Sanitation in urban and peri-urban areas of
Cap-Haitien, Haiti: The promotion of different latrine options through a social
Rémi Kaupp
December 2006
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of
MSc in
Engineering for Development by instructional course
This dissertation presents a study done in Cap-Haitien, Haiti
with the non-governmental organisation Oxfam, aiming at analysing the
sanitation situation in urban and peri- urban of the city, and putting
forward recommendations to implement in a development project.
Urban slums pose unique problems given the high level of poverty,
low implication
of public services and lack of infrastructure. Excreta
management has a particular inci- dence on water-related diseases, yet
sanitation coverage is frequently low in these areas. Some technical solutions
exist, but the problems of pit emptying and raising demand for latrines have to
be addressed. Social marketing can be a way to raise demand and work towards
sustainable sanitation.
A range of tools have been used for the research, including
interviews with key infor- mants, field visits, a household survey, a workshop
with partner organisations, a focus group discussion to assess the willingness
to pay, and a pilot test of an ecological latrine.
Findings indicate that the low existing coverage comes mainly
from the inadequa- tion of past and current practices: the outcome of previous
supply-led subsidised pro- grammes is an unsustainable sanitation system, with
expensive latrines, and unreliable and unsafe emptying services.
Alternatives would need to be suited to the particular
constraints expressed in each area. Ecological sanitation could have some
potential where urban agriculture is prac- tised, with a simple model such as
the Arborloo. In low-lying areas with higher hous- ing density, improved
products such as small low-cost latrines could raise demand, but would need to
be coupled with a reliable emptying system. First assessments of the will-
ingness to pay are encouraging but need further research; more links between
the public and private sectors would also be necessary, especially regarding
the final disposal.
This research encourages Oxfam to investigate the sanitation
marketing option, while still being flexible to adapt solutions to the local
context. Future research could also be done to compare Cap-Haitien's situation
with other cities of the developing world.
Rémi Kaupp
I first thank Oxfam for making this placement happen, and in
particular my supervisor
Tim Forster who set up the study.
I am deeply indebted to Guettie Noël who acted not only as
my translator, but also
as my assistant and facilitator during the study, and whose work
also helped me to understand the Haitian culture; many thanks also go to her
welcoming family.
I am grateful to Sonia Heaven, my supervisor in the United
Kingdom, for her contin- uous support and advice, and to Ben Fawcett for
sharing his experience and suggestions.
This research was to a great extent done in collaboration with
the London School
of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and in particular with Steven
Sugden who kindly accepted to come to Cap-Haitien, and Beth Scott who advised
me with the demand tool.
Oxfam staff in Cap-Haitien was always supportive and contributed
to the success of
the research: many thanks to Laurence Hamai, Samuel Mondestin,
Anne-Flore Leroy, Hernal Cadet, Jean-Reynald Etienne, Valery Laguerre, Berly
Raphaël, Nadège Joanis Noël, Gemps Célestin and to
Haiti programme manager Yolette Etienne.
I received useful advice from the WASTE institute, thank you to
Arnold van de Klun- dert and Mirjam Geurts.
Final thanks go to inhabitants of Cap-Haitien who participated
in the survey, those who accepted to spend some time for interviews, women from
Fanm pa chita for their participation in the focus group discussion, and the
Roboam family for accepting to test
the Arborloo.
Rémi Kaupp
1 Introduction 9
1.1 Context of research . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 Sanitation and urban slums . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.3 Structure of the dissertation . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2 Background: Sanitation and Marketing 15
2.1 Approaches to sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Sanitation marketing
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
Latrine pit emptying
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
Description of research
4.1 Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5 Results and analysis 32
5.1 Areas of the city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.2 Sanitation situation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.3 Inappropriate practices . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.4 Alternative options . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6 Discussion 56
6.1 Limitations of the research tools . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.2 Is sanitation a priority? . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7 Conclusion 61
7.1 Achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Recommendations for the project . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References 64
Rémi Kaupp Contents
List of appendices
Semi-structured interviews
Focus group discussion
Sustainable excreta disposal
MDG calculations
Population and coverage estimates . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Cost of a latrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total cost to achieve the MDGs . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
F Product-service package 75
F.1 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Rough break even and financial viability calculations . . .
. . . . . . .
Public Private Partnership (PPP) . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Survey questionnaire
Survey detailed results
Rémi Kaupp
List of Figures
1.1 Map of Haiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2 Aerial view of Cap-Haitien. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
View of Cap-Haitien above Mansui, looking towards the East.
. . . . .
The Arborloo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
2.2 The VacuTug in Dar-Es-Salaam . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 A «frogman» in a latrine pit, in Dar-Es-Salaam . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Location of surveyed areas in the city . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Open defecation area in Shada. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Public toilet in Shada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Communal toilets in Nan Bannann. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
5.5 A latrine in Mansui, built by the USAID-financed programe.
. . . . . . 40
Overhung latrines in Northern Shada.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Graphical projections for the MDGs .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.8 The finished test Arborloo in Mansui . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.9 Old small vacuum tanker, belonging to the MSPP. . . . .
. . . . . . . . 53
6.1 Housing problems in Petite-Anse. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 59
Illustrations by the author, except:
· Figure 1.1 from the CIA World FactBook,
· Figures 1.2 and 5.1 from UTSIG/MPCE and Oxfam,
· Figure 2.1 by Peter Morgan,
· Figures 2.2 and 2.3 by Steven Sugden.
Rémi Kaupp
List of Tables
Summary of differences between the areas
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defecation methods in each area . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sustainability of current sanitation options, result from the
MSPP workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Population and latrine coverage estimates . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Cost of some elements of a «standard» latrine . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Total cost to achieve the MDGS in Cap-Haitien . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
Components of a low-cost latrine . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Detailed pricing of a low-cost latrine elements . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Financial viability calculations . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Arborloo A type of ecological latrine, in which a fruit tree is
planted in the pit after use; also known as the «single-pit walking
Bayakou People emptying pits manually in Cap-Haitien.
Gourde The local currency (also written Gde or HTG), fairly
stable during the re- search at 38-39 Gdes = US$ 1, often rounded at 40 Gdes =
US$ 1. Haitians frequently count sums bigger than 5 Gourdes using the
non-existent Haitian Dollar (HT$), with 5 Gdes = HT$ 1, and HT$ 7,7 - 8 = US$
1. During in- terviews and discussions, the Haitian dollar was the preferred
For comparison, the following prices could be found during the
· A plastic bag = 1 Gde
· A bucket (20 litres) of water at a handpump = 2
· A tap-tap (bus) ride = 5 Gdes
· A bottle of Coca-Cola = 25 Gdes
· A standard lunch (rice, beans, some chicken) = 50
Rémi Kaupp List of Tables
· The following daily wages could also be found: a
barrow boy 100
Gdes (US$ 2.5), unskilled construction labour 150-250 Gdes
3.75 - 6.25), skilled mason 300 - 400 Gdes (US$ 7.5 - 10)
List of abbreviations
AMPB Association de Militants Progressistes de Bel-Air
DIPECHO Disaster Prepared Plan for the European Commission
Humanitarian Aid
EPPLS Entreprise Publique de Promotion de Logements Sociaux -
Public Enter- prise for Promoting Social Housing
EU European Union
FGD Focus Group Discussion
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GTIH Groupement Technologie Intermédiaire d'Haïti -
Intermediate Technology
Group Haiti (note: nothing to do with ITDG)
KLPS Komite lokal de Proteksyon sivil - Local Civil Protection
LSHTM London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MDG Millennium Development Goals
MINUSTAH Mission des Nations Unies pour la STAbilisation en
Haïti - United Na- tions Mission for Stabilisation in Haiti.
MSPP Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la
Population - Ministry for Public
Health and Population
PHAST Participatory Hygiene And Sanitation Transformation PROTOS
PROjectgroep Technische OntwikkelingsSamenwerking vzw NGO Non-Governmental
PPP Public-Private Partnerships
WSP Water and Sanitation Programme
WTP Willingness To Pay
Rémi Kaupp
1 Introduction
In the city of Cap-Haitien in Haiti, the British
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Oxfam, the Belgian NGO PROTOS and the local
NGO GTIH have successfully obtained funding from the European Union (EU) in
order to conduct a 4-year project in Water and Sanitation, directed at poor
areas of the city. The project includes the rehabilitation
of the water supply system, creation of drainage channels for
rainwater, implement- ing a solid waste management scheme, a «social
engineering» part aimed at improving people's behaviour, and the
reinforcement of public services. In order to gain a better understanding of
how the sanitation part should be achieved, a 3-month research has been carried
out in Cap-Haitien.
1.1 Context of research
1.1.1 Haiti
Haiti is located on the island of Hispaniola in the
Caribbeans, West of the Dominican Republic (map on Figure 1.1 below). Despite
becoming the first independent «Black Republic» in 1804, it has since
known numerous authoritarian regimes and presidents elected for life. In the
second half of the 20th century, the ruling of the father and son Duvalier and
their secret police organisation (the «bogeymen»), then of
Jean-Bertrand Aristide have left Haiti as the poorest country in the Western
hemisphere and one of the Least Developed Countries (LOC, 2005).
In 2004, the Aristide government was overthrown by rebels,
starting a period of riots and violence until the intervention of the
multinational force from the United Nations,
the Minustah. In early 2006, elections were held and René
Preval became president, promising peace and stability. The Minustah is still
present in the country.
Haiti's economy is largely based on agriculture (70% according
to CIA, 2006), mostly small-scale subsistence farming, and informal economy.
Unemployment rates are be- tween 50% and 70% (ibid.). Cash crops include
coffee, mangoes, sugarcane and rice, though prices have collapsed due to
massive imports from the USA. The external debt has reached US$ 1.4 billion in
2006, 11% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but Haiti will not qualify for
debt relief programmes before 2009; inflation is above 20%
and the GDP growth is negative since 2000, reaching now -3.5%.
With regard to these
figures, Haiti is «becoming poorer every day» (as it is
commonly heard locally).
Population is estimated at 8.53 million inhabitants, of which
2.5 to 3 million in the capital Port-au-Prince. The terrain consists mainly
of rugged mountains with small coastal plains and river valleys. Heavy
deforestation for charcoal production has af- fected all but 2% of the original
forest cover, leading to desertification, soil erosion and more recurrent

Figure 1.1: Map of Haiti
1.1.2 Cap-Haitien
Cap-Haitien is the second biggest city in Haiti after
Port-au-Prince; it comprises 120,000 inhabitants officially, but between
500,000 and 800,000 according to more recent sur- veys. Situated in the Nord
department, it used to be the historical centre of Haiti and the preferred
destination for tourism, with favoured beaches, a harbour for cruise ships and
historical sites. Since the 1970s, poverty and emigration from rural areas
have trans- formed the city. In the 1980s, Cités were constructed as
cheap housing areas close to
the mangrove, with basic infrastructure. However, areas have also
emerged at the same time on the mangrove, often by dumping solid waste in it to
create a firmer ground1.
The city now comprises the historical centre, with mountains
on the West and low- lying lands in the South and East. The city has
progressively expanded South and East over the mangrove, and West as slums
developed over the hillside. Figure 1.2 below presents an aerial view of the
city and Figure 1.3 is a view from a nearby hilltop. Hur- ricane Jeanne badly
affected the North of the country in 2004, causing heavy floods, mudslides and
about 3,000 deaths, a significant part of them in Cap-Haitien.
1 Source: interviews with local Oxfam staff.
An assessment was carried out in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien
in 2003 for Oxfam
(Walden et al., 2003), focusing on water, sanitation and health.
It reported a deteriora- tion of health conditions and put forward
recommendations which were used to create
the present Water and Sanitation project.

Figure 1.2: Aerial view of Cap-Haitien.
The city centre is visible in the North, and the hills on the
West. Recent expansion of the city are visible in peri-urban areas in the
South, and dense slums are located in the
1.1.3 Oxfam's action
Oxfam has been doing development projects in Haiti for 30
years, and humanitarian in- terventions after the 2003-2004 crisis. In
Cap-Haitien, a project financed by DIPECHO has been supporting disaster
preparedness and mitigation work by the creation of Lo-
cal Committees for Civil Protection (KLPS) in order to reduce
vulnerability to natural disasters.
Oxfam has started a 4-year water and sanitation project in
summer 2006 together with partners PROTOS and GTIH, with funding from the
European Union, in order to improve access to safe water and sanitary
conditions in poor areas of Cap-Haitien. it includes the rehabilitation of the
water supply system in low-lying lands, where water is currently

Figure 1.3: View of Cap-Haitien above Mansui, looking towards the
trucked; provision of sanitation services, including storm
water / wastewater drainage and solid waste removal; improving the health
behaviour of the targeted population; and building the capacity of the public
sector (Oxfam, 2006).
Regarding excreta management, the project includes a
«definition of an acceptable model of familial or multi-familial
latrine»; a budget of US$30,000 is allocated to la- trine building, for
about 100 pilot latrines. The project states that in target areas, open
defecation is practised by 44.2% of respondents2, plastic bags are
used by 33.8%, 19.4%
go to the sea and 2.6% use a latrine.
1.2 Sanitation and urban slums
1.2.1 Urban slums
About 900 million people were considered slum dwellers in the
world in 2005 (Garau
et al., 2005); this represents about one third of urban dwellers
in developing countries. Combined to the high birth rate in these countries,
emigration from rural areas is the major growth factor in developing cities,
with immigrants choosing to turn away from their isolation in hope of better
education and jobs. However, municipalities are often not prepared to welcome
this mass influx, resulting in unplanned and often «illegal»
settlements. 78% of urban citizens are slum dwellers in the least developed
countries. UN-Habitat (2003) estimates that there would be 1.5 billion slum
dwellers by 2020. However, poverty reduction strategies are still largely
focused on rural development, according to Mitlin (2004), and municipalities
treat slums at best by ignoring them, but
2 Out of 500 respondents in a PHAST survey
also by seeing them as a «problem» or by bulldozing
them (Garau et al., 2005). Two
common approaches have been tried since the late 1960s, slum
upgrading and housing finance systems. Slum upgrading is often done at small
scale, unable to reach most of
the slum dwellers; housing financing systems often comprise
«inappropriate conditions for the slum dwellers» (ibid.).
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have set target 11, which
«by 2020, improving substantially the lives of at least 100
million slum dwellers, while providing adequate alternatives to slum
which is a twofold challenge, as it addresses both issues of
present slums and future housing policies. Most recent operational
recommendations comprise the recognition of slum dwellers as active agents of
development, improvements of governance, supporting pro-poor policies and
empowering local actions (ibid.).
1.2.2 Sanitation in slums
Millennium Development Goal 7, target 10 states:
«Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without
sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.»
If the world population without access to safe drinking was
around 1.1 billion in 2000, there were 2.4 billion without access to sanitation
according to WHO-UNICEF (2000). Poor sanitation is responsible for the
propagation of feacal-oral diseases, such as diar- rhoea (4 billion cases
annually and 2.2 million deaths) or intestinal worms (ibid.). It is estimated
that water, sanitation and hygiene interventions can reduce diarrhoeal
by one quarter to one third (ibid.).
The urban poor, and especially the children, are known to be more
at risk (Mara,
1996a). But sanitation interventions are harder to conduct in
slums: high population densities mean that many technological options are not
feasible; slums are often situ- ated on low-value land, such as flood-prone
areas or unstable hill slopes; high levels
of poverty mean that the beneficiaries' contribution or
willingness to pay would be low and a project would have to invest more for the
same result.
1.3 Structure of the dissertation
This dissertation presents the research and its findings. A
summary of the literature review can be found in Section 2, presenting the
different approaches of sanitation and
the principles of sanitation marketing. Section 3 (page 22)
describes the objectives and
sub-objectives of the research, and the methodology is presented
in Section 4 on page
23, along with the programme of work and the limitations of the
research tools.
Findings from the study are shown in Section 5 on page 32,
presenting the division of
the city in typical areas, a review of the defecation practices
and associated technologies,
an analysis of the situation, and possible options which can be
implemented in order
to achieve sustainable sanitation. Section 6 (page 56)
discusses the limitations of the study, and the possibility that sanitation may
not be a priority. Conclusions are finally presented on page 61 with
recommendations for the project and future research.
A list of appendices can be found on page 67.
Rémi Kaupp
2 Background: Sanitation and
In this dissertation, the term of «sanitation» refers
to excreta management, which is one part of environmental sanitation.
Environmental sanitation comprises the safe disposal
of human excreta, wastewater and rainwater, and solid waste
(Cairncross & Feachem,
1993). The excreta management part comprises the following
· The safe separation of faeces from the human body,
· The containment of faeces (for instance in a pit),
· The transport of excreta from the containment to a
disposal site,
· The final disposal of excreta, or its reuse and
return to land.
The last point is subject to debate, in order to consider a
sanitation system «ecological»
or not (see Winblad & Simpson-Hébert, 2004). This
literature review develops several aspects of sanitation which are relevant to
the research. First, different approaches of sanitation are considered
(Section 2.1), Section 2.2 presents in more detail the concepts behind
sanitation marketing, and the particular problem of pit emptying in urban
is finally reviewed in Section 2.3.
2.1 Approaches to sanitation
Sanitation has been approached in various ways in the past. The
stress is now put more
on «sustainable sanitation» and «improved
sanitation» as proposed by the MDGs and
the Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP). If «improved
sanitation» is clearly defined
by the WSP (as including sewer / septic tanks / pit latrines,
but excluding bucket, open and public latrines, see WHO-UNICEF, 2000),
«sustainable sanitation» remains a blur concept, for which
definitions are hard to find in literature. An attempt to define it is
presented in Appendix D on page 70, extracted from Jenkins & Sugden
For Black (1998), the last 30 years can be divided in several
types of approaches for water and sanitation programmes. The «appropriate
technology» phase from 1978 to
1988 focuses on low-cost technologies, mostly proposed by
engineers from developed countries; the Water and Sanitation decade introduced
then a change from hardware to
software between 1988 and 1994. As the urban sanitary crisis was
growing, policies
have also changed to more demand-responsive approaches and
capacity building.
The following Sections present some of these approaches.
2.1.1 Supply-driven approaches
Latrine construction programmes driven by the supply side are
still frequently found. Mukherjee (2000) claims that many failures in past
sanitation projects come from «myths»: that sanitation coverage
directly has a health impact (while it requires also some be- haviour change),
that demand-responsive approaches do not work for sanitation (while
they seem even more important than for water projects), that
water supply and sanitation should always come as a «package» (but
users perceive it often very differently, and the levels of demand are rarely
For Klundert & Scheinberg (2006), sanitation is too often the
«poor parent» of water programmes, which adopt «the well-known
rural water and sanitation approach». Jenk-
ins & Sugden (2006) criticise this integration with the
water supply side by noting the differences in timescale, decision-making
processes, time to create demand and skills required between water supply and
The question of subsidy is also criticised (ibid.), as
incorrectly applied subsidies cre-
ate dependency, poor use of public money, absence of replication
and affordability, and often the inability to reach the poor.
2.1.2 Ecological sanitation
Ecological sanitation (or «eco-san») is based on
three principles: preventing pollution rather than trying to control it,
sanitising the excreta, and re-using it for agricultural purposes (Winblad
& Simpson-Hébert, 2004). Several systems exist for this purpose,
all transforming human excreta into compost, such as
double-vault dehydrating toilets, biogas production systems, the Arborloo, etc.
For Morgan (1999), «Ecological sanita- tion is a system that makes use of
human waste and turns it into something useful and valuable with a minimum of
risk of pollution of the environment and with no threat to human
Supporters of ecological sanitation claim that it can address
many of the issues of urban development, such as water pollution, food
insecurity, low income and of course poor sanitation facilities (Winblad &
Simpson-Hébert, 2004). It is however criticised by Klundert &
Scheinberg (2006) based on experiences in African cities, for three reasons:
ecological sanitation is largely based on the willingness from the users to
handle dry
faeces, which is far from evident in most cities1;
many systems are based on urine
1 Even Winblad & Simpson-Hébert (2004)
acknowledge that «faecophilic societies» are rare and quote
only rural China as being «faecophilic»
separation, yet urine is rarely collected and ends up polluting
the groundwater; other
on-site sanitation systems are often used in parallel with
eco-san, ecological toilets do not fill up and are rarely emptied.
Sugden (2006) classifies ecological latrines in five types. Of
these five types, only two latrines do not imply urine separation (the double
pit composting latrine and the single
pit walking latrine), and only one does not rely on manual
handling of the composted faeces: the single pit walking latrine, also known as
the Arborloo.
The Arborloo
Quoting Sugden (2006):
«This is the simplest type of latrine and the one that
involves the least amount of behaviour change from the conventional pit
latrine. Anybody who has planted a tree in a full latrine pit can be said to
be practising eco- sanitation.
A shallow pit (1.2 m recommended) is dug and a slab and easily
movable superstructure placed on top of it. The family uses the latrine,
adding the mixture of soil and ash after each use, until it is three quarters
full (usually between 4 and 9 months). After this the slab and the
superstructure are moved to another pit. A layer of soil is added to the full
pit and a sapling placed into the soil. The tree grows and utilises the
compost to produce large, succulent fruit. After a few years of latrine
movement the result is
an orchard that is producing fruit with a real economic value.
The super- structure can be made from any locally available materials e.g.
grass, reeds etc.»
See Figure 2.1 below for its representation. The Arborloo can
have the following im- pacts:
· Safe excreta disposal with associated health
· Improved nutrition due to better food supply
· Improved livelihoods from sale of excess crop
· Mountain slope stabilisation from fruit tree root
· Increased organic matter in soil assisting soil water
However, it still relies on the presence of urban agriculture,
sufficient space for digging
the pits, and the lack of reluctance from the users to eat food
which has grown using such a fertiliser.

Figure 2.1: The Arborloo
2.1.3 Total sanitation
The Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) is an alternative
developed in India, for rural ar- eas, by the Department of Drinking Water
Supply (DDWS, 2005). Its aim is to eradicate open defecation and improving
sanitation facilities with no or low subsidy, by using par- ticipatory tools
within the community to create change and raise demand for improved sanitation.
Reports claim that this option can achieve 100% coverage in a community
(ibid.), yet it is not clear whether it can be applied to urban sanitation as
2.1.4 Demand-responsive approach
Demand-oriented policies correspond to what Heierli et al. (2004)
call «the new paradigm»,
in reaction to traditional subsidised programmes. They advocate a
greater involvement
of the private sector to provide better solutions and create
demand, along with a stronger public sector to encourage desirable behaviours
and discourage bad ones. One of the ideas of this new paradigm is to use
marketing as a tool to raise demand and provide more suitable sanitation
options; the so-called «sanitation marketing» is described in the
next section.
2.2 Sanitation marketing
The main motivation behind sanitation marketing is the
observation that, in many coun- tries, most latrines are privately acquired
rather than provided by sanitation programmes (Jenkins, 2004). According to
Cairncross (2004):
«By building on the market's proven ability to respond to
consumer de-
mand, a marketing approach encourages the private provision of
household sanitation, while simultaneously promoting new demand. [...]
Marketing consists of activities by which you reach customers and persuade them
to buy and use a product or service.»
Sanitation marketing is claimed to have the following
· «It ensures that people choose to receive what
they want and are willing to pay for.
· It is financially sustainable.
· It is cost-effective and can be taken to scale.
· Provision of hardware is not enough, and marketing
(with its four component strategies) is proven and highly effective way to
build demand.»
For sanitation programmes, marketing essentially means: using a
commercial approach
for delivering sanitation products and services; building the
private sector to make it sustainable, by removing constraints; use marketing
techniques and promotion to raise demand; and develop partnerships between the
public and private sector.
Marketing is formed of the «four core P's»:
Product, Price, Place and Promotion; social marketing adds sometimes a fifth P,
Policies, to refer to partnerships with the public sector (Heierli et al.,
2004). In sanitation, the four P's can be described as follows (Cairncross,
Product: The «product» can refer
to a latrine, or to a service such as pit emptying. It must respond to what
people want, and be innovative to alleviate the constraints people face.
Price: Most of those who need sanitation are
poor, and can least afford it. Costs must
be kept low, different products must be marketed within a range
of prices includ- ing very low-cost options to release demand.
Place: Potentially each household has to be
reached by the supply chain, for example
by training local masons and using door-to-door sales.
Promotion: It includes advertising techniques
but also ways to raise attention such as promotional offers or vouchers,
demonstration latrines, credit system, etc.
Jenkins & Sugden (2006) distinguish four phases in a
sanitation marketing programme, whose aims are to analyse the three aspects of
demand, supply and environment. Phase one is a rapid initial assessment of
sanitation coverage, demand and industry; phase two
is an in-depth assessment researching the service providers,
communication channels,
levels of demand and policies development. It leads to a strategy
implemented in phase
three, and phase four includes expansion and scaling-up.
The present research is focused on the qualitative consumer
research and the con- sumer sanitation demand baseline survey, in phase two.
2.3 Latrine pit emptying
Apart from sewered systems and ecological sanitation, most
low-cost sanitation systems rely on emptying at some point. Options for
sustainable latrine pit emptying are limited. The «classic» view on
the topic as mentioned in many textbooks (Mara, 1996a; Pickford,
1995) is to use vacuum tankers or a form a sewerage (settled
or simplified). Field manuals like Pickford & Shaw (1999) quote the same
techniques, or sometimes the use of double-pit latrines, allowing the contents
to settle and to be removed by hand when all pathogens have died. However,
those techniques have drawbacks limiting their use in urban environments:
vacuum tankers are expensive to operate as they consume too much fuel, they
wear rapidly and can access neither high-density housing areas, nor peri-urban
squatter settlements given their size (Muller, 1997). Sewerage systems require
investment, careful operation and maintenance, are not suited to any type of
terrain and definitely not to flat areas next to the sea (Mara, 1996b).
Double-pit latrines require space for digging, but also for the superstructure
in case of dry pits.
Other systems have been developed, most notably the Vacutug (see
Figure 2.2 below)
and affiliated systems, which involve a smaller vacuum tanker
with either a mechani-
cal pump (Vacutug, Micravac, Minivac, Maqunieta) or manual pump
(MAPET); some
are self-propelled (Maqunieta, Vacutug), other are
trailer-mounted (Minivac, Micravac) and the MAPET is pushed/towed manually.
First reports on these systems are usually positive, especially when they come
from the organisation which promotes them such
as UN-Habitat for the Vacutug (Wegelin-Schuringa & Coffey,
1998). However, later reports such as Klundert & Scheinberg (2006) state
that the MAPET has failed because
of high transportation costs, lack of network transfer points,
and the diversion of fund- ing to other projects. The Vacutug is in operation
in Dar-Es-Salaam, but only one such device is still operational and needs
subsidies to operate (ibid.) There is no evidence that the Micravac, Maqunieta
or Minivac have gone beyond the pilot project phase.
The two common alternative in absence of these systems is
either to build a new la- trine if there is enough space, or to use pit
emptiers who do it with buckets and shovels, such as the vyura
(«frogmen») of Dar-Es-Salaam (Figure 2.3). As they have to work
in the pits, their working conditions are unsafe; the transport
of excreta remains an un- solved problem; the cost can be as high as with
mechanical emptying devices according
to Still (2006); the emptiers often have to break the slab,
adding the repairing cost. Despite this, emptiers are the de facto solution
where nothing else exists.

Figure 2.2: The VacuTug in Dar-Es-Salaam

Figure 2.3: A «frogman» in a latrine pit, in
Rémi Kaupp
3 Objectives
The main objective was originally to produce a methodology which
Oxfam can use in
the rest of their project regarding excreta management. After
consultation with Oxfam staff in England, it was proposed that the main
objective should be revised to an evalu- ation of the excreta management
situation in Cap-Haitien, and putting forward recom- mendations for possible
options. The originally suggested methodology was to involve Sanitation
Marketing; further discussion with Steven Sugden for the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) helped to understand this topic, and to
realise that marketing is only part of the available options.
The sub-objectives were as follows:
1. Gain an understanding of Cap-Haitien's situation, the
problems of sanitation in slums, and social marketing techniques by completing
a literature review.
2. Analyse the sanitation situation in Cap-Haitien: Identify
the different stakeholders (public, private, beneficiaries, NGOs...) and their
capacities, analyse the current defecation practices.
3. Analyse social, economic, cultural and motivating
factors affecting sanitation choice in Cap-Haitien, and identify problems and
4. Put forward recommendations which could be implemented as
part of the EU Water & Sanitation project, and identify limitations of such
The original final objective proposed by Oxfam was to design a
methodology for pro- moting different latrine options which could be
implemented within the project. How- ever, this was found to be both too
restrictive (as it was limited to «latrine options» thus hardware)
and too wide (as designing a whole methodology could be considered out of
the scope of an M.Sc student).
Rémi Kaupp
4 Description of research
4.1 Programme
The research was divided in three parts: the background
literature review (Section 2) was carried out in May, June and early July 2006,
along with meeting Oxfam staff in Oxford to get information on Haiti. Eleven
weeks were then spent in Cap-Haitien, and
the dissertation and reports were written back in England. The
original work programme
in Cap-Haitien was:
· 2 weeks for the introduction, semi-structured
interview with main stakeholders
(Section 4.2.1), visiting the area (Section 4.2.2) and
investigating past projects.
· 1 to 2 week to prepare the survey, test it, and plan
where to do it in terms of target areas and number of households.
· 2 to 3 weeks to conduct the survey in designated
areas (Section 4.2.3).
· 1 week for the analysis of results and planning of
the next phase.
· 2 to 3 weeks were left for further work depending on
the survey results, which could include focus group discussions and / or
in-depth interviews.
· 1 to 2 weeks to produce the report & present
This programme was mostly followed for its first part; after
the survey, the researcher was very fortunate to have Steven Sugden, from the
London School of Hygiene, to come during a week and perform some of the
activities with him. Thus the final three weeks consisted in conducting a focus
group discussion (Section 4.2.4), organising a workshop with partner
organisations (Section 4.2.5), following up a part of the survey in Mansui,
testing the Arborloo in this area, and presenting findings to the staff.
4.2 Methodology
4.2.1 Semi-structured interviews with key
A range of key informants were interviewed in a semi-structured
way, in order to get
a better idea of the different stakeholders in sanitation in
Cap-Haitien. The objectives were different for each organisation, but usually
included: the level of involvement
in sanitation; its capacities, assets, current and past projects;
its problems and possible
solutions; the relationships the organisation has with other
organisations from the public and private sector and NGOs; the way sanitation
is perceived and addressed.
The organisations interviewed were:
· The City Council, with Mr. Paul Calixte, deputy
Mayor, as they have built three public latrines in the city centre.
· The Ministry of Public Health and Population
(MSPP); partly with Dr. Robert Jasmin, head of the Ministry for the
Département du Nord, and partly with the seven technicians responsible
for sanitation. The MSPP used to be responsible for latrine construction and
latrine pit emptying some 15 years ago.
· The Délégation is the governing body
of the Département du Nord (North Re- gion). The researcher met the
Délégué (head of the Délégation) who is
aiming at coordinating the actions of all NGOs in the area.
· The local NGO GTIH (Groupement Technologie
Intermédiaire Haïti), with Wedner Saintidor, head of the
Cap-Haitien office. GTIH takes part in the EU-funded project, and is
supposed to be responsible for the sanitation part.
· The EPPLS (Entreprise Publique de Promotion de
Logements Sociaux), with Henry Claude Hilaire, which is an autonomous
organisation involved in social housing countrywide; they are also managing the
communal latrines in those housing es- tates.
· Through EPPLS, it was possible to get in contact
with bayakous, who are the people emptying latrines. A meeting was organised
at daytime, but it was not possible to meet them while they were working, as
they only work at night. The meeting was nonetheless useful to understand their
working conditions.
· The organisation FEKOKAP (Fédération
des Comités de Quartier de Cap-Haïtien), with Dr. Daniel Albert.
It is a federation of local area committees, and has fi- nanced some small
water & sanitation-related projects in the last years, including
7 public latrines throughout the city.
· The private company Jedco which is the only company
doing latrine pit emptying
in the city. The researcher met Jacques Pierre, local manager, on
two occasions.
· The private company SaniPlus was interviewed on the
phone as they do not have
an office in Cap-Haitien. They are involved in the management
of hospital haz- ardous waste, and it was thought that their business model
could be applicable to the project.
In addition, the researcher met representatives from various
CBOs. Only two of these
CBOs were currently doing activities related to sanitation, but
most of them were willing
to, presumably because they knew Oxfam had money to spend in this
area. The only
organisations even slightly involved in sanitation were ORCH
(Organisation pour la
rénovation du Cap-Haïtien) removing solid waste in
the city centre and UJDM (Union des Jeunes De Marchand) who renovated an old
public latrine. Other organisations interviewed included the Comité
Solidarité de Madeline (involved in social housing), Comité APUP
(involved in «road building» by buying solid waste) or Comité
Ti Marc (involved in cleaning drainage channels)
The interviews were semi-structured, meaning that the researcher
used a set of ques- tions or topics as a guide during the conversation, but the
questions were not formal:
the aim was also to let the interviewees speak by themselves,
so that they could express their own perceptions and problems. See Appendix B
on page 68 for an example of questions asked, in this case with the head of the
4.2.2 Field visits
Field visits were carried out in many areas of the city. The
objectives were:
· to analyse rapidly the existing sanitation
conditions in different areas; this in- cluded visible practices but also an
inspection of communal and public latrines, when possible.
· to identify physical constraints such as soil
conditions, water table proximity, wa-
ter availability, access, housing density, etc.
· to try to identify human constraints such as level
of poverty, access to services, etc. : during those visits, it was often
possible to meet a member of a local com- mittee who would act as a key
informant, leading to other key people in the area.
· using those results, divide the city in different
types of areas with regard to the possibilities and limitations for potential
sanitation solutions. By doing so, it would then be possible to try an
option as a pilot project in a given area, and then
if successful to replicate it in similar areas.
This division has not been made solely using the field visits
but also using feedback from the interviews, and experience from Oxfam staff;
as most of them are locals and have grown up in Cap-Haitien, their experience
and perception of the city has helped
the researcher.
4.2.3 The demand tool: household survey
Once this classification into different areas has been done, a
household survey has been undertaken in sample areas. The objectives were to
answer questions from this research and also to be useful to the local staff by
providing valuable information on current practices. Thus, the objectives
· to have a better idea of current defecation and
associated practices (such as hand-
washing), and of the types of latrines currently in use.
· to get data on the possibilities for sanitation
marketing, which includes the level
of demand for improved products, the state of the current supply
chain and com- munication channels.
Questionnaire design
A first questionnaire was used as the basis for this survey,
coming from past surveys conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine (LSHTM); the ques- tionnaire was mainly aimed at gauging the demand
for improved latrine products and services, thus called «the demand
tool». It was altered to include specific objectives for this research.
The final questionnaire is included in Appendix G on page 82; before reaching
this form, it undertook several alterations, using comment from various people
including local Oxfam staff, the researcher's supervisor and academics from
Its layout was prepared using forms already used by Oxfam.
It was decided to switch from closed questions to more open
questions, without hav- ing tickboxes matching possible answers; open questions
avoid influencing the respon- dent and allow the researcher to analyse the
results without having a fixed workframe in mind. The aim was not so much to
get proportions of people in a given situation as to
get meaningful answers, on which to reflect to build possible
The final questionnaire comprises 5 sections:
Socio-demographic aspects, current defecation practices, latrine owners,
non-latrine owners, and economics. The respon- dents would answer either
section 3 (latrine owners) or 4 (non-latrine owners), which limited the total
time per interview to less than 20 minutes. The questionnaire comprised
an additional «Observations» part. The interviews
started with an opening statement in- troducing the researcher and the
assistant, explaining the aim of the study and asking politely whether selected
people would have 20 minutes to spare; a closing statement thanked them and
asked for additional comments or queries.
Questionnaire testing
The questionnaire was tested with some Oxfam staff members, and
subsequently in the field. The order of the questions appeared to be a
sensitive topic. It was decided to keep
the most sensitive questions for the end. Surprisingly, these
were about income and occupation, which seem to be quite sensitive with
Haitians: these questions had to be asked tactfully and sometimes with
explanations regarding their purpose. Conversely, asking about current
defecation practices was not perceived as offensive even by people who practise
open defecation; this may have been helped by the fact that the assistant
introduced herself as a Public Health Ministry worker, who are
known to deal with such
Another issue was about the different latrine types: the
original form included the question «Which type of latrine do you think is
best», which appeared to be a meaning- less question in Cap-Haitien:
either people had «a latrine», or they had none, as many thought that
only one type of latrine exists. Finally, a supplementary question was added
about public toilets: what respondents would think of one in the area, and how
much they could pay to go in one. It was added partly in order to assess their
willingness to pay
for sanitation, but partly because the local Water and Sanitation
engineer liked the idea
of communal or public toilets, obviously as they are easy options
from an engineering point of view.
Implementing the survey
The survey was conducted in four different zones, reflecting
the analysis described in Section 4.2.2: Bas-Ravine, Shada, Petite-Anse and
Mansui were surveyed. No zone was surveyed for the fifth type of area (better
quality housing) as it was felt that they were less of a priority. A total of
103 households have been interviewed, from 20 to 34 in each area depending on
the variety of responses. The choice of interviewees was restricted
to the heads of households only, in order to be able to ask
about intention to buy or household income. This restriction could have led to
a majority of male interviewees and thus a gender bias; however a previous
survey (Valdez, 2005) has shown that almost half of the heads of households are
women, which also appeared in this survey as 60%
of respondents were women.
The choice of households had to be random; however the limited
time of this study meant that it was not possible to adopt fully random methods
as recommended in hand- books such as Gosling and Edwards (2003). Instead, a
pseudo-random method was chosen, as advised by Oxfam staff, which seems a
common practice: starting from a central place in the area, the researcher
would follow a certain line and pick the tenth house (or fifth house in less
densely populated areas) on the right, then the tenth (resp. fifth) on the
left, and so on. This would be repeated in different directions, in order to
cover most of the area.
While the questionnaire was written in French to allow easy
analysis further on, the questions were asked in Creole, either by the
researcher for simple ones or by his as- sistant for more complex questions.
Most of respondents did not speak much French and gave their answers in Creole,
which could usually be understood by the researcher but were translated anyway.
All households were surveyed by the researcher and his assistant, without the
need for a team of interviewers.
Analysing the data and follow-up
Data was analysed using a simple spreadsheet. While making
statistics was useful, noting down key sentences said by respondents was
particularly useful to determine trends. Part of the analysis can be seen in
Appendix H.
During the survey, it was found that one of the areas (Mansui)
had benefited from
a USAID-funded latrine-building programme two years before,
and all beneficiaries of this programme who were interviewed during the survey
said they were dissatisfied with their latrine, for various reasons. It was
decided to investigate this further by interview- ing other USAID latrine
owners in the area. The whole questionnaire was too long to be used again; an
informal interview took place instead with available households, concen-
trating on how satisfied they were with their latrine and what were its
advantages and drawbacks.
4.2.4 Focus group discussion
Following the survey and consultation with Steven Sugden, it
was found that the area of Shada could be an interesting target area for a
product-service package design approach (see Section 5.4.3). Some more
in-depth study of the demand and real willingness to pay was required, and it
was decided to conduct a focus group discussion (FGD) in this area. Given the
time available, it was possible to carry out only one FGD, but more would be
necessary in order to get more meaningful results.
The objectives of this FGD were both to complete the survey's
shortcomings and to help design the product-service package:
· Know their aspirations: the survey only asked what
they would do first if they had a bit more income. While this gives an idea of
their immediate priorities, it
did not inform about their aspirations and values, which are
relevant to the way a product would be promoted.
· Know more about demand for improved products, and
their willingness to pay for
a particular product or service (in this case, for a low-cost
latrine and a regular emptying service).
· Address the constraint of space by asking which size
could be reasonably accom- modated by most households.
The questions asked can be seen in Appendix C on page 69.
During the survey, a woman was interviewed who belongs to a group called Fanm
pa chita («Women not sitting down»), a organisation of women who
remove mud and place cement blocks on
the ground during heavy rainfall. She was willing to show their
main defecation area and to explain her perception of the problems in the area.
For the FGD, the researcher
returned to her and asked if he could talk with a small group of
women from this organ-
isation. Nine women ended up taking part in the discussion, and
one man who «helps the organisation» came after twenty minutes. The
discussion lasted about 2 hours.
Two pitfalls had to be avoided during the FGD. The first was
to avoid «leading» the group, while still keeping the discussion
focused on the selected topics. The discus- sion actually started in
«led» way, but soon became a discussion within the participants with
minimal input from the researcher; this produced useful comments. The second
pitfall was to avoid being perceived as members of an NGO, as they are known to
pro- vide «everything for free», or at least this is the common
perception1; but in order to assess the willingness to pay, this
would have been problematic. At the beginning of the discussion, the researcher
introduced himself as «a student»2, yet at a given point
the participants understood he was working for an NGO and the change in
behaviour was quite marked: when asking about «a possible price for a
low-cost latrine», the price they suggested changed to a quarter of its
previous value after this «understanding».
4.2.5 Workshop with partner organisations
As part of the objective «putting forward
recommendations», it was considered useful during Steven Sugden's visit to
organise a workshop with partner organisations (Oxfam, GTIH and MSPP). The
workshop took place on two mornings with about 10 participants from these
organisations, mainly water and sanitation engineers and public health work-
ers. The main objectives were to define together the terms of
«sanitation», «sustainable» and «excreta
management» which appear in the EU project: its goal uses overused and
ambiguous, but fashionable, development phrases, which tend to be misunderstood
by partners; a second objective was to discuss current practices on sanitation
in Cap-Haitien and potential solutions.
In particular, engineers tended to see sanitation only as the
provision of drainage channels and sometimes solid waste management; very
little was known about latrines apart from «simple» construction
rules, inevitably leading to high-cost latrines, not even
to mention latrine marketing or promotion. It was felt that,
without getting these key people to understand the concepts behind sanitation
marketing, any recommendation would be lost and replaced by the
«usual» practice.
A range of tools was used during the workshops, including
computer presentations, active participation when drawing an
F-diagram3, debates between participants and
brainstorming. The outcomes were much more precise (and agreed)
definitions of «sus-
1 It was admitted by Haitians themselves, as some of
them claimed that «whenever there is an interna-
tional NGO, people come in the hope to get something for
2 Which was also the common introduction during the
3 This is the common name for a diagram showing
possible transmission routes of faecal-oral diseases and ways to stop them;
participation was achieved by using wet toilet paper representing the faeces
and how they end up in water, on hands, etc.
tainable sanitation», yet it was felt that more work needs
to be done in order to internalise
these concepts.
4.3 Limitations
The research activities were facilitated in a number of ways:
first, the dry season and absence of significant hurricanes allowed easy access
to all areas. The security situa- tion in Cap-Haitien was good enough to allow
the researcher to go in all areas without restrictions, except at night,
contrary to other cities like Port-au-Prince in which some areas are forbidden
to foreigners and NGO staff due to high levels of violence. Oxfam had developed
good relationships with the local population, most notably by setting up about
20 KLPS (local committees for civil protection). The language barrier was not
high as Haitian Creole is derived from French, and the researcher learnt enough
to be able to ask most questions and understand their answers
by himself. Yet, what most facilitated the research was the presence of an
assistant, Guettie Noël, who acted both as a translator and facilitator
during fieldwork, who had experience in research, who worked for the Ministry
of Public Health and had good knowledge on sanitation. She also attenuated the
possible gender bias as the researcher is male; finally, she had a
«pro-poor» attitude which helped to reach the poorest during visits
and interviews, and hear what they had to say.
On the other hand, it is possible that the translations have
hidden some aspects to
the researcher, especially during the Focus Group Discussion as
discussions went much faster. The fact that the assistant was of Haitian
culture may have introduced a bias
as well, for instance on an occasion during the survey, when
she refused to enter a house because she had seen clear signs that it was the
house of a voodoo sorcerer. This occurred only once, however.
Other aspects constrained the research. Most notably, as the
researcher was working
for an NGO, its objectives had to fit in the project and at
some point, local Oxfam staff had requests which would not fit in the research.
Oxfam staff was interested in getting results which would be useful for the
water and sanitation project as a whole, whereas
the researcher was concentrating on excreta management. Local
staff was also keen to have the researcher work in certain areas where Oxfam
has already done other projects:
the local committees were asking for help with their water and
sanitation situation, and
the researcher was directed to areas which were not always the
most appropriate or urgent. As a result, the areas considered in the survey are
a mix of Oxfam target areas (Shada, Mansui) and non-target areas (Bas-Ravine
and Petite-Anse).
The researcher, as an outsider, was also subject to a certain
extent to the biases pro- posed by Chambers (1983): the «spatial
bias» (staying on the main road) was avoided
by going as far as possible in each zone and including remote
areas in the survey. Dur-
ing early field visits, however, limited time did not allow the
researcher to go far from
the main roads. The «project bias» (going in areas
where there have been projects) was clearly present as Oxfam directed the
objectives of the research. During fieldwork, the researcher was less submitted
to pressure. The «person bias» (meeting elite and active males) was
in part avoided with the help of the assistant; but it was striking that al-
most all representants from organisations were male, as well as most
participants in the workshop. The «professional bias» was perhaps the
most marked, as the researcher was concentrating on his topic; it was in part
compensated by being attentive to other com- ments, unrelated to sanitation,
which could also indicate that other issues could have a higher priority than
sanitation; see also the Discussion part on page 56.
Finally, the limited time added a constraint: more time would
have allowed to perform some follow-up on the ecological latrine experiment in
Mansui, to do a few more FGDs, and possibly to investigate more the
possibilities of the product-service package (see on page 51) by involving
local masons and bayakous in the process.
Rémi Kaupp
5 Results and analysis
5.1 Areas of the city
After visits and interviews, it was possible to determine five
types of areas in the city, with regard to housing, wealth level and type of
sanitation. These areas are presented with, for each of them, an example zone
of the city which was explored in more detail during the research:
1. Established high density housing within flat areas of the
city (A), with for example the zone of Shada.
2. Emerging low density housing areas being built on low lying
reclaimed land (B), exemplified by Petite-Anse.
3. Established low density housing areas built on the slopes
above Cap Haitien (C), with the zone of Mansui.
4. Established high density housing areas built on the slopes
above Cap Haitien (D), with the zone of Bas-ravine.
5. Established better quality housing in wealthier areas (E),
with the zone of Champin.
On top of this, the city centre is a separate case: as the
historical centre of the city, and
the only «legal» part of it in official population
counts, it represents less of a priority for sanitation as houses often have
septic tanks with flush-toilets; solid waste is more of an issue. The city
centre was not taken into account during the study, and is not targeted
by the sanitation project. Table 5.1 on page 34 summarises the
physical differences between the four zones surveyed, and Figure 5.1 represents
these areas on a map.
5.1.1 Established high density housing within flat areas
of the city - A
These areas are typified by Shada, between the «new
bridge» and the airport. It has a boundary of the river to the west and
is build on land reclaimed from the river delta. The housing in Shada is
haphazardly laid out and constructed from cement block and corrugated
galvanised sheet. Large quantities of solid waste accumulate on the river
banks. The common excreta disposal practices used in Shada are
· Open defecation, usually on the river banks on the
accumulations of solid waste.
· Plastic bags, which are then thrown on to the piles
of solid waste or on the roofs.
· Overhanging toilets built on stilts above the
· Public toilets managed by CBOs and financed by the
federation area committees.
5.1.2 Emerging low density housing areas being built on
low lying land reclaimed from mangrove swamps - B
These areas are typified by Petite Anse, which can be divided
into two broad sections; better quality housing situated close to the road and
poorer quality housing being de- veloped on land reclaimed from Mangrove swamps
and the sea. The land is being reclaimed by the dumping of solid waste
purchased for between US$ 4 and US$ 8 a load1. The housing is
currently low density laid out on a rough grid pattern, although this is likely
to change as the density increases. The housing is constructed mainly from
timber frame, wicker and mud walls with roofs.
Open defecation is widely practised and takes place mainly in the
sea or behind the walls of partly built houses.
5.1.3 Established low density housing built on the
slopes above Cap Haitien - C
These areas are typified by Mansui which is situated on the
hill slopes above the middle class housing area of Bel-Air. Part of the land
belongs to the Hotel Beck which no longer operates as the owner died about a
year ago. This has had an impact on the local economy as the hotel employed
many of the residents. The land is steep and there are signs of erosion.
Oxfam staff are concerned that deforestation due to the stripping out
of trees from the hillside for charcoal burning is going to
increase the risk of flooding in
the area at the bottom of the slope. Banana trees, planted by the
local householders, are common.
This area was recently targeted by a USAID-funded latrine
building project which appears to have had mixed results (see Section 5.3.2,
page 45). Those without a latrine
practise open defecation.
1 A truckload of «poor» solid waste
(containing slow-decomposing plastics) can be bought for US$ 4,
a truckload of «better» waste (e.g. the mixture of
sludge and waste blocking drainage channels) is bought for US$ 8; for
comparison, a truckload of earth for building costs around US$ 40.
5.1.4 Established high density housing built on the
above Cap Haitien - D
These areas are typified by Bas-Ravine which is situated on a
steep hill slope above the city. Houses in this area have been built on a steep
hillside and as the land is becoming limited, they are also beginning to be
built in the ravine bed where they will be very vulnerable to flooding. The
paths in this area are narrow and eroding. Solid waste and plastic bags
containing faeces are routinely thrown into the ravine. Only the houses on
the top of the hill have some land on which they could practise
urban agriculture.
A few public latrines can be found as well as some private
latrines, but plastic bags seem to be widely used.
5.1.5 Established better quality housing in wealthier
areas -
These areas are typified by the the Cités (Cité du
Peuple, Champin), mainly situated on
the West bank of the river. They have been built in the 1980s
in a planned manner as cheap accommodation blocks with basic infrastructure for
new immigrants from rural areas. They are characterised by wider streets,
often with concrete on the ground and some drainage channels, however regularly
filled with solid waste. Communal latrines
are placed within each block, but the majority of them is either
full or broken down. As
a result, wealthier people have a latrine or toilet inside
their house while poorer people use plastic bags and go near the river. Latrine
building would be difficult as not so much area is available and many landlords
are absent.
Table 5.1: Summary of differences between the areas
Example zone
Housing density
S & SW
S & C
Water table
Very high
Springs / HP
City centre
Access to road
Urban agriculture
Notes: S = Soil, SW = Solid Waste, M = Mangrove swamps, RE =
Rocky and Eroded,
C = Concrete; HP = Handpumps. «Population» designates
the approximate population
in the same living conditions, according to population data from

Figure 5.1: Location of surveyed areas in the city
5.2 Sanitation situation
In this section, different aspects of the sanitation situation in
Cap-Haitien are shown:
defecation practices are estimated using the survey, for
different areas. Technologies
are reviewed, regarding public and communal toilets, private
latrines, and the special case of overhung latrines over water. Pit emptying is
also considered.
5.2.1 Defecation practices
Past reports on defecation practices in Cap-Haitien are rare;
the only figures available come from a PHAST workshop done in 2005 in
flood-prone areas (including Petite- Anse and zones comparable to Shada),
reporting that 44.2% of the 500 respondents practised open defecation, 33.8%
used plastic bags, 19.4% went to the sea or river, and
2.6% used a latrine2. The survey gave some more
information as results could be related
to each area; they are shown in Table 5.2 below. Note that
the cumulative percentage can be higher than 10 %, as some respondents quoted
two methods: those using public latrines often use another form at night or for
their children, usually a bucket or plastic bag.
It presents a situation where open defecation is high, between 50
and 75% (see Figure
5.2 below); the low percentage in Bas-Ravine comes from the
more common use of plastic bags which are discarded in the ravine bed, and
buckets emptied the same way. Public latrines are claimed to be used in Shada
and Bas-Ravine. However, in both zones people admitted that «they do
not always go to the public latrine», and then use buckets or plastic
bags. The shared latrines in Mansui come from the USAID-financed programme
detailed in Section 5.2.4 on page 38. Overhung latrines on water are used only
in Shada, by 7 interviewees (21%).
Private latrine
3 %
16 %
10 %
33 %
15 %
Shared latrine
20 %
4 %
5 %
Public latrine
21 %
25 %
13 %
Neighbour's latrine
3 %
20 %
20 %
17 %
14 %
Overhung latrine
21 %
7 %
Bucket / potty
9 %
20 %
5 %
17 %
3 %
Plastic bag
9 %
4 %
21 %
9 %
Open defecation
74 %
72 %
55 %
25 %
58 %
Table 5.2: Defecation methods in each area
The level of satisfaction is detailed in Appendix H. Most
inhabitants are dissatisfied
with their current defecation practices, which is not much
surprising. In each area, the only persons who are either «happy» or
have an «average opinion» are those who own a latrine; the only
exceptions are a person in Bas-Ravine who «does not mind using plastic
bags», and another person in Shada who lives next to a recently built
public latrine. Conversely, some latrine owners were not satisfied with it,
particularly in Mansui, as detailed in Section 5.3.2.
5.2.2 Public toilets
There are about 15 public toilets in the city, built mostly
during the last five years. Seven
of them have been financed by FEKOKAP, and are managed by
local committees; three have been built by the city council in the city centre;
others have been built by local organisations. Most of those toilets are
unclean and / or are not heavily used. The only
2 Source: Report from the PHAST (Participatory Hygiene
And Sanitation Transformation) survey, where
500 people were asked confidentially about their defecation
method; carried out in early 2005 in the zones of Conasa, Fougerolles, Fort
Saint-Michel and Petite-Anse.

Figure 5.2: Open defecation area in Shada.
A woman from a women's organisation wanted to show this area
during the survey. It
is used for pigs and solid waste, and as a playground.
notable exceptions are the public toilet block next to the market
in the city centre, which
is heavily used by sellers (mostly by the women and children)
even if smelly and a bit expensive (3 Gourdes); and a public toilet built by a
local CBO in the area in Conasa, which is quite pleasant and well managed, but
seems to be restricted to close neighbours
as it attracts less than 50 people per day according to the
managers. Usual prices are 1
to 2 Gourdes, but 3 to 5 Gourdes in the city centre.
Many of these toilets seem to have been built for political
reasons, given their loca- tion: either in visible places (tourists' market,
harbour avenue) or in «politically active» areas, like Shada or
Bannann which are well-known for their very vindictive inhabitants. Management
seems to be poorly done: money does not seem to be collected and saved
efficiently, most toilets have broken parts (usually the door or the roof) and
have raw faeces visible on the seats during the visit; two of them have full
pits, yet the commit- tees invariably answer that «[they] do not have
money to perform repairs or empty the pits», and ask for assistance.
It can be reasonably said that, without the provision of an
emptying system and reli- able management systems, public toilets will only
have a limited impact on the sanita- tion situation and do not correspond to a
form of «sustainable sanitation».
5.2.3 Communal toilets
There are around 95 communal toilet blocks, found in the
Cités in planned mid-density urban areas, built in the 1980s to answer
the migration from rural areas. Each block has 6 to 8 chambers, sometimes
with a shower and / or a basin for laundry nearby

Figure 5.3: Public toilet in Shada.
The drainage ditch on the left goes directly in the river, a few
metres away.
(see Figure 5.4). Over time, the pits have filled up and the
superstructures have been degraded, to the point that most of those communal
toilets are now out of order. The
EPPLS (managing organisation) estimates the cost of emptying and
repair at more than
2 million Gourdes (US$ 52,600), however the EPPLS is heavily
indebted due to most tenants not paying their rent.
There is no clear management system for these toilets:
neighbours are supposed to take care of them, a system maybe sufficient for
daily cleaning but unable to cope with repairs and emptying. Even if repaired
and emptied, the toilets would not be sustainable
as the same problem is likely to happen after a few years.
When talking with residents, they say that the pits now fill up in about three
years only, due to residual solids in the bottom which cannot be emptied.
5.2.4 Private latrines building programmes
Three private latrine building programmes have been done in
Cap-Haitien in the last 15
years. In all these projects, materials were given to
beneficiaries and masons were paid
by the project; beneficiaries had to dig the pit, sometimes
transport the materials if they lived in remote areas, and possibly give a hand
during the building. There is no evidence
of any further participation of beneficiaries, especially
during the planning phase. It can also be noted that in all instances, the
projects were implemented in areas where the main members of organisations
The first and most important one has been run by the MSPP in 1990
with funding from
the German organisation Hydroplan. About 500 latrines were built
in three different areas of the city (Sainte-Philomène, Petite Anse and
Cité du Peuple). There were two

Figure 5.4: Communal toilets in Nan Bannann.
This block is one of the best maintained; maintenance of a few
toilet blocks in Nan
Bannann and La Fossette is done by a group of women called Fanm
different but still similar types of latrines, one for areas with
a high water table, the other
for areas on the hillside: both had a 1.5 to 2 m deep pit lined
with cement blocks, a 10
cm thick concrete slab with a pedestal, a 4» PVC ventilation
pipe and a superstructure
in cement blocks with galvanised iron roof. Each latrine used
to cost about US$ 30, but MSPP technicians estimate that it would now cost
about US$ 250 to build the same. Many of these latrines are now full or broken
The partner organisation GTIH has built about 20 latrines in
2003, each for two fami- lies, in parallel with drainage and pathways
improvement projects. Materials have been given but almost no follow-up was
done, ending in latrines only partly built or used as showers.
The organisation AMPB (Association des Militants Progressistes de
Bel-Air) has built
40 latrines in 2004, with financial support from USAID, mostly
in the area of Mansui. Latrines are shared between houses and usual have two
chambers, and otherwise are similar to the latrines built by the MSPP (Figure
5.5 below). A more detailed evaluation
of this project can be found in Section 5.3.2.
No other recent latrine building programme could be
5.2.5 Self acquired private latrines
Types of latrines
Data on private owned latrines is scarce outside of the
projects mentioned above. Most results come directly from field visits and the
survey undertaken in this research; how- ever, the low coverage of private
latrines means that only a few results were obtained. Only 23 households
surveyed had a latrine; of them, 4 had obtained one from the US- AID programme;
another 7 respondents had an unfinished one, and a person had a full

Figure 5.5: A latrine in Mansui, built by the USAID-financed
latrine pit so could not use it. This leaves only 11 households
(out of 103) with a fully constructed latrine in usage.
Results from the survey and from field visits tend to indicate
that only three types of latrines can be found: flush toilets,
«standard» latrines and «wooden» latrines (latrinn bwa).
Flush toilets were not found during the survey but can be seen in wealthier
areas and in the city centre, where space and revenue is available for septic
tanks. «Wooden» latrines represent the low-cost option, which is not
highly regarded, consisting of a shallow pit covered with wooden planks and a
basic superstructure. Surprisingly few of these latrines could be found, only
in the areas uphill.
The «standard» latrine corresponds to those
introduced by the MSPP in 1990: 2 - 3 m deep pit lined with cement blocks,
thick reinforced concrete slab, a seat, a ventilation pipe, a superstructure
with cement blocks and a corrugated iron sheet roof. All intervie- wees who had
started to build a latrine wanted this type, as it is supposed to be «more
hygienic», or because «if you build a latrine, you have to build one
like this!»
Latrine acquisition process
Some interviewees were in the process of building a latrine,
having either a dug pit or sometimes a slab already in place, and waiting until
they had enough money to carry
on building. The total time to build a latrine seems to spread
amongst several months, with two persons aiming to finish it after two years.
The reason is that latrines are
usually expensive (see also Table E.2) and that building is
incremental: the latrine is
built section after section, depending on money available.
The owner usually contacts a mason (called Boss maçon or
simply Boss), who gathers
a team of labourers if needed; it is often someone else who
digs the pit, either the owner or separate workers, who can be recommended by
the mason. If the mason is working on several constructions, he buys a
truckload of gravel and sand and uses it
for all constructions; however, for elements which have to be
bought one by one (such
as cement blocks or a ventilation pipe), this is usually the
owner's responsibility. The masons are paid either on a daily basis, or more
frequently for a given work; labourers
are paid a daily wage.
Reasons for having a latrine
Amongst the 23 latrine owners who were interviewed, 6 did not
know why the latrine was built as they moved in an already equipped house; 3
more had built their latrine
to replace an old one. For the remaining, the main reasons
for building a latrine were either to avoid going to the nature (5) or they
built it at the same time as their house or shortly after (5), saying that it
should be an integral part of their house. Another reason was «for the
visitors» (2).
Amongst those who do not own a latrine yet but who have the
intention to build one,
the main reason varied depending on the area: in Bas-Ravine,
the majority (5) said they wanted a latrine because «it is more practical
than going to the public latrine or using plastic bags»; in Shada, people
said that «we don't want to go at night, because then
we can be attacked», or «we don't want to go to the
sea anymore because we have to cross the main road, which is dangerous for
children». Example of recent assaults and accidents have been quoted in
Shada and in Mansui, though it is unknown whether it was to impress the
researcher (as suggested by his assistant) or about actual events.
Other motivations seem to be more marginal, and include, in
decreasing importance order, «for the visitors», «because it is
necessary» (without explaining further despite questions), «for the
house I am currently building», and «for health /
Reasons for not having a latrine
The respondents without a latrine were asked for the main
constraints they face which prevent them from having one. The money constraint
was the main one in all areas, quoted by 53 % (Bas-Ravine) to 100 % (Mansui) of
respondents; it was sometimes precised, with interviewees saying that the
price of materials keep increasing (Shada)
or that there was too much unemployment (Petite Anse). The
space constraint was mentioned in Shada mainly (27 %). Other constraints
appear to be more marginal, and include «I have other priorities» (2
in Bas-Ravine, 1 in Shada), soil erosion (Bas-
Ravine), «I want a really good one, but I can't afford
it» (Mansui), «my wife does not
want us to have a latrine because it will smell bad»
(Shada), «I have too many children»
or «I am pregnant and I can't think of any future plan right
now» (Petite-Anse).
One person living in Mansui also said that werewolves (lougawou)
live in latrine pits, and it would be dangerous to go to the toilet at night,
which made him prefer a bucket.
5.2.6 Overhung latrines
Overhung latrines can be found near the river, which is
actually an estuary with sea water, and on the seafront. They are simply built
on wooden stilts and covered with locally available materials such as rice bags
or more often cloth. Faeces are dropped in
the water or on piles of solid waste underneath; see Figure
While overhung latrines pose the same health and environmental
hazards as open defecation, they provide privacy and protection, particularly
for women. In many cases, they also provide revenue for their owner: in the
zone of Shada, most people who use overhung latrines have to pay 1 Gde each
time; one person said he pays 2 Gdes every time. However, 92 % of those who
practise open defecation go near the sea (the remain- der uses a terrain owned
by the Ministry of Transport and Public Works), most of them
on designated areas, and said they prefer the discomfort rather
than paying 1 Gourde every time.
Two interviewees also said they had the intention to build an
overhung latrine, in order to create revenue. One of them had already stolen
wood for this.

Figure 5.6: Overhung latrines in Northern Shada.
5.2.7 Pit emptying
There are two ways of emptying latrine pits in Cap-Haitien: the
first is the private com- pany, Jedco, which operates two vacuum tanker trucks
of 2500 and 3000 gallons capac-
ity (10 - 12 m3). They work on contract only, and
most of the time for the UN forces
of the Minustah, whose bases have many septic tanks. The
emptying cost is around
10,000 Gdes (US$ 250) per truckload. The location of their
two dumping grounds is not precisely known, and the local manager was reluctant
to give that information. It is possible that the trucks dump their contents in
the mangrove in uninhabited areas.
The other way to empty a latrine pit it to ask a
«bayakou», the usual name for people whose job is to empty pits. The
bayakous interviewed said they work at night, usually in teams of 3 to 5, using
shovels and buckets, with limited protection gear. The emptying cost varies
depending on the source: the MSPP director quotes an average of 5,000 Gdes (US$
120) for a private latrine with a medium pit, interviewees in the survey quoted
prices from US$ 60 to US$ 150, and the bayakous interviewed said that emptying
a communal latrine with a larger pit costs 20,000 Gdes (US$ 520). This is a
significantly higher price per load than from Jedco, yet the size of their
trucks and their contract- based work prevents them from operating in poorer
and denser areas. The bayakous often have to break the slab, which adds the
repairing cost for the user.
The bayakous suffer from poor working conditions, which is in
part the justification
for their high rate of pay: they use créolène, a
liquid disinfectant, to attenuate the smell, but they are still forced to enter
the pits to empty them; finding solid waste is not unusual
in the pits, and Public Health workers have reported bayakous
treading on hazardous medical waste and being infected. They also suffer from
an «illegal» status after some
of them had dumped a pit contents in the sea, close to the
city centre: offenders have been imprisoned and the city council claims to be
willing to find a suitable dumping site, however the bayakous doubt that a
solution will be found.
Usually, the pit content is transferred to another pit dug right
next to it. The bayakous
interviewed claimed to transport it on about 2 km when a pit
cannot be dug, e.g. when
the water table is too close. There have been reports of a pit
contents dumped in front
of a bank in the city centre, and another case of faeces bought
from bayakous in order
to «paint» a house, for political reasons.
The MSPP used to have a emptying machine, consisting of a
self-propelled 2.5 m3 vacuum tanker with a 1.4 m3
trailer tank, donated by a German cooperation in 1990 (see the trailer on
Figure 5.9, page 53). It was in operation for 5 years, after which it broke
down and could not be repaired given the lack of spare parts; the machine
the trailer are now rotting in the MSPP yard. The MSPP
subsequently used bayakous
to perform the emptying with a truck to transport the pit
contents in drums. The truck broke down as well in 2000, however, and the MSPP
lacked funds to hire bayakous anymore and stopped emptying pits.
5.3 Inappropriate practices
During the research, it appeared that the current practices in
sanitation are inappropriate
in several aspects: the technology choices were considered as
«not sustainable» during
the workshop with partner organisations; the past project in
Mansui was evaluated by using survey results, showing that its positive effects
are in fact very limited and that
it had potentially negative effects, such as discouraging
non-beneficiaries to build their own latrine; finally, current practices and
technologies are compared with the Millenium Development Goals.
5.3.1 Unsustainable latrine options
During the workshop, the participants were presented with the
different defecation prac- tices currently in use in Cap-Haitien, after which
some of the latrine options were exam- ined in relation to their
sustainability; the criteria for sustainability were the five given
in Appendix D on page 70. The results are shown on Table 5.3,
examining the sustain- ability of overhung latrines, public latrines and
USAID-financed private latrines. There were some disagreements: for instance,
the impact on health of a private latrine is posi- tive, until it has to be
emptied. As no reliable and safe emptying system exists currently, results are
It is interesting to note that overhung latrines, even if they
appear «disgusting» and «unsafe», are not necessarily
«less sustainable» than other systems: as they are built by
inhabitants, they are more likely to suit their immediate needs, and are more
likely to
be built again during the next 20 years. It was the only system
for which there could be
a small chance of having a high coverage maintained, and which
could be maintained over a prolonged period of time.
One of the outcomes of the workshop was to show that current
latrine options are not sustainable; objections were raised, that a bit more
money would be enough to make a
subsidised programme sustainable, and that latrine building
programmes at least have a
positive impact even if they are not sustainable. The next part
address these objections.
Table 5.3: Sustainability of current sanitation options, result
from the Oxfam-GTIH- MSPP workshop
Criteria \ Type of latrine
Consistently used
100% coverage maintained
No significant risk for health
No significant degradation of environment
Maintained over 20 years
· Column A designates overhung latrines; column B are
public latrines; Column C
are USAID-financed latrines.
· Y means that the criteria is met, N that it is not
met, and a mixture of both ex- presses a disagreement between participants
5.3.2 Evaluation of a supply-led latrine building
One of the private latrine building programmes could be
evaluated through the survey results: the USAID-financed project was conducted
in the zone of Mansui in 2004, which means that all latrines were still in
operation. The project was run by a local organisation, AMPB (Association des
Militants Progressistes de Bel-Air), concerned with development of the area
around Bel-Air, including Mansui. According to members
of the organisation3, 40 latrines had been built in
the end of 2003 and beginning of 2004,
about half of them in Mansui. All materials were paid for by the
project, as well as labour; beneficiaries only had to dig a pit and help
transport the materials uphill from
the main road. The type of latrine was imposed by the project.
Survey results
It is still unclear how beneficiaries were chosen, as nobody
could explain the selection process. Most of these latrines were located in the
lower part of Mansui called Cité Ma Gloire, with the higher part of
Mansui obviously ignored. During the survey, 6 persons (out of 14 without a
latrine) had dug a pit and were «waiting for the project to come and give
[them] materials»; none of them had the intention to go further without a
project to help them. Some more pits could be spotted in the area, often filled
with solid waste - but without a latrine over them.
3 The organisation manager could not be reached, he is
supposed to be in Miami now. The new manager
did not know much about the financial details of the latrine
building project, but was able to indicate how the project was conducted.
As part of the survey, beneficiaries were identified and
interviewed about their latrine.
12 families were available and were asked whether they were
satisfied with their latrine, using a 5-point scale4. Results
· 2 interviewees were «very happy», with
comments like «we avoid all microbes»
or «it is our greatest treasure» (this latrine was even
decorated and fitted with a curtain);
· 2 were «happy», commenting with «we
wouldn't have come if there had not been
a latrine here»;
· 3 had an average or no opinion, with comments like
«we have to use it anyway; it smells bad but we put ash and lime in the
pit to disinfect.»
· 5 were «unhappy» with it; comment were:
- «As we have to share it with neighbours, there was an
argument, then a fight and as a result a part of the latrine was broken; we
still use it because we have no choice»;
- «The pit will soon be full, we've had it for one and a
half year only but we
put solid waste in it, as we have nowhere else to put it»;
«the pit will be full
in less than a year»;
- «We already had a big latrine, which is unfinished [no
roof and doors] but which suits us; we received one of these new latrines from
the project but their pit is too small, we prefer the old one»;
- «I have to share with another family, but the latrine is
close to their house
and not mine; it is too far to go at night, especially as I am an
old person living on my own».
This frustration was shared by other interviewees without a
latrine, who claimed that
the project leaders were «corrupt», rumours could be
heard that «only 5 latrines had been constructed, and only for the
elite», «someone told me that one family received three
latrines», and so on. The researcher's findings tend to show that these
rumours are wrong, yet their existence shows potential problems.
On the other hand, two respondents of the survey had their own
latrine, which did not come from the project. One of these was a simple wooden
latrine on a large pit, clearly unfinished, and the other was a more
«classic» latrine, complete but showing signs of amateur
construction; both were built 3 years ago, one year before the programme. The
owners both said that they were frustrated that they had done so much efforts,
they could have waited one year and «get one almost for
free»; yet, they said they were
4 In Creole, the question asked can be roughly
translated as «How happy are you with your latrine?»,
the 5-point scale corresponding to «very happy»,
«happy», «average / no opinion», «unhappy»,
happy with their latrine. Comments were «Whatever we have,
it is better than going
behind bushes» and «at least, we did it by ourselves,
it is our own».
It would be tempting to draw conclusions solely from those
results, but more evidence from similar projects would be needed in order to
confirm the analysis. The fact that only two interviewees had a latrine
outside of this project is not representative enough.
It is still striking to note that 8 out of 12 beneficiaries
were neither «very happy» nor «happy» with their latrine,
despite the fact that they received it almost for free. The reasons expressed
were mostly about the difficulties to share and the small size of the pit.
According to Bernard Pierre, the new head of AMPB, sharing was imposed in
to have more beneficiaries for the same investment.
The flaws of this project can be seen as follows: the lack of
consultation and partic- ipation have led to an inappropriate choice of
beneficiaries; poor communication has
led many people to «prepare for the project» without
benefiting, causing much frustra- tion; the supply-led approach (i.e. imposing
the type of latrine) does not fit particular needs and does not correspond to
the desire of owning a latrine rather than receiving
it, as proven by comments like «I own it» or
«we prefer the old one». People who had made efforts beforehand,
such as those who had already built their latrine, have not been rewarded and
may well end up being discouraged from doing it another time.
Finally, the project did not consider sustainability: most
pits will be full in the coming years, and poor access mean that bayakous would
not be able to access the area; even if they could access, the pit contents
would be very hard to transport and would probably end on the slopes, negating
any health benefits of the latrines. The heavy superstructures would be also
hard to move above a new pit, which means that most of the project's investment
would have been useless.
5.3.3 Inability to achieve the MDGs
The overall aim of the EU-funded project run by Oxfam, GTIH and
PROTOS states: Contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development
through achiev-
ing the MDG and WSSD5 objectives specific to water and
sanitation in poor areas of Cap-Haitien.
Estimates have been made to know what would be needed to achieve
the MDG related
to sanitation, in the city of Cap-Haitien; calculations are
detailed in Appendix E. About
30,000 families will need to have access to «improved
sanitation» by 2015, which ex- cludes communal and public latrines (see
Table E.1); Figure 5.7 below presents a graph
5 World Summit on Sustainable Development
comparing the population and coverage in 1990 and 2003, with
estimates for 2015. If a
«traditional» approach is chosen, where materials
and labour are paid, the total cost of a latrine is around US$ 300 (Table E.2);
this figure has been confirmed when investigating past projects and by GTIH
Thus, a total of about US$ 9 million (see Table E.3) would be
needed solely for
the construction of those 30,000 latrines. Even then, there
would still be 36 % of the population of Cap-Haitien i.e. 187,000 inhabitants
without latrines, and the absence of
a reliable emptying system means that most pits would be full
after 5 to 10 years6. The
EU-funded project currently has US$ 30,000 available for latrine
building. This can also
be compared with the original ideas proposed by local
engineers, featuring communal latrines with raised chambers to avoid floods:
they cost 18,640 Gdes each (US$ 466) according to previous experiments in the
city of Gonaïves, without consideration for their emptying or daily

Figure 5.7: Graphical projections for the MDGs
5.4 Alternative options
During Steven Sugden's visit, the possible options were
reviewed, in order to achieve sustainable sanitation in some areas of
Cap-Haitien. The areas and their characteristics were reviewed and some options
discussed, which has ultimately led to a joint report written for Oxfam, GTIH
and PROTOS. Part of this work is out of the scope of this dissertation, but
the researcher's work was used to devise these options. The following sections
summarise the recommendations and the research's input in them.
6 If one wants to be cynical, he could say that Oxfam
should start the project in 2012, so that most latrines
would still be operational in 2015 for the MDGs' evaluation...
5.4.1 Definition of «sustainable
The workshop was used to reflect on the situation with partner
organisations, and to discuss the possible alternative solutions.
The question «Why do you want to do this project?»
generated a debate which high- lighted some differences in opinion between the
partners. These are likely to need revisiting and reinforcing in the future,
but after some discussion it was agreed (per- haps reluctantly by some of the
participants) that the project was a health, and not an infrastructure project.
Any infrastructure provided by the project has be capable of be- ing
maintained, be accessible and be affordable to the intended target
beneficiaries and have a positive impact on their health. An explanation of
the transmission patterns of faecal-oral diseases was done using the
The group was asked to define the concepts of
«sanitation» (assainissement) and «sus- tainable»
(durable). The group definition of sanitation was:
· «Make clean / healthy7 what is
· «Take out what the environment unhealthy /
· «It includes water management (wastewater,
rainwater), solid waste management, excreta management8
(construction, emptying), and drinking water».
The group definition of «sustainable» was:
· «It works / carries on without the
· «Local people make it work»
· «Quality is maintained by the public
· «The population applies hygiene rules»
The input of workers from the Ministry of Public Health is
visible from the last two items. Steven Sugden suggested five items for a
definition of «sustainable sanitation», which can be seen in Appendix
D, page 70. These are:
1. Latrines are being consistently used by all members of the
2. The community / society is maintaining latrine coverage at
100% without external support,
3. There is no significant risk to community health from
disposal techniques,
4. There is no significant degradation of the environment,
5. It can be maintained over a prolonged period i.e. 20
The following options have been discussed during the workshop, in
the light of these definitions.
7 In French, this is translated by the adjective sain,
which applies both to a person («healthy») and to an environment
8 «Excreta management» translates better the
French Gestion des excréta than the more usual «Excreta
5.4.2 The Arborloo in Mansui
When walking through the Mansui area, small banana tree
outcrops can be seen close to most of the houses. These are planted by the
occupants of the houses and on investiga- tion it was found that the crop is
eaten, rather than sold to supplement income; «We eat them when we can
afford a little oil to cook them in» explained Mrs Accilien Roboam during
an in-depth interview. She knew the trees would grow better with fertiliser,
but she could not do this as artificial fertiliser is too expensive. She also
grows papaw and granadilla. The land in the area is poor and has a thin
covering of soil from which water
is quickly lost. Digging a deep pit is possible, but very hard
work as many rocks have to
be removed. Mrs Roboam lives with her husband Tibo, who used to
work as a carpenter
at the Hotel Beck before it closed down; they have nine
Her grandmother used to live in the country where she apparently
used to defecate
by hanging her backside over a low hanging bough of a tree and
defecating on the ground below after which it was spread on the ground to act
as fertiliser. The practice
of ecological sanitation is therefore not new and unlikely to
present any major cultural obstacles. Apparently the practice was stopped
because they were told it presented a health risk.
Those elements indicate that the area of Mansui could be
considered for an eco- sanitation approach based on the Arborloo design. One
resident stated he had build a wooden platform for a latrine instead of the
usual concrete slab. This low cost option would be a good starting point for
designing a low cost Arborloo. Cheap superstructures
are not unknown either, with branches covered with old rice bags
for instance.
The interview with the Roboam family revealed that they had
started to dig a very large pit for a latrine one year ago, about 4 m deep and
lined with rocks. A mason was raising it by about 40 cm using rocks and cement;
Tibo Roboam wanted to finish the latrine in the next 6 months, «if he
manages to get enough money». This denoted a strong motivation towards
getting a latrine.
In order to know whether the Arborloo could be an appropriate
solution for Mansui,
the researcher first talked about the Arborloo with the Roboam
family, then spent two days with them to construct a simple Arborloo together.
The pit took less than three hours to dig, wood was bought as a gift to make
the slab and a seat (for less than US$
20), and the superstructure was made out of branches and rice
bags (Figure 5.8 below). The outcome of this test is not known yet, as it takes
about five months to fill up the pit, and some eight more months for the banana
trees to bear fruits. Those outcomes can not
be included in this dissertation but will be useful to the
ongoing project, if follow-up is correctly done; Oxfam is now supposed to do
the follow-up.
If the latrine works as expected, Mr Tibo Roboam could be
involved in the promotion
of this latrine, and his carpenter skills could be used to create
seats for latrines; a price
of about US$ 20 may be small enough to allow families to buy this
themselves, without
the need for an external organisation to intervene. Other areas
than Mansui could also
be suitable for this kind of sanitation; urban agriculture being
a requirement, peri-urban areas located in the West, South and South-East could
be considered as well.

Figure 5.8: The finished test Arborloo in Mansui
5.4.3 The product-service package in Shada
The area of Shada presents more challenges given the high
population density and high space constraint, the proximity of the water table,
the high level of poverty and the difficulty to access narrow paths. During
the survey in this zone, dissatisfaction with current defecation practices was
clear with 94 % of interviewees either «unhappy» or «very
unhappy»; 73 % of those without a latrine expressed an intention to get
one, yet only 14 % of them had a higher level of intention (by identifying a
site, digging a pit
or quoting some prices). The main constraint expressed was
money (100 % of those with an intention to build), followed by space (27 %).
Amongst the 8 people without an intention to get a latrine, 4 said they lacked
money, 3 that they lacked space available, and 1 was going to move shortly.
No sanitation technology could work in this area without
addressing those two con- straints of money of space: the answer would be to
design a latrine which is both afford-
able and small. Possible designs are presented in Appendix F.1.1
and prices compared in
Table F.1. The main idea would be to give people the choice
between multiple options: they would be free to choose expensive latrines in
bricks if they want and can afford it, but there would also be cheap options
available. In order to reduce the cost of the main elements, the cheapest
option would feature a pit lined with a 200 litres drum and a simple wooden
slab. Local masons and GTIH engineers were asked for realistic prices, and it
was found that the cheapest design would be between US$ 25 and US$ 37. An
intermediate design, with a domed concrete slab, a pedestal and a simple
superstructure with a ventilation pipe would cost between US$ 100 and US$
Several problems can be expected with this design:
· The real willingness to pay is unknown; the focus
group discussion was used to estimate it.
· Local engineers raised the point that such a cheap
model would be «unacceptable» because «it does not conform to
the standards». During the workshop, there were discussions about the
purpose of a latrine and whether the project should promote «low
standard» latrines.
· A small pit means that emptying is required more
often, creating the need for a reliable pit emptying system.
Pit emptying
Pit emptying is a key issue in here. A possible solution
would be to have a micro- enterprise responsible for this, hiring bayakou using
dedicated tools, such as a hand- pump for latrine pits currently being
designed; the bayakou would thus work in better conditions. They would
transfer the pit contents to a transfer station, and from there a regular
emptying would be done by vacuum tankers such as those from Jedco. Payment
would be made to this micro-entreprise, who would in turn pay the bayakou,
hence en- suring that there is no illegal dumping. To reduce the cost, the
transfer station could
be towable to the final disposal site (Figure 5.9). The
detail of these solutions can be found in Appendices F.1.2, F.1.3 and F.1.4 on
page 77. In order to make this business sustainable, there has to be a profit
to allow for expansion; calculations can be found in table F.3.
Willingness to pay
The Focus Group Discussion with women from Shada was used to get
a better idea of
the willingness to pay, both for a latrine and for its emptying.
The questions generated a debate between participants themselves. It appeared
that, as women, they did not know
the price of a latrine, only knew that it was unaffordable, and
decided to ask a man; this

Figure 5.9: Old small vacuum tanker, belonging to the MSPP.
It could be converted into a towable transfer station for
decreasing transport costs.
man was also a member of the organisation, as women said that
«they needed a man to take care of this kind of technical issues».
When asked about «an affordable price for a small
latrines», the debate first gave
the impression that HT$ 800 to HT$ 1000 (US$ 100 to 125) would
be worth giving consideration: most participants said that «they could
afford a latrine at this price», but that «[they] knew that some of
their neighbours couldn't». However, at a certain point
the man «understood» that the researcher was working
for an international NGO, and the discussion switched from a debate to
something closer to a negotiation, as participants then tried to lower the
price to see «if it was possible». One older woman, who had not
talked much before and seemed one of the poorest, said that HT$ 200 (US$ 25)
would be
a low enough price for her. All other participants agreed and
said that they would «bang their heads on the ground to raise money, if a
latrine was this cheap». It is unknown how reliable those figures are,
and it can be expected that the actual willingness to pay would be somewhere in
As for the emptying price, the first reaction was that
«emptying should be a public service, done for free by the MSPP!», as
it used to be this way some 15 years ago. The concept was further explained,
which led to price bids between HT$ 20 and 70 (US$ 2.5
- 8.75) for emptying a full drum (200 litres); this amount was
less than expected, which
led to further ideas, particularly for the final disposal.
Participants also said that they would like to see how it works, and that they
may then be convinced to change their minds.
Space constraint
Shada is known for having a very dense housing arrangement, which
does not leave enough space for latrines; during the survey, this constraint
was claimed by a quarter
of interviewees. Yet, by exploring the area and asking random
households if it was possible to visit their compound, it was found that many
of them had at least a very small backyard, some unused space, or part of a
blocked passageway which is considered as part of their compound. There could
thus be a possibility that a small latrine could be accommodated by most
To investigate this further, participants of the Focus Group
Discussion were asked what size would fit in all or almost households, by
laying planks of wood on the ground and creating a square, then asking «if
a latrine was this big, would you have room for one in your house?».
After discussion, a 1 by 1 m latrine could be accommodated by most of the
group, but there could be issues with the landlord if the latrine was to be
placed inside the house.
5.4.4 Other areas
In other areas, the constraints would be too high to implement
one of these forms of sustainable sanitation: in Petite-Anse (and other areas
of type B), the proximity of the water table and the recurrence of floods make
digging any pit, however small, almost impossible at low cost; transport is
also very difficult. However, this area develops very rapidly, and it can be
expected that within a couple of years, access or at least the nature
of the ground will have improved, and living conditions will
resemble those in Shada. The product-service package for Shada may already be
«exported» to non-flood-prone areas of Petite-Anse, close to the main
In the Cités and other areas of type E, space is
available for building latrines and ac- cess is easy, potentially allowing an
emptying system to be implemented; more residents would be able to afford it
than in other zones given the higher wealth level. However, there are still
space constraints and the fact that the ground is often made of concrete which
could limit designs to high cost options only. As the EPPLS wants to
rehabili- tate communal latrines instead of promoting private latrines, there
could be a conflict of interests.
In Bas-Ravine and other areas of type D, the steep slopes and
the high housing density prevent the use of a low-cost design. Any latrine
would need a reinforced pit to avoid collapsing, due to erosion of the soil; as
access is hard, pit emptying and transport of waste out of the area would be
difficult or at least very expensive; there is not enough space for urban
agriculture, except on the top of the slopes. A cheap and probably preferred
way of emptying would be to knock a hole in the side of the pit and let the
contents drain downhill, cancelling the health benefits previously acquired.
Solid waste
would also be hard to remove, so a collection of plastic bags
would probably not be
feasible either.
For Bas-Ravine, a possible solution would be to let GTIH
improve drainage channels and passageways: as this would improve access, the
conditions for a better emptying system might be fulfilled in the future. Areas
like Bas-Ravine are the most problematic
for sustainable sanitation in Cap-Haitien.
Rémi Kaupp
6 Discussion
6.1 Limitations of the research tools
The research methodology has its limitations regarding the
objectives, most notably as
the survey has not answered a number of points related to
sanitation marketing, and as the focus group discussion results are subject to
6.1.1 Inadequacy of the survey
The survey was inadequate in a number of ways: it was
originally designed in the same way as the «demand tool» of London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. How- ever, it was found that this tool
works well in areas with already a substantial sanitation coverage: as it is
supposed to assess the demand for improved latrine products, such products have
to exist and be known by a part of the population at least. Here, the fact that
only 23 households own a latrine, of which 11 are currently complete and in
use, does not allow to make generalised conclusions. More latrine owners should
have been interviewed in order to have a better idea of the process of latrine
acquisition, the supply chain, and the constraints they are facing.
The survey failed to answer questions related to sanitation
marketing. The level of demand and the communications channels are notably
hard to estimate, as well as will- ingness to pay; the focus group discussion
was more useful in this case. The survey has also been conducted in areas which
may not have been the most appropriate: according
to Steven Sugden, the high constraints faced in Bas-Ravine and
Petite-Anse are limiting possible solutions for sustainable sanitation, and by
using the field visits, it could have been decided not to perform the survey in
these areas.
However, the survey was also used to get data on defecation
practices and people's opinion about sanitation, which is relevant to the Oxfam
project and the research alto- gether. A possible way to use the survey to the
best would be to repeat it with the same interviewees in a few years, after the
project will have hopefully implemented some ex- periment or pilots; such as
survey would enable to assess the viability of the solutions, but also to
examine changes in people's attitudes regarding sanitation.
The area of Bas-Ravine was the first to be surveyed; given the
lack of experience from
the researcher, the first households in this area were less
rigorously interviewed and the
questionnaire had to be reviewed after surveying ten households.
In particular, there was
confusion on the question «Do you have the intention to
buy/build a latrine?» which was asked in a different way and did not allow
to know the actual level of intention. Many respondents answered that
«yes, I will build a latrine in the near future, because Jesus will help
A new survey would have to include other questions related to
the intention to get a latrine, in order to avoid the dichotomous choice
«intention / no intention» and allow for several levels of
6.1.2 Focus group discussion results
The results from the focus group discussion should be used
with caution; the objective was to get an idea of the willingness to pay in
Shada for a low-cost latrine and asso- ciated emptying service. However, the
fact that participants wanted to see whether the researcher belongs to an NGO
turned the discussion into a negotiation rather than an actual discussion. It
is expected that the figures of HT$ 200 for a latrine and HT$ 20 for emptying
200 litres are too low compared to the actual willingness to pay. During the
discussion, comments were «I could afford a latrine for HT$ 800, but my
neighbours couldn't, I think they could pay only HT$ 200», «if I save
HT$ 5 every day, I could afford a latrine at HT$ 1000 after a year»,
«If a latrine costs HT$ 200, we would jump,
we would pump, and we would get this money!».
One argument frequently repeated during the survey and the
discussion was the in- ability to save money, as «every little coin which
enters my pocket on a given day goes out of it before the sun sets!»
(heard multiple times during the survey). However, half of
the participants in the FGD were tenants, with the usual tenancy
system in Cap-Haitien
of affermage: a tenant who lives in a house affermée pays
his rent once a year, and rents
of several thousands Haitian dollars per year are not unknown.
This indicates some form
of saving mechanisms. The precise proportion of tenants
versus landlords is unknown and depends on the area: more people are tenants
in emerging areas like Petite-Anse than in established areas like Mansui.
To have a better idea of the actual willingness to pay, other
discussions would need
to be done, preferably with other types of groups such as men,
masons, members of the local civil protection committees, and groups from the
Northern part of Shada; in-depth interviews would also be appropriate to
identify the money and space constraints more precisely.
6.1.3 Continuation of the workshop
The workshop was a useful tool to reflect on the current
situation and discuss possible al- ternatives (see Section 5.4.1). As it
brought together people from various backgrounds,
including civil and water engineers, public health technicians
and NGO managers, dif-
ferent ideas and opinions were expressed before coming to a
common understanding of
the concepts of sanitation and sustainability. However, for many
of them this was done with reluctance, as it was different from their usual
practices. Given this reluctance,
it is possible that they will return to their usual practices,
which may be appropriate
for building water systems and storm drainage channels, but maybe
not for a sanitation marketing system.
6.2 Is sanitation a priority?
The question of knowing whether «sanitation is a
priority» is important as the research concentrated solely on excreta
management, which is not the main part of the Oxfam project. Interviews with
key informants helped to understand the local organisations' priorities, and
the survey did the same for people's priorities and opinions. Given the poor
state of sanitation, the implications on health are great; diarrhoea is
reported by Walden et al. (2003) as a major concern in most areas. Undoubtedly,
improving excreta disposal would lead to great improvements in health. However,
some other aspects may
be of higher importance.
6.2.1 Other priority topics
The survey has shown that handwashing is poorly done: when asked
«When do you wash your hands?»1, 21% of the respondents
quoted «before eating / preparing food»,
19% «after going to the toilet» and 7% «after
changing my baby's nappies»; 29% said they wash their hands «after
work», and 52% were either evasive or answered that they can not enough
wash their hands due to water shortages. Only 6% mentioned soap. Given the
higher impact of handwashing on faecal-oral diseases than any other form
of intervention (including toilets and improved water supply), it
would be necessary to prioritise the promotion of handwashing.
An issue which made the local engineers reluctant to work in
certain areas is the fact that the latter are considered «illegal»:
areas like the North of Petite-Anse or Mansui have been created in an unplanned
manner, due to massive emigration from rural ar- eas. They fear that any
intervention would bring more inhabitants in those areas, which present too
many hazards (flooding, erosion...) to be viable. A related problem, partic-
ularly visible in Petite-Anse, is that housing seems out of control of the
public service.
A person said he had bought his «land» (actually about
20 m2 of mud almost at sea-
level: see Figure 6.1 below) for US$ 200, from the previous
owner; a local organisation claimed to «give land for free to the
poor», but another person showed a contract with
1 The actual question in Creole was closer to «At
which points of the day do you wash your hands?»
this organisation, with a price for the land. Unless the issue of
land tenure is addressed,
any infrastructure project would face difficulties.
In low-lying land like in Shada and Petite-Anse, drinking
water comes either from handpumps if boreholes have been drilled, or from
trucks which bring water from distant boreholes. The price of water is high,
with families in Shada paying an average of 23
Gourdes (US$ 0.60) every day for water. Improving the water
system would allow those families to have more water for (hand)washing, but
would also release funds.

Figure 6.1: Housing problems in Petite-Anse.
The area in the North-East of Petite-Anse (pictured) is advancing
on the Mangrove.
6.2.2 Aspirations
The survey included the question «if you had a small
improvement in your revenue, what would do with it?», in order to evaluate
people's aspirations. It did not work as in- tended, as it highlighted people's
immediate concerns rather than long-term aspirations. The focus group
discussion tried to address this by asking what they would do if they received
a significant amount of money, and why they would do this.
In the survey, 53% of interviewees answered that they would
«use this small amount
of money to buy something in bulk and sell it, in order to
make more money»: this is supposed to be typical of the Haitian way of
thinking, much oriented towards trading according to Walden et al. (2003). 20%
answered they would improve their house, and
20% answered they would invest in a latrine, though this may have
been influenced as
the question was asked at the end of the survey.
«Education» and «more water» were also quoted on a few
The focus group discussion surprisingly led to the same sort of
answers, with about half of the women saying that they would also «expand
their business» with this money.
They were asked «why do you want to do this», in order
to investigate their actual
inspirations. Two of them said that «they love trading,
buying and selling things», and
the rest of the participants had comments like «I want to
move in a house which actually belongs to me», or «I want to prepare
the future of my children by saving». It did not seem that sanitation was
high on their agenda.
A concern which appeared in side comments during the survey was
the lack of health and education facilities in the area of Petite-Anse, far
from the city centre where they
are all concentrated; going there can be both expensive and
Rémi Kaupp
7 Conclusion
7.1 Achievements
The aim of the research was to analyse the sanitation situation
in Cap-Haitien and for- mulate recommendations, using on a sanitation marketing
approach. Several research tools have been used, including semi-structured
interviews, field visits, a household sur- vey, a workshop with partner
organisations, a focus group discussion and a pilot test. Interviews and visits
have allowed to divide the city in similar areas, distinguishing low-lying land
and zones on the hillsides, emerging and established areas, dense and less
dense housing areas, amongst other characteristics. Five main types of areas
have been identified, on top of the city centre which is not usually targeted
given better living conditions. An example zone for each type of area was also
chosen for more in-depth investigation, namely Shada as the most well-known
central dense slum, the emerging zone of Petite-Anse partly built over the
Mangrove, the peri-urban zone of Mansui in
the hills, Bas-Ravine on the slopes close to the city centre, and
Champin in the Cités. All but Champin were investigated during the
The visits also allowed to review the existing sanitation
options in use in Cap-Haitien. The dozen public latrines are inadequate, poorly
managed and are likely to be out of order after a few years. The few communal
latrines in the Cités which are not either broken or with full pits are
also poorly managed and likely to be full after a short time. Private latrine
building programmes have been rare, with only three of these in the last
15 years; only the first one seems to have had a significant
impact; all programmes heavily subsidised the latrines and promoted expensive
options, with little evidence of participation from the beneficiaries.
Defecation practices, according to the survey results, are
appalling, with 58% of respondents practising open defecation and only 15%
owning a latrine, those figures reaching their extreme values of respectively
74% and 3% in Shada. Plastic bags and buckets are also used in Bas-Ravine
(38%), while overhung latrines are in use in Shada (21%), often for a fee of
one Gourde. Dissatisfaction with those practices is general, the few exceptions
being some private latrine owners.
Most private latrines are expensive, around US$ 300, and
require a long acquisition process. The main reasons for building a latrine
seem to be the building of a house, to avoid going to nature, and for visitors;
those with an intention to get a latrine usually say
Rémi Kaupp 7. Conclusion
they want one for practical reasons, or for improved security,
especially at night. The
main constraint is money, hence the price of a latrine; space
issues are also mentioned
in Shada. Pit emptying services are limited between Jedco and
its expensive vacuum tankers, and the bayakous who empty pits manually and work
in poor conditions.
An analysis of current practices has revealed that they are
not compatible with «sus- tainable sanitation», whose criteria have
been defined during the workshop. The MDGs have little chance of being achieved
if supply-led programmes continue to be done, like
the recent project in Mansui; an evaluation of this project
has revealed that its impact is not as high as expected, and could even have
reduced of inhabitants to build their own latrines and have divided the
Findings from this research therefore urge the need for a radical
change in the way sanitation is approached in Cap-Haitien.
7.2 Recommendations for the project
Possible alternatives have been proposed with the help of the
London School of Hy- giene. Given the presence of urban agriculture in some
peri-urban areas like Mansui,
an approach based on ecological sanitation could be tried,
using its simplest model, the Arborloo. it would have several impacts including
improved health, creation of fertiliser without the need to handle compost,
stabilisation of the soil, and possibly improved nu- trition and livelihood.
The Arborloo can be built at a low cost, suiting the users' needs.
A pilot has been tried with a family in Mansui, as they are
willing to improve their sanitation and keen to test this kind of latrine;
follow-up is now needed to assess the suitability of this option, and possibly
to promote it in case of success.
In established high-density areas like Shada, located in low
lands, a proposed option would feature a product-service package, by marketing
low-cost and small latrines cou- pled with a reliable emptying and disposal
system. The current proposal does still have shadow areas regarding the users'
willingness to pay, the feasibility of low-cost empty- ing and the availability
of a dumping site. Willingness to pay would be better estimated
by further focus group discussions with varied types of groups
(men / women, mem- bers of the KLPS, masons, neighbouring areas), and in-depth
interviews with selected inhabitants. Finding a suitable solution for the
final disposal requires cooperation or a partnership with the public
authorities, and particularly the MSPP.
Financial viability calculations could still be refined by
examining different business models and considering best case / worst case
scenarios. The project should seek advice from experienced micro-entreprises
managers and entrepreneurs, who would have a more valuable input than
sanitation officers for this part of the project.
In order to develop a common understanding of sustainable
sanitation, and re-inforce
the importance of excreta management amongst the project
partners, more work is
Rémi Kaupp 7. Conclusion
needed in continuation of the workshop. Local knowledge and
practices have been
found to be focused too much on hardware and on water, which
is only one side of the «water and sanitation» sector. The main aim
of the project, i.e. improving health con- ditions in Cap-Haitien, has to be
stressed again to avoid it being only an «infrastructure project».
Developing sustainable excreta management for any of the poor
areas of Cap Hai- tien is not going to be an easy process. Using a sanitation
marketing based process to provide low cost building, emptying and transfer
services to the poor living in the high density areas is an option worthy of
further experimentation and behaviour trials, but its success will require a
dedicated team, flexibility and determination. An easier option from a project
management perspective is to use a traditional supply driven approach and
provide a subsidy for building the latrines. Whilst this option is easier to
manage, it will not lead to sustainable sanitation, only have a very limited
impact on public health, and be insignificant with regard to help Haiti achieve
the sanitation MDG.
7.3 Future research
Future research in Cap-Haitien would have to address this
study's shortcomings: in particular, the demand tool needs to be improved and
tested again for areas with low coverage; one way would be to conduct the
survey with the same households, once a pilot has been set up and its effects
can be evaluated. A new survey with the same households done after two or
three years can indicate how new products and services have penetrated the
Pit emptying appears to be a recurrent problem, and
Cap-Haitien is only one of the numerous examples where appropriate solutions
are hard to find. The use of a direct- action handpump for small pits coupled
with a low-cost transport system would be an interesting alternative to bulkier
systems, but still has to prove its effectiveness. The provision of low-cost
latrines and the sustainability of the whole sanitation system is highly
dependent on emptying.
The categorisation of the city into several typical areas has
helped to devise possible solutions: this approach could be generalised by
comparing with other cities in Haiti, and with cities in other developing
countries. The comparison of different contexts, along with an evaluation of
past and current practices, would allow to create a hand- book, presenting
different options suitable for each context, as well as bringing together
current ideas in sanitation such as ecological sanitation, total sanitation or
sanitation marketing, which are too often considered separately.
Rémi Kaupp
Black M., 1998, Learning what works: a 20-year retrospective
view on international water and sanitation cooperation, UNDP - Water and
Sanitation Programme
Budds J., Obika A., Howard G., Jenkins M., Curtis V., 2002,
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in the Tropics, Wiley.
Cairncross S., 2004, The Case for Marketing Sanitation, Water
and Sanitation pro- gramme Field Notes, August 2004
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CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 2006, The World
FactBook, 2006 edition,
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Evaluation Study, March 2005, AFC
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guide to planning, moni- toring, evaluation and impact assessment, Save the
Children, London.
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the urban third world, Earthscan, London.
Heierli U., Hartmann A., Münger F., Walther P. (eds.),
2004, Sanitation is a business: Approaches for demand-oriented policies, Swis
Agency for Development and Coop- eration, Bern.
Jenkins M., 2004, Who Buys Latrines, Where and Why?, Water and
Sanitation Pro- gramme Field Notes, September 2004
Rémi Kaupp References
Jenkins M., Sugden S., 2006, Rethinking sanitation - Lessons and
Innovation for Sus-
tainability and Success in the New Millennium, UNDP sanitation
thematic paper, Jan- uary 2006
van de Klundert A., Scheinberg A., 2006, Strategic Sanitation
Planning for on-site san- itation in Dar-es-Salaam, WASTE
Mara D., 1996a, Low-cost urban sanitation, Wiley & Sons. Mara
D. (ed.), 1996b, Low-cost Sewerage, Wiley & Sons.
Mitlin D., 2004, Understanding Urban Poverty; What the poverty
reduction strategy papers tell us, London, International Institute for
Environment and Development.
Morgan P., 1999, Ecological sanitation in Zimbabwe: A
compilation of manuals and experiences, Conlon Printers, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Mukherjee N., 2000, Myth vs. reality in Sanitation and Hygiene
Promotion, Water and
Sanitation Programme, Field Notes, March 2000.
Muller M.S. (ed.), 1997, The Collection of Household Excreta:
The Operation of Ser- vices in Urban Low-income Neighbourhoods, Urban Waste
Series 6, WASTE - EN- SIC/AIT.
Oxfam, 2006, Facilité ACP-UE pour l'eau, Actions dans les
pays ACP, Formulaire dé- taillé de demande de subvention, project
proposal for obtaining EU funding.
Pickford J., 1995, Low-cost sanitation: a survey of practical
experience, IT Publications
Pickford J. and Shaw R., 1999, Emptying latrine pits, WEDC,
Rijnsburger J., 2005, Notes for BPD Case Writing Dar es Salaam,
BPD mission to Dar
es Salaam, Tanzania, WASTE, 13-19 March 2005
Still D.A., 2006, After the pit latrine is full... what then?
Effective options for pit latrine management, Partners in Development,
Sugden S., 2006, Assessing the Health Risks of Ecological
Sanitation, WELL, January
UN-Habitat, 2003, The Challenge of Slums: Global Report on Human
Settlements 2003, Earthscan, London.
U.S. Library of Congress (LOC), 2005, Haiti: a country study,
available online at
Rémi Kaupp References
Valdez R. M., 2005, Resumen de resultados de encuesta sobre
fuente de agua en cuatro
barrios del municipio de Cap-Haitien, departamento Norte, Hayti,
June 2005, Annex
2, Facilité ACP-UE pour l'eau, Oxfam GB Haiti, Refacents:
Walden V., Forster T., Panteleo Creti P., 2003, Public Health
Assessment Report from
Haiti, Oxfam report, November 2003.
WASTE, 2006, Smart Sanitation Solutions, Netherlands Water
Wegelin-Schuringa M. and Coffey M., 1998, Small Pit Emptying
Machine: an Appro- priate Solution in Nairobi Slum, IRC International Water and
Sanitation Centre
WHO/UNICEF, 2000, Global water supply and sanitation
assessment 2000 report,
World Health Organisation and United Nations Children's Fund.
Winblad U., Simpson-Hébert M. (eds.), 2004, Ecological
Sanitation, Stockholm Envi- ronment Institute.
Appendix A
List of appendices
· Appendix B: Sample of topics for a semi-structured
interview with the head of
the MSPP.
· Appendix C: Topics and sample questions for the Focus
Group Discussion in
· Appendix D: Possible definition of sustainable
sanitation, by Jenkins & Sugden
· Appendix E: Calculations on the MDG targets, related
to Section 5.3.3.
· Appendix F: Detailed description of the
product-service package introduced in
Section 5.4.3. Files on the disc:
· Joint report by the researcher and Steven Sugden for
Oxfam, PROTOS and GTIH
(«Haiti trip report.doc» and «Rapport -
Assainissement à Cap-Haitien.doc»).
· Presentation for the Oxfam staff in Oxford
(«Oxfam presentation.ppt»).
· Notes taken during the semi-structured interviews
(subfolder «Interviews»).
· Logical framework of the EU-funded project
(«Logframe EU project.doc»).
· Questionnaires for the survey (subfolder
· Detailed results of the survey
(«Résultats Enquête.xls» and other files in subfolder
· Instructions for the follow-up of the Arborloo in
Mansui («Suivi toilette écologique.doc»)
· Full-resolution photographs illustrating this
dissertation (subfolder «Photos»).
Note that many documents on the disk are written in French as
they were used during the study.
Appendix B
Semi-structured interviews
This set of questions was used for interviewing the head of the
Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) of Cap-Haitien, and also used
(with some minor alterations)
for other semi-structured interviews. The questions were not
asked directly but rather served as guidelines during the interview, in which
the research tried to let the intervie- wees speak by themselves, in order to
understand their own issues and perceptions.
· What is the MSPP role regarding sanitation in
Cap-Haitien, and in excreta man- agement?
· Which links does the MSPP have with the city council,
the private sector, NGOs?
· Which resources does the MSPP have (human, financial,
physical...)? Where does
the budget come from?
· What are current practices for sanitation?
· Who takes decisions in the MSPP for sanitation?
· Have studies already been carried out about the
sanitation situation? Which are
the different latrine types?
· Which projects have already been tried in Cap-Haitien
for sanitation, and how successful were they?
· Are beneficiaries usually consulted before starting a
· Does the MSPP provide services to
«illegal» settlements and slum areas? Are there different strategies
depending on the type of area (hillside, periurban...)?
· Which are the main problems, and how could the MSPP
work better in the future?
· Which relationships does the MSPP have with bayakous
and micro-entreprises?
Are there any partnerships, subsidies, common projects?
· Are you aware of the EU-financed project, and are you
going to take part in it?
Appendix C
Focus group discussion
· If you won HT$ 5,000 (note: US$ 625), what would you
do with it?
- Dig in to know their aspirations: if housing is mentioned, ask
what is wrong with your current house? why is having a nice house important?
· We have done a survey and found that you are
dissatisfied with excreta disposal.
You say money and space are your biggest problems:
- What is the cost of a new latrine?
- What cost would it have to have to be not a problem?
- We have engineers working on this, we need to give them a cost
to design to. What should it be?
· Space: If we designed a latrine which takes 1 x 1m,
would you find space for it?
Participants in the discussion: Mmes Bertha Michel, Evelyne
Duvercin, Iniose Planor, Janine Pierre, Jasmine Laguerre, Jasmine Zulma,
Liliane Paul, Mulène Timète, Philia Alcyanas Jean (all members of
Fanm pa chita) and M. Philoclès Marcelin.
Appendix D
Sustainable excreta disposal
by Steven Sugden, included in the joint report; from Jenkins
& Sugden (2006) Sustainable excreta disposal can be said to have been
achieved when:
1. latrines are being consistently used by all members of the
2. the community / society is maintaining latrine coverage at
100% without external support,
3. there is no significant risk to community health from
disposal techniques,
4. there is no significant degradation of the environment,
5. it can be maintained over a prolonged period i.e. 20
Consistent use: To have an impact on public
health, latrines have to be used at all times by all members of the family.
This is in fact more difficult to achieve than it may at first appear. Children
are often scared of the monsters their brothers have told them live in the dark
pit latrines; latrines can harbour snakes making use dan- gerous in the dark;
and latrines sited a distance from the house are inconvenient, particularly
when it is dark and open defecation nearer home is an easier option. Communal
latrines which are locked at night, or unused because of fear of attack,
do not allow for consistent use either, and are often not
designed for children's use.
Maintaining coverage at 100% without external support:
Villages and commu- nities grow, either by increasing the area they
occupy or their density. Populations can double in size within 10 years and a
project achieving 100% latrine coverage
in 1995 may only have 50% coverage in 2005. Any system
developed for build- ing latrines needs be able to continue building and
repairing them after external funded has ended and has to ensure that community
members do not become dependent on subsides or outside organisation to achieve
No significant risk to community health from disposal
techniques: The de- sired health impacts of latrine use are quickly
lost if using the latrine results in
Rémi Kaupp D. Sustainable excreta disposal
pathogens entering into the community. This may occur from
faecal contami-
nates entering into the water supply via the ground water or in a
high density urban setting, by not using a pit emptying service and letting the
pit contents flow
to the street, a surface drain, or their neighbours'
No significant degradation of the environment:
There is also a growing con- cern about the impact latrine building
has on the environment. Designs requiring the use of local bricks needing
firewood to make will have an environmental im- pact. Traditional latrines can
have a local adaptation of using slow growing hard woods, such as mahogany, to
support the platform. This has become necessary as the local softwood suffers
from termite attack causing latrine collapse, but hard- wood supplies in many
areas are rapidly dwindling and latrine building can add
to the depletion problem.
Can be maintained over a prolonged period i.e. 20
years: Behaviour change, latrine building and demand creation are
slow processes that take time and other resources to stimulate. Any delivery
system developed has to meet the needs of households who are slow to adopt
latrine usage and change their behaviour. The slowest tend to be the poorest,
least educated and most risk averse members of the community. The delivery
system itself must be financially sustainable, be locally available and meet
evolving needs over time.
There has been debate within the sector about widening the
definition of sustainable sanitation to include the principle that waste should
be considered a resource and that sustainable sanitation is only achieved when
the nutrients in waste are returned to the land. It is argued that the western
style of waste treatment, where the nutrients eventu- ally end up as pollution
in the world's rivers and oceans, is globally unsustainable. This has resulted
in the promotion of ecological sanitation which is based on composting hu- man
waste and using it as fertiliser. This is a persuasive argument in the right
context. If
a community is predominantly agriculture based, soil fertility is
declining and the cost
of artificial fertiliser is increasing, the adoption of
ecological sanitation is rational and can have a large impact on the household
Achieving these five criteria is not an easy process and cannot
be done by using
a one-off, technically-led, supply-driven, hardware-based
approach. It requires long term commitment and sustained management from the
public bodies responsible for public health, but public bodies can not do this
alone; effective partnerships with the private sector latrine builders /
service providers are needed. Just as curative health is not considered to
have been improved by the provision of a hospital; excreta disposal and the
associated public health benefits cannot be considered to have been achieved
with the simple provision of latrines.
Rémi Kaupp
Appendix E
MDG calculations
The following tables were used to calculate how much money would
be needed in order
to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in
E.1 Population and coverage estimates
Using the division in zones performed in Section 5.1 and the
coverage data from Section
5.2.1, it is possible to derive estimates regarding
achievement of the MDGs. Population data was obtained from one of the few
sources available, from 20031; the city centre and two peripheral
areas were voluntarily ignored, given their higher wealth level. The population
figures group all similar areas together; population is extrapolated forward
and backwards with an assumed growth rate of 4 % (suggested by GTIH staff).
The MDG 7 states «Halve the proportion of people without access to safe
sanitation by
2015»; this proportion has to be calculated using 1990
figures, from which the MDGs were set.
«Coverage» is an indication of the coverage of
«improved sanitation» as defined by the
Water and Sanitation Programme; figures differ slightly from the
survey results to reflect
the variety of the zones: in particular, Petite-Anse
comprises many medium-income houses which have sanitation, like the
Cités. «Access» indicates the number of persons with access to
improved sanitation. The coverage in 1990 was estimated given the
researcher's knowledge of the sanitation situation at this time, using
indications from the MSPP staff; the coverage was lower given the lack of
previous sanitation programmes and some emerging zones, except in the
Cités where the communal latrines were in much better state than now.
It appears that the current coverage in those areas is around
28 %, coincidentally the same as in 1990, which means that the number of
families with improved sanitation has progressed (due to sanitation programmes
and private acquisition), their proportion has remained stagnant. In order to
achieve the MDGs, the 72 % proportion without
1 Estimates of population data by zones and by gender,
done by Oxfam within the DIPECHO project in
Rémi Kaupp E. MDG calculations
Table E.1: Population and latrine coverage estimates
Population in 2003
Coverage in 2003
3 %
40 %
10 %
10 %
50 %
28 %
Access in 2003
Population in 1990
Coverage in 1990
0 %
24 %
0 %
5 %
70 %
28 %
Access in 1990
Population in 2015
Access target by 2015
Additional access by 2015
Additional families
Areas type A are similar to Shada, B to Petite-Anse, C to Mansui,
D to Bas-Ravine,
and E to the Cités.
sanitation has to be halved by 2015, i.e. there must be only 36 %
without sanitation or
64 % of the 2015 population with improved sanitation. This is
reflected by the «Access target by 2015» line, with the
«additional access» line representing the difference with
the current situation.
By assuming an average family size of 8, the number of families
to provide with sanitation can be obtained, which is also the number of private
latrines. Finally, about
30,000 latrines have to be built in the next 8 years.
E.2 Cost of a latrine
Table E.2 below shows details of the cost of a latrine,
according to various sources. Main sources were local masons who were
interviewed during the survey, and engineers working for GTIH in sanitation who
had experience of construction projects; secondary sources are estimates by
inhabitants, and indications by latrine owners. Some prices are standard over
the whole city, such as bags of cement, but other prices seem to vary more
consequently with the zones and the person interviewed.
A price of around US$ 300 was most often quoted, with a maximum
at US$ 375. It should be noted that labour cost, while originally calculated
per day, is often paid «for
the work done» independently of the length of time it might
take; this is particularly the case for subsidised programmes.
Rémi Kaupp E. MDG calculations
Price (US$)
Digging a 2 m deep pit
1 bag of cement
1 load of sand
1 load of gravel
140 cement blocks (pit)
120 cement blocks (superstructure)
3 sheets of corrugated iron (roof)
1 seat
1 PVC ventilation pipe
Overall cost of materials
Labour (per day)
Total cost
Table E.2: Cost of some elements of a «standard»
E.3 Total cost to achieve the
Using the prices and the number of families to serve as shown
above, it is possible
to calculate how much subsidy is needed if those latrines are to
be fully funded by a project, in order to achieve the MDGs.
Table E.3: Total cost to achieve the MDGS in Cap-Haitien
Cost of one latrine
Total cost
US$ 150
US$ 4,554,600
US$ 200
US$ 6,072,800
US$ 250
US$ 7,591,000
US$ 300
US$ 9,109,200
US$ 350
US$ 10,627,400
It should be noted that even by providing this, it would still
leave 36% of the popula-
tion without latrines, i.e. more than 187,000 people.
Rémi Kaupp
Appendix F
Product-service package
By Steven Sugden and Rémi Kaupp, included in the joint
The product service package approach can be divided into four
1. Designing and developing low cost, low space latrines which
are affordable to the poor
2. Developing reliable affordable, safe pit emptying services to
take excreta from the pit to a transfer tank.
3. Providing bulk transport services from the transfer tank to
the final disposal site
4. Providing a site for safe, acceptable final disposal.
This approach is based on the need to remove the two main
constraints facing the res- idents; lack of space and money. The way to make a
latrine smaller and cheaper is to reduce the size and cost of all the
components, including the pit, so as to make the cap- ital cost low enough to
be affordable (and desirable) for the majority of the households. This process
of reducing the pit size automatically decreases the time it takes for the
to fill and the need is introduced for more frequent emptying.
This emptying service has
to be provided by small scale private sector operators whose
development, capacity and commercial viability is one of the keys to making
this approach sustainable. The small scale emptiers dump the waste into a
transfer tank, which when full, is taken for final disposal.
F.1 Components
F.1.1 Designing low cost, low space, affordable
The price of current latrine design built by the local masons is
around HT$ 2,500 (US$
310) and unaffordable to the urban poor. International
Development Enterprises (IDE)
describe the three building blocks of cheapening designs as:
Miniaturisation: This asks the questions are
large 3m deep pits necessary? Will a 1m
deep pit coupled with a reliable emptying service work just as
Affordability to the poor is always important.
Are expensive concrete slabs absolutely necessary? Are there cheaper
Expandable: This enables households to build
latrines in small affordable sections.
House building processes in developing countries are
incremental i.e. the owner first saves to buy the land, then saves to pay for
the cement for the foundations, then for the bricks, etc. It is not all done
at once as in Northern countries, and house building is matched with the family
income flows, avoiding the need for banking services.
By using these principles the following is possible:
Table F.1: Components of a low-cost latrine
Standard design
Low-cost option
2 m deep, 1 m
square, block lined
1 m deep, 60 cm
diameter, plastic drum lining
1 m deep, 60 cm
diameter, plastic drum lining
Rough cast, 8cm
thick, iron bar reinforced, fitted with concrete pedestal.
80 cm diameter x
5cm thick concrete dome slab with pedestal
80 cm diameter
wooden platform with squat hole
Ventilation pipe
100 mm diameter
plastic pipe
100 mm diameter
plastic pipe
Cement block with
galvanised tin door
Wooded frame
covered with sacking
Provided by owner
to a minimal level
Galvanised tin
Galvanised tin
Provided by owner
to a minimal level
HT $2,500
(US$ 312)
HT$ 800 - 1,000
(U$ 100 - 125)
HT$ 200 - 300
(US$ 25 - 37.5)
The price of different items can be detailed below. Original
figures come from local
masons or are rough estimates; prices were refined during the
workshop and by working with a local GTIH engineer:
The process is made expandable by having the
components inter-changeable. A household may be able to afford only a wooden
slab in the beginning, but over time could afford to upgrade to a concrete slab
and vent pipe.
Assessing the willingness to pay for an unseen product and
service is a difficult pro- cess and at best only gives a feeling of demand.
When costs were discussed in a Focus
Table F.2: Detailed pricing of a low-cost latrine elements
Element \ Source
First estimates
GTIH Engineer
Essential items
1m pit digging
200 l plastic drum
4 blocks (bottom)
Concrete domed slab
Tin roof
Ventilation pipe
Group Discussion with women from Shada they gave the impression
that HT$1000
would be given consideration and HT$200 was defiantly affordable
and they «would hit
[their] heads on the ground to raise the money». Another
interesting aspect to the capi-
tal cost discussion was that the women did not know the cost of
the existing traditional latrine design, they just knew it was unaffordable.
The problem they say with a small
pit is paying for the emptying.
The issue of space was discussed by laying planks of wood on the
ground and asking
«If the latrine design was this big, would you have room for
one in your house?» Al- though space was often given as a constraint in
the survey, it would appear that a 1m
x 1m latrine design could be accommodated by the majority of
the group. The main issues were whether it could be placed inside the house
and the relationship with the landlord.
F.1.2 Developing effective pit emptying
The effectiveness of this process is dependent on whether the
customers pay sufficient funds to sustain the commercial viability of a pit
emptying service: Revenue from cus- tomers > emptying costs + profit. The
commercial viability of the emptying service is dependent upon Productivity
rate and dumping charges.
Productivity rate
Road conditions allowing easy access
· Percentage coverage and usage of latrines
· Number of pits requiring emptying per month
· Average distance from households to collection
· Average distance between customers
· Volume of sludge removed per visit
· Extraction equipment efficiency and transport
equipment efficiency
· Volume capable of being extracted per hour
· Speed and size of transport equipment in
· Ability to access pits in narrow streets
· Capital costs an life expectancy of equipment
- Failure and breakdown rate
- Ease of equipment maintenance
- Operation and maintenance costs of equipment
- Equipment staffing requirements
- Fuel and lubricants usage
- Spare parts costs and availability
Dumping costs
· Distance from intermediate to final disposal
· Final dumping charges
· Running costs of bulk transfer vehicle (as above)
· Level of competition within city
· Public sector attitude and contribution to final
This is a long list of variables and our knowledge of how they
apply to a place like Shada
is limited. It is possible to assume that if an emptying service
was established for the current latrine coverage it would not be viable as
there are simply not enough latrine pits
to empty. The development of the emptying service must therefore
go hand in hand with
the development and promotion of lower cost, smaller, latrines.
Any subsidy should be not given for the building of latrines, but instead used
as a buffer to cover the initial start
up losses and there after gradually reduced as the demand for the
emptying services increases and commercial viability is established.
Shada has the following disadvantages in the development of an
emptying service,
· Low percentage coverage and usage of latrines with no
pits currently in need of
· None of the current emptying equipment, (the Vacutug
or MAPET) will fit through
the narrow passageways of Shada
· Low willingness to pay for emptying services
expressed in FGD
· Local government unlikely to pay for final disposal
or transfer costs
Shada has the following advantages
· All the houses are relatively close to a main road
and therefore average distance from households to transfer points will be
· Apparent high demand for improved household
· Dissatisfaction with current excreta disposal
F.1.3 Providing bulk transport services from the
transfer tank to the final disposal site
Jedco is the only company in Cap Haitien with the equipment or
capacity to suck waste out of a transfer tank and transport it to a final
disposal site. Their main customer is the UN who have a strong presence in the
city and require their septic tanks to be regularly emptied. There is no
competition and this allows Jedco to charge around US$250 per trip. Jedco are
interested in expanding their business, but whether they would be willing
to reduce their rates or work for an CBO is questionable.
The Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) were once
donated a small vacuum tanker under a German funded project, but this fell into
disrepair when a vital spare part could not be obtained. They are now rotting
in the MSPP yard and could be relatively inexpensively adapted to provide a
towable transfer station.
F.1.4 Providing a site for safe, acceptable final
There is no sewage treatment works in Cap Haitien and dumping
waste in a mangrove swamp at the cities boundary seems to be an accepted
practice. This is far from satisfac- tory, but probably the least worse
alternative and certainly preferable to dumping waste
in the river next to the housing settlements. It is difficult
to predict at this stage, but the project could have problems gaining
permission to adopt a similar practice. Officials tend to feel more
comfortable denying permission for any changes which they feel may leave them
open to criticism in the future. Granting permission to dump what could be
large quantities of raw faecal waste in a ecologically sensitive wetland may
just regarded
as too risky.
F.2 Rough break even and financial viability
The initial calculations for the commercial viability of the
emptying operation were based on fees a family of 3 adults would pay per month
for using the public latrine. This amounted to approximately 90 Gdes (US$ 2.25)
per month. During the FGD it became apparent that this was considered too much
and the women said they had to compare
Income per trip
Willingness to pay
120 Gdes
Expenses per trip
Bayakou pay
25 Gdes
Barrow boy pay
12,5 Gdes
2,5 Gdes
Dumping fee
Moving transfer station
15 Gdes
55 Gdes
Balance per trip
65 Gdes
Expenses per day
530 Gdes
Minimum to break even
Latrines needed
the price with open defecation, not the public latrine fees,
as this is what they currently practised. It was difficult to assess the
willingness to pay for an emptying service as by this stage the group was
beginning to realise that we were discussing an NGO project who are known to
give everything for free. However, as a best guess, the following calculations
are based on a willingness to pay 120 Gdes (US$ 3.15) for emptying 100 l
of waste every 1.5 month, or 240 Gdes for emptying 200 l every 3
Table F.3: Financial viability calculations
Emptying every
1.5 months
Quantity to empty
100 litres
1 bayakou serves daily
8 latrines
Transfer station capacity
2,000 litres
Emptied every
2.5 days
Daily wages
200 Gdes
Barrow boy
100 Gdes
400 Gdes
100 Gdes
Costs and maintenance
Moving transfer station
300 Gdes
Equipment maintenance
320 Gdes
Station maintenance
30 Gdes
If each latrine fills in 1.5 months, one Bayakou could serve 367
latrines with a profit
to the managing organisation of HT$ 3,300 (US$ 412) per month.
Shada has a population of around 20,000 comprising of 2,400
families. In theory this could be served by 10 Bayakou providing a profit for
the managing organisation of HT$33,000 per month. From this the organisation
would have to provide some form
of management and office space, but it is these types of
calculations that indicates the potential of «the fortune at the bottom of
the pyramid».
This calculation is based on an ideal situation and too many
assumptions are used which need to be further research and tested. Economies
of scale could bring down some costs just as easily as a willingness to only
pay 150 Gdes for emptying 200l could
make the entire process unprofitable. It does however give an
indication of the potential
of a sustainable form of excreta management in what would be
usually considered to be
a very difficult area.
F.3 Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Government has a role in protecting the public health of its
citizens. When visiting all of
the areas in Cap Haitien, particularly the high density areas, it
is clear that public health
is being compromised and raises the question what could and
should the government be doing for the residents of areas like Shada?
Mrs Guettie Noel, a Public Health Technician from the Ministry
of Public Health and Population stated that it was their job to empty the
latrine pits, but they found this impossible because they did not have the
equipment of the resources. The MSPP could present an argument that they do
not need a PPP if Oxfam simply donated a new vacuum tanker to their ministry.
An MSPP operated emptying service is likely to be unsustainable and only
partially benefit the poor, but refusal could result in the MSPP proving
difficult over refusing final disposal sites and possibly applying over-zealous
building regulations latrine design. The project needs to develop good
relationships with
the MSPP and continually point out that removing the excreta from
areas like Shada has
a significant impact on public health and the productivity of the
residents, and that it is
a duty that they are failing to perform.
If the MSPP could be persuaded to cover the cost of taking the
waste from the transfer station and for final disposal, the commercial
viability of the emptying service will be significantly easier to achieve.
There are a variety of organisational arrangements possible
for private sector latrine building, emptying and transfer services. Which is
most suitable would need further discussion, but an initial suggestion would be
to have one organisation overseeing the whole process and to manage the Bayakou
in providing the building and emptying ser- vices. The organisation would need
to be experienced in programme management, have
the capacity to keep accurate accounts and be able to monitor the
various processes. Oxfam's project partner, GTIH, could be ideal in this
Rémi Kaupp
Appendix G
Survey questionnaire
The questionnaire on the following pages, in its French
version, was used during the whole survey, with a slightly different version
used for the first ten households. All intermediate versions can be found on
the disc.
Rémi Kaupp
Appendix H
Survey detailed results
The table on the following page presents a summary of the
survey results, which have been used in this dissertation. More detailed
results, which were less relevant to the dissertation (for use by the Oxfam
project, for instance) are included on the disc.