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The UN security council reforms: myth or reality? an african analysis( Télécharger le fichier original )par Ndiyaye Innocent UWIMANA UZ - MCS 2006 |
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Robert Badinter [France] João Baena Soares [Brazil] Gro Harlem Brundtland [Norway] Mary Chinery Hesse [Ghana] Gareth Evans [Australia] David Hannay [U.K and Northern Ireland] Enrique Iglesias [Uruguay] Amre Moussa [Egypt] Satish Nambiar [India] Sadako Ogata [Japan] Yevgeny Primakov [Russian Federation] Qian Qiqian [China] Salim Salim [United Republic of Tanzania] Nafis Sadik [Pakistan] Brent Scowcroft [US] |