Agave americana L. morphological and biochemical
characterization in Kasserine, Tunisia.
Tlili Afef*
Laboratoire de chimie, Institut supérieur
agronomique de Chott-Mariem,
Université de Sousse, Tunisie.
Trying to value this newly introduced fauna in Tunisia, the
Agave americana's natural resources were studied in the area of kasserine. The
measures on young and aged samples has shown that the Agave is a huge specie
(maximum length: 217 cm, maximum thickness: 308.2 cm; maximum weight: 1968 g).
Its morphological criteria do increase by aging.
The biochemical criteria were proven only on aged subjects,
the potential reliable industry. Throw a comparison established with Alfa
(Stipa tenaicissima L. (, the referential specie in Tunisia which is qualified
with its availability and strong potentials, it was shown the higher brut
cellulose concentration in the Agave leaf (53.54%). The bottom segment, which
is more efficient for industrial use, contains 71.66% of brut cellulose. The
Agave leaf contains fewer mineral ashes (0.46%), more humidity (79.38%) and has
a pH 5.34, less acid than Alfa leaf.
Keywords: Agave americana L.; kasserine; Tunisia; fibers;
cellulose; mineral ashes.
1- Introduction
release on lignocellulosic fibers extracted from several
species. In Tunisia, the major available source of fibers is Alfa grass.
However, its national productions are decreasing; the Alfa grassland slicks
show a severe degradation by nearly 1500ha/year (Ksontini et al., 1998). This
drop is due to the ecological and environmental perturbations, the Industrial
overexploitation and its hard regeneration.
The literature is very poor concerning the structural aspect
of Agave americana L. and its suitability to several uses. Information about
its chemical composition is also irrelevant.
In this present task, we first analysed the morphologic
aspects of Agave. Second, we chemically evaluated it.
2- Material and methods
Field sites
The study was conduced in two localities in the area ok
Kasserine, the west center of Tunisia. They are continental sites where the
climate is Mediterranean superior arid with hot summers, mild winters and a
dry season longer than 3 months.; the soil is salty and a bit developed; it's
400m to 600m altitude, has a heavy slot and 300 to 400 mm annual raining and an
average temperature between 15 and 17°c. Climatological data were supplied
by national institute of meteorology.
They both have the same vegetation, a steppe dominated by
Stipa tenaicissima with small shrubs and herbs.
The changing competitive economic and tech-
nologic growth inspires the agronomy a new push. Its time for
research and valorisation of existing fauna formerly unexploited. So, came out
the national and international interest accorded to Agave americana; a specie
for so long given up and depreciated in order to profit its ecologic, agronomic
and either economic performances. The curiosity towards Agave was ori-ginnally
based on the surprising adaptability of Agave to both of climatic and cultural
requi-rements(Chaieb and Boukhris, 1998) and its easy dissemination
(Bertrand,1959).This fauna was introduced from subtropical climates (Lock,
1962) and since belongs to national vegetal patrimony (Cuénod, 1954).
Nevertheless, the best use of Agave is con-fronted by the
deficiency of its morphologic identity and specific physiologic proprieties on
national scale. This can be a handicap towards its rational and efficient
exploitation. So many uses of Agave on industrial scale are so far recognised
which inspires a consideration and a rediscover of this resource in order to
intensify the possible profits.
Because of the abundance of cellulosed fibers in its tissues
(Msahli, 2002), we seek to introduce Agave in industrial use especially if we
consider the productions
rarety of cellulose fauna and the fact of that many
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Morphological identification
In order to specify the Agave, we use young and aged samples
collected from several field sites in Kasserine. The choice of samples is
random in order to represent the specie. Also, several morphologic criteria
must be respected as the homogeneity, the parasitic and morphologic anomaly
indemnity. We take measures of young and aged leaves taken from each sample.
The cutting is specific; we must preserve young samples and at
least 20 leaves in each stem. Each leaf is then cut in 3 parts and so we
distinguish the basal segment; the thickest one by nearly 54cm; the medium
segment which is about 40 cm and the top one with about 88cm.
The studied parameters are the length (total, partial and
maximum); the thickness (top and basic) and the weight. After measures, an
average is taken for each parameter.
Biochemical identification
We studied dryness D(%); profitableness P(%); humidity H(%) by
introducing the samples 3 hours in steamroom 105°heat. D(%)=(Wf*100)/Wd;
P(%)=W*D(%); H(%)=(Wf-Wd)*100/Wf.
Mineral ashes content A(%) is obtained by severe calcination
after introducing dry samples 1 h in mitten oven 800#177;25°c.
A(%)=(W2*100)/W1*D(%) (Wf: fresh weight; Wd: dry weight; W2: final weight; W1:
primary weight).
pH is revealed by putting a 4g sample in 100ml of distilled
water within 3 days while the osmotic exchange happens.
In order to specify the raw cellulose amount; we used two
protocols. The NaOH method consists on introducing each 1g sample is 5cm length
in 300 ml of concentrated soda NaOH 33% in 46h. Then a 30 mn of boiling are
required. We wash with hot water and filter, the sample must be hold in the
contains. We neutralise soda with 100ml of acetic acid 20%. After 5mn of
reaction, we filter and we get back the filter paper that we put in the
steamroom in 105°c. A constant weight is to get after 2h. In the alcohol
protocol, we put each sample in absolute ethanol 95%. We put the test tubes in
Mary bath 100°c. 7h later, we pour out the alcohol and with micropipettes,
we add 6ml of pure nitric acid 65%; 2ml apart. After a reaction time, we filter
and get back the filter paper that we put 2h in the steamroom 105°c. The
raw cellulose rate is C (%) = (W2-W1)*100/W1.
3-Results and discussion
Morphological identification
For aged samples, the total length shows an average of 167.5
cm and 56.6 cm respectively for aged and young leaves. This
considerable length is proven by Nobel (1976) and Bertrand (1959). For young
samples, it is 85.32 cm and 50.2 cm for aged and young leaves. The significant
difference is probably due to meristematic activity which is yet not optimum
for young samples (Nobel, 1976).
For an aged sample, the basal segment is about 26.69% of the
leaf's length; 44.71cm high from the bottom bow. The medium part is about
23.62% and
measures 39.57 cm. The apical segment is about 43.35% and
measures 72.62 cm. for a young sample, the basal part rises 28.9 cm from the
bottom which is nearly 51.06% of the leaf, medium part is 30.86% as 17.47 cm
while apical part is 18.07% about 10.23 cm. Aged samples can reach 217 cm and
young ones 98.17 cm. by aging, this is because of meristematic activity of
leaves and the specie's nature; it is succulent, rising and stretch out
(Bertrand, 1959). The fibers contained in Agave are long ones and can reach 2mm
each (Han and Rowel, 1995).
Table1: Total and maximum average length of
Agave americana L. in Kasserine, Tunisia
Length (cm)
Table2: Partial average length of Agave
americana L. in Kasserine, Tunisia
Length (cm)
Length (cm)
Length (cm)
Table 3: average thickness of Agave americana
L. in Kasserine, Tunisia
Length (cm)
At bottom row
At the apex
Young sample
Aged sample
The bottom is much thicker, it's where happens water
accumulation as hydro potential low (Down, 1976). The thorn of the apex shows
the limited transpiration of this specie so keeps water. The leaf is also
highly concentrated in fibers. It's so recommended to use the bottom for any
economic and industrial use because of the better efficiency.
The average weight of young samples' leaves is about 1968 g
and 974 g respectively for aged and young leaves that rise to 2945 g and 1479 g
for aged
samples. Despite the equal age of young leaves extracted from
young and aged samples, they don't
have the same weight. This can be explained by the fact of
vegetative growth and photosynthetic activity aren't optima for young samples.
Their fibers aren't well constructed and concentrated in cellulose. It's more
efficient to use aged samples in industries that relies on vegetative
Biochemical identification
Data reported on the chemical properties of nonwood fibers and
especially Agave americana are few. This data vary greatly, studies have varied
in fiber (source, age) growing time and methodology.
The three segments of the leaf show average rates respectively
from bottom: 13%; 20.49% and 28.34%. It is a significant criteria to be
considered to judge the efficiency of Agave in several uses; especially
industrial one. It could have a bad influence on Agave's economic
profitableness. In deed, Agave's profitablessness is estimated, for 1 tonne of
dry material, by nearly only 206 kg of useful one.
The distinct parts of Agave's leaves show respectively an
average of humidity 86.99%; 71.65%; 79.50%. The anatomy of the whole leaf is
behind its important amount of water (79.38%). It contains few stomas, is
covered by an impermeable wax and has thorn all along its circumference which
diminishes transpiration so much. Every possible industrial use requires
dehydration, this humidity rate can be a serious handicap but his juicy plant
(2.5l) is so useful in human alimentation (tequila drink). Its moistness allows
the high populations in arid climate as the field site. So, It gains a
tolerance even desert one.
Mineral ashes contain
The leaf contains an average of 0.46% of ashes. The contain is
for bottom 0.66%, medium part 0.4% and apex 0.34%. Ashes, which are micro and
macro-elements, aren't essential components of Agave. This poor proportion is
so recommended in industrial uses especially in paper mill.
From bottom to apex, pH is respectively
5.01; 5.05; and 5.96. The leaf's pH is about 5.34. its acidity causes a
cutaneous irritation within manipulations. Despite its high sugar concentration
(Digest, 1980), it is not recommended in livestock alimentation. Even if it
provides alcoholic drinks, its acidity can be harmful for health.
Raw cellulose contain
Table 4: raw cellulose contain
Cellulose rate (%)
Vegetal material
NaOH method
Alcohol method
The cellulose rate shows a significant difference between the
three parts of the leaf. Basal segment is the most concentrated. In deed, it's
related to the change of chemical properties associated to fibers number and
growth (Han and Rowell, 1997). Polysaccharides synthesis is optimal at bottom;
the fiber's growth begins by getting its definitive length then it gets thicker
and cellulose charged (Person, 1987). In the industries based on cellulose
extracts, it's important to avoid the apex highly lignin concentrated that
The average rate 55.56% is considerable and is even higher
than other fiber species exploited in industrial uses. From Agave, cellulose
pulps can be manufactured safely.
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