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Review of groin hernias at Kibogora hospital( Télécharger le fichier original )par Emile NDAHIRO National University of Rwanda - MB.ChB 2009 |
FACULTY OF MEDICINE REVIEW OF GROIN HERNIAS AT KIBOGORA HOSPITAL: A retrospective descriptive study to describe the prevalence, pattern and the immediate outcome of groin hernia surgery in KIBOGORA Hospital, Department of surgery.
Dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree of MB.ChB. of the National University of Rwanda
Presented by: Emile NDAHIRO
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Ignatius KAKANDE CO SUPERVISOR: Prof. Patrick KYAMANYWA HUYE, December 2008 DEDICATIONTo the Almighty GOD, For your Mercy, Grace and Love, To my parents and grand parents, Who very much wished to see me one day as a Doctor, For your immeasurable love, tolerance, guidance and care, I respect. To all who are dear to me, I dedicate this memoir. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe success of a dissertation is a big endeavour that one never claims to own alone and when it comes to expressing gratitude, it is always hard to find who to thank and who to leave. This is because various people played different roles under different circumstances in their particular capacities through out the period of writing my dissertation. However let me attempt to this great task: I owe special thanks to my Mum SSONKO Prossy and Dad BIGIRANDE Emile who managed to forego all and made their son an opportunity cost, without forgetting my uncle MUGGAGA, brothers KAAYA, LUYIMA ,KAKANDE, ISHIMWE, SHYAKA and my sisters NAMATOVU, NAKACHWA, UWASEKURU, and UMUBYEYI who were always there for me during my academic struggle. May God bless them abundantly. I extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Prof. Patrick KYAMANYWA and Prof Ignatius KAKANDE, I am grateful for their advice, instructions and time sacrificed towards the success of this work. My heartfelt thanks go to Dr. George NTAKIYIRUTA for his support towards perfecting my surgical skills during my spell in Kibogora hospital, may GOD bless him endlessly. I am greatly indebted to my friends more especially Fred, Joseph, Ivan, James for their tireless help towards making this' dream `come true. There would be nothing unreasonable than not mentioning the personal attention got from my beloved friends Rachael BUSINGYE and Bob KAGORO for both moral and academic support. Lastly I wish to thank the entire staff of the National University of Rwanda; mostly the Faculty of Medicine may the almighty God award you abundantly. TABLE OF CONTENTSACRONYMS, INITIALS AND ABBREVIATIONS vi Old Hippocratic Oath 425 BC vii CHAPTER 2: PROBLEM STATEMENT 3 2.1 Research question and objectives 4 Specific objectives 4 CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS 5 3.1.2. Study Population and Site 5 3.1.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria 5 3.1.5. Data analysis methods 5 3.1.6. Ethical considerations 6 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 7 4.1.1. Prevalence of Groin Hernia 7 4.1.2. Socio-demographic aspects 7 A. Prevalence of Groin hernia in Kibogora Hospital (Department of surgery) 15 B. Characteristics of patients according to age 15 C. Characteristics according to clinical presentation and type/site of hernia 15 D. Characteristics of patients according to type of operation 16 F. Post-operative complications/ evolution 17 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 18 |