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Is there a move away from wine to whisky in the european market?( Télécharger le fichier original )par Antoine Bouchard Burgundy School of Business - Msc Wine Management 2016 |
CONCLUSIONIn this research paper, we had an overview of the European wine and whisky markets, enabling us to understand current situation and the potential evolutions in the near future. Then, we went through an in-depth review of the worldwide whisky market, understanding the current situation on the production area and consumer's new behaviours. A specific questionnaire allowed us to investigate people's consumption habits and their expectations on their favourite drinks. Finally, we had a discussion in order to summarise market tendencies, consumer trend and try to figure out the future of both Wine and Whisky markets. I will let the final words to Michael Moss. To my question: - `Is there a move away from wine to whisky?', he answered: - «[...] This is a difficult question. A problem the whisky industry has always had is to break into the premium market. Look at the wine in your shop priced above an average bottle of Scotch. It has never managed to aspire to Armagnac. Even a good number of the bespoke gins are more expensive. The reason is that it began as a working man's drink and has never lost that association. This is not helped by fierce price competition in the supermarkets. One reason that spirits may be popular is that certainly European wines are moving up market, as quality improves.» We may conclude that at the moment, there is no real move away from wine to whisky. However, both wine and whisky markets are in a transition period and will have to face new challenges. The wine market will need to find out how to address to the Y Generation consumer's expectations: search for sensations, a consumption that won't only occur during meals, a more volatile consumption. The whisky market will need to continue its quest for quality and identity with a better recognition of the distiller's know-how. It may also need to find a way to expand its consumption moments (not only during `aperitifs' or `digestif'). 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