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L'équité dans la mise en oeuvre des projets de marketing social: étude du cas de PSI-Bénin. (Population Services International )( Télécharger le fichier original )par Hugues Pascal S. SETHO Fondation universitaire Mercure Belgique - Master gestion des projets 2010 |
AnnexesSyntaxes Jeunes Apprenties KfW *Niveau socio-économique. FACTOR /VARIABLES Q109 Q110A Q110B Q110C Q110D Q110E Q110G /MISSING PAIRWISE /ANALYSIS Q109 Q110A Q110B Q110C Q110D Q110E Q110G /PRINT INITIAL CORRELATION EXTRACTION ROTATION /FORMAT BLANK(.25) /CRITERIA MINEIGEN(1) ITERATE(25) /EXTRACTION PC /CRITERIA ITERATE(25) /ROTATION VARIMAX /SAVE REG(ALL) /METHOD=CORRELATION . compute ses=fac1_1. *Compute behavior_var *Abstinence primaire compute abstprim=1 - q301. var lab abstprim "Abstinence primaire". val lab abstprim 1"Oui" 0"Non". compute nonabstp=1-abstprim. val lab nonabstp 1"Oui" 0"Non". fre abstprim nonabstp q301. *Abstinence secondaire compute abstsec=0. if q303b=0 abstsec=1. var lab abstsec "Abstinence secondaire". val lab abstsec 1"Oui" 0"Non". compute nonabsts=1-abstsec. val lab nonabsts 1"Oui" 0"Non". fre abstsec nonabsts q303b. *Multipartenariat compute multpart=0. if q303b>1 multpart=1. var lab multpart "Multipartenariat". val lab multpart 1"Oui" 0"Non". compute nonmultp=1-multpart. val lab nonmultp 1"Oui" 0"Non". fre multpart nonmultp. *Utilisation du condom fre q319 q323 q327 q332. compute use=0. if (q323=1 | q332=1) use=1. var lab use "Utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier". val lab use 1"Oui" 0"Non". filter by multpart. fre use. filter off. compute nonuse=0. if (q323=0 & q332=0) nonuse=1. var lab nonuse "Non utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier". val lab nonuse 1"Oui" 0"Non". filter by multpart. fre nonuse. filter off. **Compute the Concentration index and standart error compute age=q102. fre age. fre Q114. compute sex=q114. fre sex. fre abstprim. *cro tab sex by abstprim/cells=count. *******Utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonuse. aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonuse) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. fre nonuse. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonuse -avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonuse. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonuse. aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonuse) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonuse -avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonuse. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . *********Abstinence primaire **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonabstp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabstp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. fre nonabstp. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabstp -avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabstp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonabstp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabstp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabstp -avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabstp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . *****Abstinence secondaire **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonabsts. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabsts) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. fre nonuse. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabsts-avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabsts. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonuse. aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabsts) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabsts-avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabsts. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . ******Multipartenariat **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonmultp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonmultp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonmultp-avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonmultp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonmultp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonmultp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonmultp-avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonmultp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . Jeunes éleves et étudiants KfW *Niveau socio-économique. FACTOR /VARIABLES Q109 Q110A Q110B Q110C Q110D Q110E Q110G /MISSING PAIRWISE /ANALYSIS Q109 Q110A Q110B Q110C Q110D Q110E Q110G /PRINT INITIAL CORRELATION EXTRACTION ROTATION /FORMAT BLANK(.25) /CRITERIA MINEIGEN(1) ITERATE(25) /EXTRACTION PC /CRITERIA ITERATE(25) /ROTATION VARIMAX /SAVE REG(ALL) /METHOD=CORRELATION . compute ses=fac1_1. *Compute behavior_var *Abstinence primaire compute abstprim=1 - q301. var lab abstprim "Abstinence primaire". val lab abstprim 1"Oui" 0"Non". compute nonabstp=1-abstprim. val lab nonabstp 1"Oui" 0"Non". fre abstprim nonabstp q301. *Abstinence secondaire compute abstsec=0. if q303b=0 abstsec=1. var lab abstsec "Abstinence secondaire". val lab abstsec 1"Oui" 0"Non". compute nonabsts=1-abstsec. val lab nonabsts 1"Oui" 0"Non". fre abstsec nonabsts q303b. *Multipartenariat compute multpart=0. if q303b>1 multpart=1. var lab multpart "Multipartenariat". val lab multpart 1"Oui" 0"Non". compute nonmultp=1-multpart. val lab nonmultp 1"Oui" 0"Non". fre multpart nonmultp. *Utilisation du condom fre q319 q323 q327 q332. compute use=0. if (q323=1 | q332=1) use=1. var lab use "Utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier". val lab use 1"Oui" 0"Non". filter by multpart. fre use. filter off. compute nonuse=0. if (q323=0 & q332=0) nonuse=1. var lab nonuse "Non utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier". val lab nonuse 1"Oui" 0"Non". filter by multpart. fre nonuse. filter off. **Compute the Concentration index and standart error fre age. fre Q114. compute sex=q114. fre sex. fre abstprim. *cro tab sex by abstprim/cells=count. *******Utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonuse. aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonuse) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. fre nonuse. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonuse -avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonuse. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonuse. aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonuse) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonuse -avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonuse. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . *********Abstinence primaire **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonabstp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabstp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. fre nonabstp. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabstp -avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabstp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabstp=0 | nonabstp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonabstp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabstp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabstp -avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabstp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . *****Abstinence secondaire **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonabsts. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabsts) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. fre nonuse. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabsts-avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabsts. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonabsts=0 | nonabsts=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonuse. aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonabsts) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonabsts-avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonabsts. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . ******Multipartenariat **Jeunes élèves garçons USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=1 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonmultp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonmultp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonmultp-avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonmultp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . **Jeunes élèves filles USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & sex=2 & (nonmultp=0 | nonmultp=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonmultp. compute nobreak=1 . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonmultp) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonmultp-avgdv) . sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonmultp. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . TS IMPACT et KfW *Niveau socio-économique. fre q112. compute ses=q112. *Compute behavior_var compute age=q101. compute nonuse=0. if (q321=2 ) nonuse=1. var lab nonuse "Non utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier". val lab nonuse 1"Oui" 0"Non". fre nonuse. **Compute the Concentration index and standart error *******Utilisation du préservatif au dernier rapport sexuel avec partenaire irrégulier **TS de 15-24 ans USE ALL. COMPUTE filter_$= (age>=15 & age<= 24 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1)). variable label filter_$ 'age>=15 & age<= 24 & (nonuse=0 | nonuse=1) (Filter)'. value labels filter_$ 0'Not Selected' 1'Selected'. format filter_$ (f1.0). filter by filter_$. RANK VARIABLES = SES (A) /RFRACTION into rnkcon /PRINT=YES /TIES=MEAN. sort cases by nonuse. aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /n=N /avgdv= mean(nonuse) /avgrnk=mean(rnkcon). match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav'/by= nobreak . ** Part 3. Calculate: covariance, which is cov(yi, Ri), where Ri is the ith individual's fractional rank in the socioeconomic distribution. fre nonuse. compute covar_i=(rnkcon-avgrnk) * (nonuse -avgdv) . fre covar_i. sort cases by covar_i . aggregate /outfile= ' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumcovar= sum(covar_i) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav ' /by= nobreak . compute covar=sumcovar/n . ** Part 4. Get the Concentration index. **Note: incase you have one round of data, then you only need the Concentration index output - using the syntax below. compute ci=2 * covar/ avgdv . descriptives var= ci. ** Part 5. Calculate: cumy (cumulative of yi), lagy . But first need to be sure all non-targeted respondents should not be included in the calculation of cumy and lagy. compute newdv= nonuse. IF missing(rnkcon) newdv = 99 . recode newdv (99=sysmis) (else=copy) . sort cases by rnkcon (A) . compute indy= newdv / (n * avgdv) . create cumy= csum (indy) . COMPUTE lagy = LAG(cumy) . ** Part 6. Calculate: ai and sum of ai-square. compute a= (newdv/ avgdv) * (2 * rnkcon -1 - ci) + 2 - lagy - cumy . compute asq=a*a . sort cases by asq . aggregate outfile=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /presorted /break= nobreak /sumasq= sum(asq) . match files file=* /table=' C:\Users\joliamour\Documents\tmp\temp1.sav' /by= nobreak . ** Part 7. Calculate variance of ci and standard deviation of ci . compute var_ci=sumasq/n**2 - (1+ci)**2/n . compute std_ci=(var_ci)**(1/2) . descriptives var=n ci var_ci std_ci . execute . |