This study was carried out to determine the water consumption
and the productivity in relation with the inoculation of soybean during the
growth periods. The study was conducted in the High School Medji Agricultural
of Sekou (commune of Allada) from September 23, 2008 to January 17, 2009.
The methodology focused on humidimetric and tensiometric
measurements in different plots of the experimental design (randomized complete
blocks). Each object of the combination of the levels of the two factors
(irrigation and inoculation) is repeated once in each block installed. The
weekly measurement of plant height and yield estimation and its main components
was used to analyse the physiological behaviour of soybean in relation to soil
moisture. The water assessment analysis allowed proposing a better water
management in rainfall regime.
At the end of this field experiment, hudimetric and
tensiometric results revealed periods of water stress especially localised in
the vegetative and flowering stages in the non-irrigated plots. Moreover,
hydraulics charges remained weaker in the irrigated plots and rose in the
non-irrigated plots where they follow the rate of the rains. The results of
water balance showed that the generalized drainage in the irrigated plots
during the all experiment period while capillary phenomena ascents were more
regular in the non-irrigated plots. This result confirms the generally negative
gradients charges noted in the irrigated plots and positive in the
non-irrigated plots. Moreover, water consumption of soybean in non-irrigated
plots is higher (3.22 mm/j) during the vegetative stage while in irrigated
plots daily water consumption is higher (5.4 mm) during the flowering stage. To
maintain a higher yield and higher seed quality, supplemental irrigation depth
may be equivalent to the reserve easily usable of the soil (15mm) for 3 to 5
days of a rainfall deficit. The results of physiological functioning of soybean
showed that the optimal conditions for vegetative growth (10°C -
30°C) have been met throughout the experimental period. The average
content of protein was equal to 45% of the dry grain oiled for 1.4 t/ha of
grain yield in the irrigated plots against 0.6 t/ha of grain yield for 40.4% of
protein in non- irrigated plots. The average height reached on these two groups
of plots was respectively equal to 70 cm and 32 cm. This difference in response
to water was significant at the 5% probability.
Finally suggestions made to widen knowledge in the response to
water of the yield of soybean.
Keywords: Soybean, water dynamic, water deficit,
Au terme de ce travail, je tiens à formuler mes
sincères remerciements à tous ceux qui de près ou de loin
ont contribué à sa réussite.
Mes sentiments respectueux s'adressent d'abord à
l'égard du Prof. Dr. Ir. Euloge K. AGBOSSOU, Directeur du Laboratoire
d'Hydraulique et Maîtrise de l'Eau (LHME) de la Faculté des
Sciences Agronomiques et superviseur du présent mémoire. Je le
remercie pour sa confiance, son appui et son judicieux concours aux
différentes étapes de ce travail qui ont contribué
grandement à sa réussite. Votre rigueur au travail et vos
différents conseils m'ont été d'un grand secours pour
mener à bien ce travail.
Mes remerciements vont ensuite à l'endroit du Docteur
Pascal HOUNGNANDAN, chef du Laboratoire de Microbiologie de la Faculté
des Sciences Agronomiques qui nous a assuré les conditions
indispensables à l'achèvement de ce travail et enfin au Projet
NPT- BEN145/FSA qui a entièrement financé le présent
Je remercie pour finir Dr. Ir. Bernard AHAMIDE pour ses
multiples conseils, l'ensemble du personnel du Lycée Agricole
Médji de Sékou pour leur franche collaboration et tous mes
parents, mes frères et soeurs pour leur encouragement.
Table des Matières