Chart 4.1.8 Types of risks
likely to be encountered by respondents

Source: Field research, June 2011
These answers show that a high number is likely to meet
physical risks which is because of the nature of work whereby majority are
technicians on field working in construction and electricity. However another
high number including the same technicians also face risks related to
technology, these risks vary according to the nature or type of work,
administrators/financials face money fraud using high technology which may
cause a huge loss to the company, engineers and technicians face technological
risks. Other few numbers face financial, political ,security risks while 6%
reported to face all kind of risks.
As these results show, there is a need of appropriate personal
protective equipments in order to minimize risks of injuries and deaths of
employees. Also, it is of paramount importance for the company to properly use
the information technology in data management and buy modern materials used in
construction and electrical related activities and train employees to use them.
This will reduce these risks which were mentioned by a high number.
Security and political risks are not the least problems
because if security is not enough, nothing can be operational, theft issues can
cause loss of properties etc. that is why the management should consider all
these factors.
Table 4.1.9 Training on
risk management in relation to which a respondent faces
Source: Field research, June 2011
The table and pie chart 4.1.9 show that among respondents, 62%
have had training on risks related to which the respondent is likely to
encounter while 38% did not have it. This shows a big gap in training in this
company which may hinder its growth. But, it may be caused probably by the
newness of a big number of employees or lack of structured training plan within
the campany. When employees are not trained, they are likely to meet those
risks and will not be able to manage them accordingly. This may cause huge
financial expenses to the company while training would cost less and minimise
risk occurences. Again, it is a lot of benefits to the dcompany when employees
are aware of possible risks they may encounter while on work. This enable them
to take appropriate measures especially for prevention and/or foer mitigation
which is a double advantage on both employees and the company's management.
Chart 4.1.9 Training on
risk management

Source: Field research, June 2011
Employees face few risks and even if they occur, they know how
to handle them, while on the side of the management, they spend less money on
risks because a lot of them are preventable and the company creates a good
reputation when its employees work in a good environment. That is why the
campany's owners should schedule regular trainings to all employees in their
respective domains of work.
Table 4.1.10 Response on
whether respondents have met risks that could put life in danger
Has met risk(s)
Source: Field research, June 2011
The table and graph 4.1.10 show that among the respondents,
37 or 74 % have met risks that could life in danger while 13 or 26% have not.
This explains that there are protective measures against injuries and deaths to
employees but still, a quarter of them have had once their life in danger.