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Modélisation spatiale hiérarchique bayésienne de l'apparentement génétique et de l'héritabilité en milieu naturel à l'aide de marqueurs moléculaires( Télécharger le fichier original )par Ciré Elimane SALL Université Montpellier II - Doctorat 2009 |
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heritability based on Abstract The knowledge of genetic relatedness between individuals combined with phenotypic information enables us to estimate the heritability of character of interest. Estimating the heritability in natural populations remains a real challenge for the obvious reason that, in natural populations, the pedigree remains unknown. The use of molecular markers allows the assessment first of relatedness and then of heritability. However, classical approaches do not allow to introduce exogenous information such as geographical information. Nevertheless, we can assume that the closer two individuals are spatially, the more genetically close they are. The aim of this study is to develop statistical models allowing the simultaneous estimation of relatedness and heritability by using molecular markers as well as spatial information. In the first part, we develop a hierarchical spatial Bayesian model for relatedness taking into account spatial information. As the likelihood of the data given by the identity-by-state mode of pairs of genotypes, is not tractable, we propose the use of the composite likelihood approaches. The link between the identity-bydescent mode and the spatial distance is made using ordinal Probit models belonging to the generalized linear models. In the second part, we propose to model relatedness and heritability simultaneously. In the third part, we give different MCMC algorithms for model inference. Finally, the spatial model for relatedness is emphasized by an application on Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) data. Keywords Hierarchical Bayesian, MCMC, Composite Likelihood, Relatedness, Heritability, Spatial, Molecular Markers, Shea Tree. Discipline : Biostatistiques CIRAD, UR 39 : Diversité génétique et amélioration des espèces forestières. TA A-39 / C. Campus international de Baillarguet. 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France |