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Development of a computerized provider order entry system for laboratory

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gérard Bisama Mutshipayi
University of Ghana - Master of Science (MSc) 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.2. Problem statement

Clinicians rely heavily on laboratory data to make medical decisions. Even though there is evidence that the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) introduction in the clinical setting has improved the management of patient related medical record, there is still some problem to solve. One of them is the follow up of the laboratory test result by both the referring clinician and the patient and the exchange of information between care givers in the facilities.(POON, KUPERMAN, FISKIO, & BATES, 2002)

Although the CPOE for laboratory result has improved the management and access to the test result, many studies have shown that passive retrieval of information in CPOEsystem since the clinician have to use the computer to pull the information from the test management system has created a loss of follow-up of the lab result, especially for outpatient comparing to inpatient and those in emergency department.(Callen et al., 2011)

Another commonly cited problem in lab information management, is the breakdown of communication between actors that are involved in the patient care. The traditional practice of telephoning results to the referring clinicians is time-consuming with potential for errors, and left other actors like nurse out of the communication process meanwhile they are those who gave treatments to the patient based on the guideline recommended by the clinician. Most of laboratory management information system also do not take into account the cross-boundary communication process with integration of the actorsinvolved. The patient should also be associated by getting informed on the action that should be taken for his care. Thus, sharing the right information in time between actors involve in the patient care allow to improve the outcome of patient care since critical test result will be shared between actors and serviceswithin the health facility (Callen et al., 2011)

Provision of reliable internet connectivity to support use and deployment of web based EHR as well as integration of web based Application Programming Interface (API) is a challenge in rural area due to the lack of interest of internet provider to invest in expensive equipment for area of low economics opportunity.

A desktop computerized provider order entry system that will provide an effective and efficient managementcapabilities of laboratoryorderand facilitates the exchange of lab test information across clinical service boundary, can be used as part of solution to this problem. Patient and physician interactions and communication experience with the laboratory in the proposed solution are based on the use of SMS over GSM and email to send alert and notification.

2.3. Framework of the laboratory test order management system

The Integrating Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) initiative defines the laboratory order schedule workflow based on a description of interaction processes and exchange of information in the form of use-cases, actors, transactions. The IHE schedule workflow provide international standard of software requirement in radiology, imaging and laboratory diagnostic techniques.Itinvolves intensive collaboration and communication among actors by using transaction to meet the identified process management in clinical setting. (Spronk, 2012)

The IHE schedule workflow identified actors in term of their applications roles in the system and the interaction between them is based on exchange information protocol like Health Level 7 (HL7).According to the IHE, the mains transaction identified are: patient registration and update management, order place management, order fill management, test result management, work order management, order result management. (Spronk, 2012)

The transactions between different actors across the clinical setting ensure the laboratory data workflow and failed to establish one the transactions in the system requirement implies breakdown communication of workflow that lead to the problems cited above such as: patient misidentification, specimen misidentification and collection error, lost to follow up of order, poor communication between clinical services and poor patient communication with the health facility(Plebani, 2010).

According to the requirement of a district hospital in Ghana, the following adapted workflow (Figure 1.1) will be used as the study framework. The framework of laboratory order in the district hospital identifies different interactions between actors involves in the test management processes.The Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system is the hub of the flowchart diagram and aims to establish link between actors in term of process management. The actorswho are involved in the lab test management of the proposed workflow are: the patients, the nurses, the physicians, the laboratory technicians and the public health departments.

The interaction of patient is done in the system in term of visit at the Outpatient department and in term of reception of notification of laboratory result. The patient can also interact with the laboratory service without passing through the OPD in case that the laboratory order come from another health facility. Physician, nurse and lab technician interactions are done through the test order, the lab test management and patient appointment with the physician inside the specific department. Public health department receives periodic report for decision making and to produce report on disease surveillance event (Ghana Health Service).

Figure 1.1:Adapted framework of CPOE system in the district hospital

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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