Pulping process of Agave americana L. fresh leaves
Physical and chemical characterization of Agave americana paper
Tlili Afef*
Laboratoire de chimie, Institut supérieur
agronomique de Chott-Mariem,
Université de Sousse, Tunisie.
The abundance of fibers in its composition (Msahli, 2002)
legitimises the seek of introducing this specie in cellulose industries
especially paper pulping. Throw a comparison established with Alfa (Stipa
tenaicissima L.), the referential specie in Tunisia in pulping which is
qualified with its availability and strong potentials it was proven the
cellulose higher concentration and fewer mineral ashes (Tlili, 2007). Its
chemical composition is a persuasion of its suitability to industrial uses
especially those who rely on cellulosic fibers.
In fact, making a paper pulp is possible. It requires a
concentrated NaOH' cooking' process of its fresh leaves. The designation of
this pulp led to physical properties that aren't as convincible as chemical
ones. Nevertheless, they didn't declassify it. The paper market admits a pulp
with such high level of á-cellulose (87%), such rarity of mineral ashes
(0.7%) and such basic pH (7.6) and such less humidity (5.59%). The inefficiency
of pulping process is behind the raw and bleached pulp heterogeneity. However,
theses pulps very solid. The big reveal about Agave is that even its raw pulp
is white despite the NaOH attack which usually darkness it. Agave's pulping
efficiency is estimated by 22.9%. these parameters can be improved by
developing the pulping process.
Keywords: Agave americana L.; Tunisia; fibers; cellulose;
mineral ashes, paper pulp.
slicks show a severe degradation by nearly 1500ha/year
(Ksontini et al., 1998). This drop is due to the ecological and environmental
perturbations, the Industrial overexploitation and its hard regeneration.
The literature is very poor concerning the Agave pulping
process, liquors used and specific steps. Installing a reliable industry would
be so risky if we don't mastership the whole formula and distinguish clearly
the pulp properties in order to get a better judgement of its suitability.
In this present task, we first established the Agave pulping
process. Then we physically and chemically analysed the issued pulp.
2- Material and methods
Pulping process
The collected fresh leaves are washed in order to diminish the
risks of pulp impurity. They are peeled and so deprived from their external
chlorophyll cover. We make homogeneous samples with 0.5cm thickness; 0.5 cm
width and 8cm length.
The pulping process used with Agave leaves is the chemical one
also called Kraft. Its principle is fibers isolation with less possible
degradation (Edwards, 1998). For preliminary essays, the cooking liquor is
concentrated soda (NaOH33% nearly equal to 447.89 g/l). We constantly shake to
accelerate the process.
1- Introduction
The changing competitive economic and tech-
nologic growth inspires the agronomy a new push. Its time for
research and valorisation of existing fauna formerly unexploited. So, came out
the national and international interest accorded to Agave americana; a specie
for so long given up and depreciated in order to profit its ecologic, agronomic
and either economic performances. The curiosity towards Agave was ori-ginnally
based on the surprising adaptability of Agave to both of climatic and cultural
requirements(Chaieb and Boukhris, 1998) and its easy dissemination
(Bertrand,1959).This fauna was introduced from subtropical climates (Lock,
1962) and since belongs to national vegetal patrimony (Cuénod, 1954).
So many uses of Agave on industrial scale are so far
recognised which inspires a consideration and a rediscover of this resource in
order to intensify the possible profits. Because of the abundance of cellulosed
fibers in its tissues (Msahli, 2002), we seek to introduce Agave in industrial
use especially if we consider the productions rarity of cellulose fauna and the
fact of that many fundamental productions release on this fauna. The pulping
industry allows the access to paper making, an important field in tunisian
economics for so long established on Alfa grass, the major available source of
fibers there. However, its national productions are decreasing, the Alfa
Corresponding author: Tel: 00216 97 00 75 26
e-mail address : afeftl@hotmail.com
120 buttons and 150 dark points declassify it (SNCPA, 2007). A
pulp homogeneity is governed by several parameters as the introduction of
strange corps or the incomplete fibers individualisation. Technically, the pulp
aspect is related to cooking conditions. We have to optimise temperature,
pressure and liquor concentration that probably doesn't response to fibers
decomposition requests. The vegetal material influences the pulp aspect (Walls,
1999); samples dimensions aren't perfect and fibers length doesn't help
pulping. Also, we can't ignore the alteration due to strange corps introduced
during cooking or the inefficiency of washing process. The simple water throws
are in the case of Alfa replaced by successive chemical and physical
operations. Even with bleached pulp, heterogeneity doesn't totally disappear.
The bleaching agent has no effect on impurities; it only eliminates the lignin
The pulp is consistent and isn't deteriorated despite the
mediocre cooking conditions, inappropriate washing and non sophisticated
equipment. This consistency takes its origin from fibers properties which, even
dissociated, keep certain rigidity and a considerable length (Pfaffli, 1995).
We can stipulate that a good paper can be produced from this pulp. With
bleaching agent, the pulp is more compact. Its fibers are submitted to
additional degradation. This is due to the possible depolymerization (Han and
al., 1995). The excessive alteration can be related to the bleaching agent
itself or its concentration; they might be inadequate for Agave pulp.
The residual lignin of a chemical pulp (3 to 6%) has a
brownish colour, it's due to lignin double carbon links C=C. however, Agave row
pulp is much whiter than Alfa one. Its remarkable colour can lead to a high
quality paper with less chemical addicts and wastes.
The Agave efficiency in dry pulp is 22.9%, less than Alfa 33%.
Despite the leaf wetness and its massive water contain, there is no remarkable
difference. Agave can be a reliable paper making alternative.
Pulp chemical properties
The average dry material rate in Agave pulp is about 94.41%,
higher than Alfa pulp (87.09% to 89%). Technically, a paper pulp is rejected if
this rate is under 88%. Avery dry material rate augmentation is rewarded by a
clear improvement of paper efficiency. Essentially, it's related to extracted
paper weight, its thickness and amount. This clue informs also about pulp
aptitude to several following manipulations without being deteriorated
especially during refining. The higher it is, the more stable are the
physico-chemical paper properties.
We get back the pulp. After it gets colder, we dilute it in 10
containers with hot water. We vacuum filtrate it with distilled hot water.
The washing efficiency is pronounced by the pulp whitening and so the
evacuation of soda. The result pulp is called raw. To get a bleached one, we
used NaClO 21.3g/l. we dehydrate the pulp, we introduced it in the steamroom
40°C (1h).
Pulp physical properties
We studied the homogeneity based on simple observations; we
introduce a spoon tool within the wet pulp in order to reveal all anomalies
frequency as black points or darker strings. It's easier to detect such
impurities in dehydrated pulp. They are harder and darker. Throw a comparison
with Alfa pulp aspect, we judge the consistency: the particles cohesion of
Agave pulp; its softening and individualised fibers structure. We precise the
pulp whiteness throw a comparison with two samples of Alfa raw and bleached
pulp. The quantity of collected pulp doesn't allow the use of appropriate
device.We estimate Agave pulp efficiency E(%)=(Wv*Dv*100)/(Wp*Dp);Wv: vegetable
weight; Dv: vegetable dryness; Wp: pulp weight; Dp : pulp dryness.
Pulp chemical properties
We studied dryness D(%); profitableness P(%); humidity H(%) by
introducing the samples 3 hours in steamroom 105°C heat. D(%)=(Wf*100)/Wd;
P(%)=W*D(%); H(%)=(Wf-Wd)*100/Wf.
Mineral ashes content A(%) is obtained by severe calcination
after introducing dry samples 1 h in mitten oven 800#177;25°c.
A(%)=(W2*100)/W1*D(%) (Wf: fresh weight; Wd: dry weight; W2: final weight; W1:
primary weight).
pH is revealed by putting a 4g sample in 100ml of distilled
water within 3 days while the osmotic exchange happens.
In order to specify the á-cellulose amount
á-c (%)=(Wf*100)/Wi; Wf: final weight; Wi: initial
weight. We take 5g of pulp; we add 100ml of concentrated soda (212 g/l) we
shake 15mn until the whole pulp solution. The homogeneous blend is vacuum
filtrated. We add 100ml of acetic acid (20%) and we wash with hot distilled
water. The container is put 24h in the steamroom 105°C.