This work is done in order to show the efficiency and
effectiveness of the technique of permeable reactive barrier (BPR) in the
treatment of wastewater, is using gypsum molds and clay, and basic plaster and
activated carbon for water treatment discharges of wastewater treatment station
in Tizi-Ouzou - East. Monitoring pollution parameters (turbidity, pH, COD,
BOD,...Test permeability with monitoring of pH of a solution herbicide
(Glyphosate). Measured flow the electric conductivity and pH.
The results obtained in our experiments show the
effectiveness of this BPR technique
to improve the quality of treated water from the
resort (ONA) and contributes to the protection of agricultural land and
groundwater. This efficiency is argued by:
> Lowering the physicochemical parameters of the
values obtained in the STEP East T.O.
> The pH at the outlet complies with WHO
> No saturation found in the BPR; --, No clogging
found in the BPR.
> The flow is always nice.
Keywords: pollution, waste water, permeable reactive
barrier, physicochemical parameters.
