Manner adverbs
Similar to the locative adverbs, manner adverbs license
focalization and topicalization. This is shown in (35) and (36) below:
(35) Focalization
a) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
child fetched water tiredly
«The child fetched water tiredly»
b) aì kénkériì mb?ì
kaì m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
Cl. tiredly is how child fetched water Decl.
«It is TIREDLY that the child fetched water»
c) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké poì
child fetched water Foc. tiredly
«The child fetched water TIREDLY»
(36) Topicalization
a) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
child fetched water tiredly
«The child fetched water tiredly»
b) kénkériì-neì,
m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
tiredly-Top child fetched water
«Tiredly, the child fetched water»
The data in (35) show that both focalization of manner adverbs
with «aì» and «poì» are
licensed in Shupamem.Topicalization is also licensed. As in the case with
locative adverbs, focalization through the cleft copula triggers the use of the
expressions«mb?ì kaì»(which is how) and
«n?ì» (declaration). Celerative adverbs
Celerative adverbs allow focalization and topicalization as
shown in (37) and (38) below:
(37) Focalization
a) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké m?ìj?Ìt
child fetched water slowly
«The child fetched water slowly»
b) aì m?ìj?Ìt m?ìj?Ìt
mb?ì kaì m?ìn tuÌ?
?ké n?ì
Cl. slowly is how child fetched water Decl.
«It is SLOWLY that the child fetched water»
c) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké poì
m?ìj?Ìt m?ìj?Ìt
child fetched water Foc. slowly
«The child fetched water SLOWLY»
(38) Topicalization
a) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
m?ìj?Ìt m?ìj?Ìt
child fetched water slowly
«The child fetched water slowly»
b) m?ìj?Ìt m?ìj?Ìt
n??, m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
slowly Top child fetched water
«Slowly, the child fetched water». Temporal adverbs
Temporal adverbs allow focalization and topicalization. Their
focalization through the cleft copula «aì» requires
the use of «mb?ì j??ì» (which is when) and the
morpheme «n?ì» at the end of the clause. This is
shown in (39) and (40) below:
(39) Focalization
a) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
child fetched water yesterday
«The child fetched water slowly»
b) aì ?kuÌr?Ì
mb?ì j??ì m?ìn tuÌ?
?ké n?ì
Cl. yesterday that child fetched water Decl.
«It is YESTERDAY that the child fetched water»
c) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké poì
child fetched water Foc. yesterday
«The child fetched water YESTERDAY»
(40) Topicalization
a) m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
child fetched water yesterday
«The child fetched water slowly»
b) ?kuÌr?Ì-?ì,
m?ìn tuÌ? ?ké
yesterday-Top child fetched water
«Yesterday, the child fetched water»
In (39.b), the temporal adverb
«?kuÌr?Ì» (yesterday) has been focalized
through cleft construction. This has generated «mb?ì
j??ì» (which is how) and «n?Ì» which
marks declaration. In (39.c), the temporal adverb has been focalized in-situ.
As for the data in (40.b), they show that temporal adverbs in Shupamem can be