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The role of National Bank of Rwanda from 1995 to 2010( Télécharger le fichier original )par Paterne RUKUNDO National University of Rwanda - A0 2011 |
LIST OF TABLESTABLE 4.1: Money Stock stationary 3 TABLE 4.2: Inflation Gap stationary 34 Table 4.3: Output Gap stationary 35 TABLE 4.4: Variation of Exchange stationary 36 TABLE 4.5: Previous Money Stock stationary 37 TABLE 4.6: Previous Inflation Gap stationary 38 Table 4.7: previous Output Gap stationary 39 Table 4.8: Previous Variation of Exchange stationary 40 Table 4.9: Error Term stationary 41 APPENDICES1. Orginal data of used variable in Taylor rule 2. Values of all used variables in Taylor rule 3. AIC and SIC for finding used lags 4. Error correction model 5. Ramsey reset test for model specification 6. Autocorrelation test of Durbin-Watson (DW) 7. Test for cointegration 8. To whom it may concern 9. Access to the library 10. Authorisation of dissertation submission LIST OF ABBRAVIATIONS
ACHs: Automated Clearing Houses ADF: Augmented Dickey-Fuller ATM: Automatic Teller Machine B.E.R. B: Banque d'Emission du Rwanda et du Burundi BACAR: Banque Continentale Africaine du Rwanda BANCOR: Banque à la Confiance d'Or BCDI: Banque de Commerce, de Development et d'Industries BCR: Banque Commerciale du Rwanda BHR: Bank de l'Habitat du Rwanda BK: Banque de Kigali s.a BNR: National Bank of Rwanda BRD: Bank Rwandaise de Development CAMEL: Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Earnings, and Liquidity COGEBANQUE: Companie Generale des Banques CPI: Cost Price Index CSR: Caisse Socialle du Rwanda DF: Dickey-Fuller ESAF: Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility GDP: Gross Domestic Product IMF: International Monetary Found MFIs: Micro Finance Institutions NCUA: National Credit Union Association NGOs: Non-Government Organizations OLS: Ordinary Least Squared OMO: Open Market Operating PRGF: Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility. RNIS: Rwanda National Institute of Statistics UOPB: Urwego Opportunity Bank VAR: Vector Autoregration VECM: Vector Error Correction Model WB: World Bank ABSTRACTThe aim of this dissertation is to study how monetary policy is conducted in Rwanda by National Bank of Rwanda (BNR). The task has been accomplished by designing and estimating a Taylor rule, monetary policy reaction function for the National Bank of Rwanda over the period 1995-2010. Applying Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) on the time series data, we test whether the Central Bank in Rwanda reacts to changes in the inflation gap, the output gap and the exchange rate. The results of the study show that the Central Bank of Rwanda has had a monetary policy over the years with the monetary stock aggregate (Mt) as the principal instrument. The results also show that the Central Bank of Rwanda reacted by giving much importance to the exchange rate than to inflation and neglected the output. CHAPTER I: GENERAL INTRODUCTION1.1. IntroductionSince the views of Schumpeter (1911) on the role of financial development on economic growth, strengthened by empirical works of McKinnon (1973) and Shaw (1973), and invaluable contribution of Levine (1997) who portrayed the functions through which financial development may affect economic growth, a bulk of studies have been conducted across regions and countries to provide further evidence on the link between financial development and economic growth toward development. It is in this spirit that we have undertaken this study to determine whether there is evidence of relationship between financial development supervised by National Bank of Rwanda (NBR) and economic growth in Rwanda. This chapter presents the knowledge gap to be filled, problem statement and objectives alongside the significance, justification, identification of research and hypotheses of the study. Moreover, the chapter shows at what extend the study is relevant for Rwanda, highlights the scope and limitations, the organization of the study and summary. The central bank is the most important institutions in a financial system. It occupies a unique position in the monetary and banking system of the country in which it operates. The central bank is always inspired by the principle of national welfare and in order to achieve this it must be done not under the influence of government, the reason being that the economy problem of the country cannot be satisfactorily solved without the fullest co-operations between the central bank and the government (Foundations of banking, 2005) The central bank should under no circumstances compete with other banks that is receiving deposits from the public or extending loans to needy borrowers. If it competes with other banks, this will conflict with its important function of being the bankers' bank, controller of credit and lender of last resort (comparative banking systems, 2005). |