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The Democratic Process in the DRC.( Télécharger le fichier original )par Bobo BONG-E-BONE Wits University - Licence en science politique 2006 |
ConclusionI think that Congolese political conflict is never going to be solved by elections process only which never had been inclusive, because the main opposition political party (UDPS) is not participating to general elections. Democracy is a process not an event alone. The fundamental problem of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is not just to change the nature of political regime or government, state form or name, new constitution ...but rather to adopt forever `democracy' as state political tradition and then, we just need to learn how to do it. Political pluralism and diversity of ideas and opinions are core elements in democracy-building. Political success of the elections is more important not only for the Congolese people, but it can even have a major impact for political stability, peace and development in the region of the Great Lakes and all Africa. After these elections, Congolese leaders must meet again to reinforce the democratic process integration and to make it inclusive. According to the CEI calendar, the results of the second round are going to take place on 19 November, but the political atmosphere in the country is still characterized by violence. As for the final result, it will be proclaimed by the Supreme Court of Justice on 30 November. The representatives of the two presidential candidates have signed an agreement which promising to respect the results of elections. But, political tension in many parts of the country, especially in Kinshasa, still remains high and unstable, the peace is depending to which one that Congolese want him to be a first president for the third Congolese Republic, the winning of the International Community's candidate will never bring peace in the former Zaire.
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