images : A significant
interaction is observed in inverse condition and not matched according to the
degree of familiarity F (1.5,30) = 3,820; P = 0.044; R = 0.160: according to
the diagram, a better average reaction time is observed for his own face when
participants have poor sleep quality than when they have good sleep. A better
average reaction time is also observed for friends' faces when participants
have poor sleep quality than when they have good sleep. No interaction for the
faces of strangers and the quality of sleep of the participants.
For the standardized images : No significant
interaction was observed for all conditions between average reaction times and
participants' sleep quality (p> 0.05).
Types of images effect :
Match: On average, no significant difference is observed
between the correct response rates of standardized and natural images in normal
condition for its own face (p = 0.512); The faces of friends (p = 0.521). On
the other hand, a significant difference is observed for the faces of unknowns
who are better recognized through standardized images (p = 0.000).
On average, a significant difference between the correct
response rates of standardized and natural images in reversed condition is
found for its own face, which is better recognized through standardized images
(p = 0.046) as well as for the faces of unknowns (p = 0.000). No significant
difference for friends' faces (p = 0.142).
Non-match: On average, there was no significant difference
between the correct response rates of standardized and natural images in normal
condition for his own face (p = 0.713) and the face of friends (p = 1.000). On
the other hand, a significant difference is observed for the faces of unknowns
who are better recognized through standardized (p= 0.019).
On average, there was no significant difference between the
correct response rates of standardized and natural images in the reversed
condition for the faces of the friends (p = 0.272) and the faces of the
unknowns (p = 0.072). On the other hand, a significant difference is observed
for his own face, which would be better recognized through natural images (p =
Degree of familiarity :
Match: On average, no significant difference is observed
between the correct response rates of natural images in normal condition for
his own face and that of friends (p> 0.05). On the other hand, the
participants better recognized the faces of the friends than the faces of the
unknown (p = 0.000) and better their own face than the unknown ones (p =
On average, there is no significant difference between the
correct response rates of standardized images in reversed condition when
participants see their own faces and those of unknowns (p
On average, there was no significant difference between the
correct response rates of natural images in the inverted condition for her own
face and that of friends (p> 0.05). On the other hand, the participants
better recognize their own reversed face than the inverted unknowns (p = 0.000)
and better recognize the faces of inverted friends than the inverted unknowns
(p = 0.000).
Non-match: On average, there is no significant difference
between the correct response rates of natural images in inverted condition for
his own face and that of friends (p> 0.05). On the other hand, the
participants better recognize their own reversed face than the inverted
unknowns (p = 0.003) and recognize the faces of inverted friends better than
the faces of reversed unknowns (p = 0.001).
On average, there was no significant difference between the
correct response rates of natural images in normal condition for her own face
and that of friends (p> 0.05). On the other hand, the participants better
recognized the faces of the friends than the faces of the unknown (p = 0.002)
and better their own face than the unknown ones (p = 0.012).
Match: On average, there was no significant difference between
the correct response rates of standardized images in normal condition for his
own face and that of friends (p> 0.05). On the other hand, the participants
better recognized the faces of the friends than the faces of the unknown (p =
0.002) and better their own face than the unknown ones (p = 0.001).
On average, there was no significant difference between the
correct response rates of standardized images in inverted conditions for his
own face and that of friends, and between the faces of friends and unknowns
(p> 0.05). On the other hand, the participants recognized their own face
better than the unknown (p = 0.000).
Non-match: On average, there was no significant difference
between the correct response rates of standardized images in normal condition
when participants saw their own faces and those of friends (p = 0.679), saw the
faces of friends compared to those of unknowns (p = 0.275) and see their own
faces compared to unknowns (p = 0.376).
= 0.822), see the faces of friends compared to those of unknowns
(p = 0.541) and see their own faces compared to friends (p = 0.376).
Orientation effect . ·
Match : On average, there was no significant difference in the
correct levels of the participants, with the natural images, when they
perceived their face to the right and wrong (p = 0.803), the face of the friend
to the right and wrong (p = 0.484) but better recognize the faces of the
unknowns in the place than in the back (p = 0.013).
Non-match : On average, there was no significant difference in
the correct levels of the participants, with the natural images, when they
perceived their face in the place and the wrong way (p = 0.527), the face of
the friend in the right orientation and upside-down (p = 0.739), from the
unknowns to the place and backwards (p = 0.919).
Match : On average, there was no significant difference in the
correct levels of the participants, with the standardized images, when they
perceived their face in the wrong place and in the right orientation (p =
0.102), the face of the friend in the wrong place and in the right orientation
(p = 0.124), from the unknowns to the place and backwards (p = 0.647).
Non-match : On average, there was no significant difference in
the correct levels of the participants, with the standardized images, when they
perceived their face in the wrong place and in the right orientation (p =
0.078), the face of the friend in the wrong place and in the right orientation
(p = 0.124), unknowns at the place and backwards (p = 0.262).
Quality of sleep effect . ·
For natural and standardized images, in match and non-match
situations, no significant difference was observed between all the correct
average response rates and the sleep quality status of the participants despite
the inversion effect, the degree of Familiarity (p> 0.05).
The general hypothesis that we posed was that the style of
images used, natural or standardized, could influence the recognition and
treatment of faces. According to some studies, it seemed sensible that the
participants recognize, whether with natural or standardized images, their
faces and those of their friend more quickly and with an average rate of good
answers better than when confronted with faces of unknowns in normal condition
and inverted. But also that the participants recognize better and faster the
images of the unknowns through the standardized photos that they are placed in
the place or the reverse.
The results show that the faces of the standardized unknowns
are better and more quickly recognized than the faces of natural unknowns
placed at the place and in reverse in match condition. Our hypothesis as to the
facts that one recognizes his face better and that of the friend compared to
the faces of the unknowns that it is through normalized images or natural, in
normal condition and inverted, is partly confirmed. That is, the advantage of
one's own face and that of friends from unfamiliar faces is found only in the
normal condition and matched for reaction times and accuracy for natural images
and for accuracy of normalized unchored and normalized images. The advantage of
his own face and that of the friend is also found in reverse condition match
for natural images and standardized through reaction times as well as only when
accuracy of natural images. The reversal of the uncorrected photos shows a
certain advantage for his own face and that of the friends compared to the
faces of the unknowns only for the accuracy of the ambient images.
Through these results, we can not affirm, on the contrary, the
recognition of his own face as being special, contrary to a degree of
familiarity in the recognition of faces between familiar and less familiar
faces since the results show that one recognizes better and more quickly his
own face and that of the friends compared to the faces of the unknown in most
of the conditions. This preparation makes the faces of unknowns can begin to be
learned and stored in the face recognition units (FRU) (Etchells, Brooks,
Johnston, 2017). Explanations can be taken into account without mentioning the
degree of familiarity: it is possible that unknown faces do not require the
same cognitive functions or at any other continuum than the other two types of
faces. For example, for face-matching tasks involving unknowns, a study shows
that attention may
possibly affect the identification performance, which is
better for experts who produce less errors than novices (White, Phillips, Hahn,
Hill, O'Toole, 2015).
The inversion effect is not significant except for the
reaction time for the unchallenged standardized images where the participants
recognize significantly more quickly the face of the unknowns in the place than
in the reverse and level of accuracy for the natural images match where one
recognizes significantly more the faces of strangers in the place than in the
reverse. This type of result is not isolated in the scientific literature
across different population types (Laval-lée et al., 2016; Feusner et
al., 2010). The criticism we could make is that we have not sought to target a
specific type of specific process as in some study aimed at understanding the
inversion effect, but this was not the purpose of 'study.
Some of the weaknesses of this study deserve to be addressed
and considered in the future. The small sample first does not allow the
generalization of the data and some groups of participants were made up of a
man and a woman, which leads to a gender bias that could have been avoided but
which remains commonplace in the everyday life. Moreover, as Jenkins and Burton
(2011) point out, a photograph is not necessarily a reliable indicator of
facial appearance. In this sense, images selected by unknown persons would be
indicators more representative of the facial appearance of a particular person
than if it were the same person who would select the images concerning. The
representations of the self therefore interfere with our ability to judge which
images faithfully represent our appearance.
Offering new perspectives on the representations that those
proposed by the technique averaging, this study, through the natural images
that it is for the faces of the participants; Friends or unknowns respects the
principle of the interpersonal variability of the face and the environment
(Burton et al., 2011) even if it is restricted by the fact that the images were
dated less than one-year old. The orientation of the images has been mixed,
which undoubtedly allows the cancellation of any learning (Hussain, Sekuler,
Bennett, 2009). Other results could have been obtained if the standardized
images had been produced with static expressions as in many laboratory studies.
Here, participants and unknowns articulate letters for standardized images,
which respects the recognition of faces in everyday life, but perhaps it is not
equivalent to the facial expressions that one could find in our natural images.
This may have influenced the results by knowing that the facial expressions are
insensitive to the inversion effect (Psalta & Andrews, 2014).
Second, we thought that sleep quality could influence face
recognition and treatment, but more precisely that poor sleep quality would
have deleterious effects on participants' performance in terms of average
reaction time but also at the level of sleep of the correct average response
rates. In reality, the inverted natural images of his own face and that of the
friend, the untested ones obtained a significantly faster mean reaction time
when the participants had a poor quality of sleep than those with a good
A lack of precision in the questionnaires, which is intended
to be global, can also be mentioned and lead to discussion of the results
(Ramsawh, Stein, Belik, Jacobi, Sareen, 2009), with particular attention given
to the subjective notion of scores on sleep quality significantly influenced by
Depression and anxiety (Matousek, Cervena, Zavesicka, Brunovsky, 2004). Taking
into account that poor sleep quality disrupts memory performance (Nakagawa et
al., 2016), representations of one's own face or Even that of friends should be
affected by the poor quality of sleep and this negatively while our results do
not go in this direction. A closer and more precise study could be beneficial:
see if the degree of familiarity of the faces is really due to multiple and
varied memory representations compared to the faces of unknowns.
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Results table: Comparison types of images
RT Accuracy
SELF = //
UNK = More quickly recognized through standardized images
SELF = //
UNK = Better recognized through standardized images
Non Matched
SELF = //
SELF = //
UNK = More quickly recognized through standardized images
UNK = Better recognized through standardized images
SELF = Better recognized through standardized images FRIEND =
UNK = Better recognized through standardized images
SELF = Better recognized through nat-
// ural images
FRIEND = // UNK = //
Non matched
Results table: Inversion effect (normal VS inversed condition)
RT Accuracy
Standardized images
Non Matched
UNK: Recognized quickly in the place than in the reverse
Ambient images
Non Matched
UNK: Better recognized in place than in reverse
Results table: Degree of familiarity effect and inversion
RT Accuracy
Ambient images SELF = FRIEND FRIEND > UNK
Non Matched // SELF = FRIEND
Standardized images SELF = FRIEND SELF > UNK
Non Matched // //
View publication stats
Results table: Degree of familiarity effect
RT Accuracy
Ambient images Matched SELF < UNK FRIEND = SELF
Non Matched // SELF = FRIEND
Standardized images Matched SELF < UNK SELF =
Non matched // //
- // ? No significant differences -
UNK ? unknown