2.1. Measuring financial development
We begin this section by defining what financial development
is by breaking it into two components: Financial deepening and financial
sophistication. Financial depth or deepening can be regarded as the measure of
the size of financial intermediaries. This follows the definition of McKinnon
(1973), Shaw (1973) and Levine and King (1993) where they define financial
deepening as the process which involves banking liberalization from state
control, reduction or abolition of credit rationing and marketization of
financial parameters in financially repressed economies.
On the other hand, financial sophistication is defined as the
act of creating and popularizing new financial instruments as well as new
financial technologies, institutions and markets (Tufano, 2002). The innovation
can be regarded into two areas: product or process innovation. In product
innovation, new derivatives, contracts, new corporate securities or new forms
of pooled investments products are created whereas in process innovation, new
means of distributing securities, processing or pricing transactions are
discovered and used widely.
Financial Development and Economic Growth in Rwanda
2.1.1 Proxies of financial depth
Many proxies have been used to measure the level of financial
depth. Some researchers simply used the ratio of monetary aggregates (M1, M2 or
M3) to GDP as a proxy of financial depth, depending on the level of financial
development of a country. This view is inspired by the work of Levine (1997) in
which financial depth was defined as the ratio of liquid liabilities to GDP.
In line with this view, Hassan and Jung-Suk (2007) used the
ratio of M3 to GDP as a proxy of financial depth. They argue that other
monetary aggregates like M1 and M2 may be poor proxies in economies with
underdeveloped financial system, where a high ratio of money to GDP exists
because money is used as store of value in the absence of other more attractive
Others prefer to use the ratio of money supply or the broad
money (M2) to GDP (Loayza et al, 2000). However, this measurement was exposed
to the criticism that deep financial market may cause a decrease in the M2/GDP
ratio in countries having developed capital markets. This situation can be seen
as less problematic than situations in developed countries with a dominant
banking sector (Sakutukwa, 2008).
A reasonable explanation of the weaknesses of the broad money
as measure of financial deepening has been provided by Firdu and Struthers
(2003) that with financial liberalization, capital inflows add to the funds
available for credit expansion by banking system. However, these foreign funds
do not increase money supply since they are excluded from it by definition.
Therefore, increase in credit expansion, which is a good indicator of financial
deepening, may not be reflected in the movements of the money supply in
financially deregulated economies with important capital inflows. In addition,
government borrowing from the banking system reduces the amount of credit
available to domestic private sector and may have a strong negative effect on
economic performance but this will not be reflected in the trends of money
To support challengers of the ratio of liquid liabilities as
proxy of financial depth, Zhang et al (2007) used the ratio of claims on
private enterprise to GDP as
proxy of financial depth in investigating on the financial
deepening-productivity nexus in China over the period 1987-2001, unlikely to
previous studies in China which used M2/GDP, total credit/GDP or banking
financial assets/GDP as proxy of financial depth. They argued that as financial
sector is gradually liberalized, the rising depth of financial intermediation
is most likely to be a result of commercialization of state banks and should be
closely related to the change in the relative share of bank financing between
state owned enterprises and a variety of newly emerged enterprises. Due to lack
of data, they proposed the ratio of claims on private sector to GDP as a better
proxy of financial depth.
Karima and Holden (2001) supported this view holding that
though the ratio of liquid liabilities to GDP (or M3/GDP) indicates the level
of the liquidity provided to the economy, a weakness is that it does not
reflect the allocation of savings and so may not be an accurate indicator of
the activities of financial intermediaries. The true measure of financial depth
remains an empirical issue.