Chapter 1
Structured credit products: a
business review
1.1 Introduction
Credit derivatives markets have been consistently among the
fastest growing areas of capital markets in recent years: 2006 year-end ISDA
survey shows outstanding notionnal of 34,000 USD Bio for all credit derivatives
contracts, up from 8,000 USD Bio in 2004. Such a growth was fueled by the
appetite of various types of investors for credit risk and relied upon the
ability of investment banks to repackage credit risk into synthetic structured
Before going into the details of modeling and pricing such
credit derivatives, we shall describe the principles of the main products that
can then be used as building blocks for more sophisticated ones. They share the
same underlying risk, that is the credit risk of one or several reference
entities, whether it be a corporate company, a financial institution or even a
soveriegn entity:
· Single-name Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are to credit
derivatives markets what single-name equity stocks are to equity derivatives
· Collateralized Synthetic Obligations (CSO) aim at
tranching credit risk on an entire portfolio of reference entities, hence
creating correlation risk;
· Constant Proportion Dynamic Portoflio Obligations
(CPDO) and Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) products allow
investors to take credit risk on diversified portfolios of single names while
avoiding first-order correlation risk;
· Vanilla options on credit indices started trading as
liquidity in underlying CDS contracts and standardized CSO tranches was
1.2 Elementary building blocks
1.2.1 Credit Default Swaps
A Credit Default Swap (CDS) is a contract whereby counterpart
A (the «protection seller») receives a periodic premium from
counterpart B (the «protection buyer») and agrees to protect the
latter against the default of entity C (the «reference entity»).
In the event of default, counterpart A would pay counterpart
B the notional amount of a reference obligation (which could be a bond or a
loan) issued by entity C and receive the reference obligation.

Figure 1.1: Cash flows of a Credit Default Swap with physical
CDS are quoted in terms of spread (measured in basis points)
over an Inter Bank Offered Rate (EURIBOR or LIBOR depending on the currency).
Assuming a constant recovery rate R for the underlying obligation, we can
easily express this spread as a function of the survival cumulative
distribution function S0(.) of the reference entity defined as follows under
the risk neutral probability measure Q. Let r be the continuous random variable
modelling the instant of default:
?t ? R+,S0(t) = Q(r = t)
By construction, for a given notional amount N, a fixed
recovery rate R, a contract maturity of Tn and risk-free bond prices
B(0, Ti), i ? {1, .., n}, the market spread at inception of a given CDS is
determined such that the present value of the premium leg (the «fixed
leg») equals that of the default leg (the «variable» leg):
Xn B(0, Ti) · EQ [N(1 -
R)1{Ti-1=ô=Ti} ~
Xn B(0,Ti) · N(1 - R) · [S0(Ti-1) -
[ Xn ]
= EQ B(0, Ti)sN1{ô=Ti}
Xn B(0, Ti) · sN · (Ti - Ti-1) ·
As a result, the CDS spread s is given by the following formula,
where D0(Ti) := B(0, Ti)S0(Ti) denotes the risky bond price: