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Using tree- ring analysis to study the growth performance from saplings to trees for five savanna species in West Africa( Télécharger le fichier original )par Cocou A. F. Sinsin Université d'Abomey- Calavi (Bénin ) - Master of science 2009 |
6. CONCLUSIONDendrochronology was demonstrated in the present study like a vital method of juvenile tree dating. All investigated species are sensible to abiotic factors and especially rainfall that determine the distinctiveness of ring boundary. The oldest sample tree was 33 years old whereas the youngest was 5 years old. The variability in wood anatomy of the studied species could be used to understand the diversity in tropical forest. The events of fire on tropical ecosystems and especially its impact on tree growth w as studied and revealed that West African ecosystems are not always controlled by human pressure. Further research works on these ecosystems with emphasis on endangered species by using tree -ring analysis approach for developing news forest management actions are need. 7. LITERATURE CITEDADU-BREDU S., FOUA T. B. A., BOUILLET J. P., KOUAME M. M., YAMOAH K. S., & SAINT-ANDRE L., 2008. 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