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Global portfolio diversification with cryptocurrencies

par Salma Ouali
Université de Neuchâtel  - Master of science in finance 2019

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

4.2. Portfolio optimization

I start by constructing a portfolio without cryptocurrencies, which will be referred to as the basis portfolio. Furthermore, I investigate the options of including cryptocurrencies to the traditional assets' portfolio. I construct two sets of portfolios. The first portfolio includes traditional assets and only Bitcoin and the second one includes traditional assets and the four cryptocurrencies. The benefits of adding cryptocurrencies are assessed in terms of risk-return profiles, cumulative wealth and downside risk.

In order to calculate these performance metrics, I use the out-of-sample backtesting method, which evaluates trading strategies using historical data. The models' parameters are assessed via a rolling window approach under the following steps: I use the 200 last days observations before the rebalancing date for the parameters' estimation. Then, the resulting weights are rebalanced on a monthly basis for the whole out of sample period.

Thus, the optimized weights are subject to different parameters depending on the optimization frameworks presented below.


4.2.1. Minimum risk approaches

Minimum variance portfolio is the Markowitz least variance framework. It is set out as the portfolio that maximizes the use of diversification to achieve the lowest risk. The portfolio weights are optimized for each point in time using the subsequent formula:

min 6P = En1 Ey 1 wiw1611 s. t. wl >_ 0, En1 wl = 1 Where weights are estimated by using the historical variance and covariance matrix.

Nevertheless, a strong shortcoming of the mean variance analysis is the assumption of normal distribution of returns. In this context, cryptocurrencies' excess volatility infers a heavy tail distribution as already stated by Eisl et al. (2015) and Chuen et al. (2017).

To cope with this issue, I follow Rockafeller and Uryasev (2002) to construct the conditional value at risk strategy (CVaR). The strategy uses the expected shortfall, which is a more coherent risk measure contrasting to the variance since it aims to quantify only the downside risk. Log returns are simulated via a T-student distribution.

Therefore, conditional value at risk portfolio weights are given by solving the following optimization problem:

min CVARa(wt) s. t. up,t(wt) = rtarget ; wt1p = 1 , wl,t » 0 wtERP


CVARa(w) = (1 - a) if(w,r)<VARa(w) f(w,r)p(r)dr

Where f (w, r) is the probability density function of portfolio returns with weights w, a is the confidence level, VARa is the loss to be expected in a.100% of the times.

Short selling is constrained under the two strategies since Bitcoin futures were only introduced recently on Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange


(CME) in December 2017. In addition, I impose a maximum weight constraint of 50% for each asset in order to omit extreme weight allocations.

0% < ???? < 50%

4.2.2. Risk budgeting approaches

Requiring only the estimation of volatility, risk budgeting approaches are becoming a popular solution for risk adverse investors. Booth and Fama (1992) argue that these models put diversification at the heart of the investment strategy and are a good alternative to Markowitz least variance framework when the assumption of normal returns is not solid. Therefore, I adopt the subsequent risk budgeting approaches:

The inverse of the volatility is used to determine the weight of each asset. Highly volatile assets will be given a lower weight in comparison to low volatility assets. Hence, each asset contributes different amount of risk to the overall portfolio. The optimization problem takes the following form:


???? =


? ( 1

?? ??=1 ????????)

Introduced by Choueifaty and Cognard (2008) maximum diversification seeks to maximize the diversification ratio of the weighted average assets volatilities to the total portfolio volatility. The diversification ratio is given as:

Maximize DR = ? ????????


??=1 s. t. ? ????

?? ??=1 = 1 and ???? = 0

? ????




précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Un démenti, si pauvre qu'il soit, rassure les sots et déroute les incrédules"   Talleyrand