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Development of a computerized provider order entry system for laboratory

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gérard Bisama Mutshipayi
University of Ghana - Master of Science (MSc) 2015

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To help understanding the most recent development and achievement on the capability of a laboratory test management information systemto improve patient communication within the health facilities, the communication of medical practitioners within the clinical setting, and the efficiency and the health care quality, we will conduct the review onthe use of automatedlaboratory data management within an EMR, on the benefits of improving laboratory data management on the patient safety in care delivery, on the importance of laboratory data for public health monitoring of diseases and epidemics, on the benefits of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and their implementation problems, and then on the mobile health (mHealth). The review on the common categories of CPOE and a particular focus on the laboratory order and lab result management automation will be also be done, then we will conclude with the review on some cases on the design and implementation of health information system (HIS)that involve the automation of management of the laboratory data.

3.1. The useof automated laboratory data management with an EMR

Laboratory, radiology results serveclinicians in healthcare for screening, diagnosis of the disease and medication management.In the study conducted by Nancy Elderand others in 2010, focused on «the documentation of results management steps in patients charts at eight primary care offices in the southwest Ohio region» (Elder et al., 2010)in USA.The research team assessed whether results managed by an Electronic Medical Record (EMR)or by a specialized lab management system improve the lab test documentation comparing to manual and paper based practices. Observations, interviews with clinical staff, and chart audits of twenty five (25) patient in each offices as been used to assess the efficiency of the two systems. In this study, the clinicians have expressed concern that EMR for managing test results just as part of patient medical record are not satisfactoryeven if they have recognized a significance improvement, compared to in-build system focus on laboratory data management. (Elder et al., 2010)

Since, there are multiple steps involved in the management of test results, beginning with offices tracking their orders and the return of results to the clinician's office,one of the concern expressed is related to the breakdown of communication process between clinician, lab technician and nurses.The lost to follow up of laboratory test result by the practitioner involved in patient care is also cited as a major problem in lab result management. The research team has found that 64% of results managed with the laboratory data management system had a follow-up plan documented compared to only 40% of paper managed results. They find also thathaving two or more standardized results management steps did not significantly improve documentation of any stepsince there are not take into account in the standard EMR. Instead all offices fall short in notifying patients and in documenting interpretation of the laboratory result. (Elder et al., 2010)

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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