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Development of a computerized provider order entry system for laboratory

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gérard Bisama Mutshipayi
University of Ghana - Master of Science (MSc) 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

5.5. System design

The following step consist on the technical modelling of therequirements. In engineering discipline model is crucial and is used to describe the shapes or actions of any construction that must be built. The benefits of the model are the requirement clarification and performance of a construction. The main objectives of design model is to support system complexity and reduce the error in the software development processes.(Ali, Shukur, & Idris, 2007)

5.5.1. System Architecture

In the study the client-server architecture is the base system architecture, since it attempts to balance the processing between client devices and one or more server devices. In the client-server architecture, the client is responsible for the presentation logic, whereas the server is responsible for the data access logic and data storage.(Dennis et al., 2012) We will use thick or fat client approach wherethe client contains most of the application logic and the server contains the data repository so the proposed system will be a stand-alone application.

Figure 3.2: System architecture

5.5.2. The process modelling

Unified Modeling Language `(UML) is increasingly used as the standard for software modelling and design. The most recent version (UML 2.0 under OMG 2004) includes 13 distinct modelling notations ranging from high-level use case diagrams, which illustrate the scenario of the interactions between actors and major business tasks, through to low-level object diagrams which capture instances of individual data objects. The various modelling notations are essentially divided into three main views: the behavior, the structure and the interaction views.(Russell, Aalst, Hofstede, & Wohed, 2006)

The behavior views contains diagrams that describe the set of functionality of the software at a relatively high level of abstraction. The structure view, contains diagrams that capture the data structure of objects involve in task performance. And, the interaction view contains diagrams that illustrate the interactions between objects involve in the execution of a business function.(Blanc & Mounier, 2006)

Activity Diagrams

The activity diagram notation is the most detailed form of flowmodelling within UML. (Russell et al., 2006)Activity modeling focuses on the execution and flow of the behavior of a system.It will be used to represent the workflow of laboratory order process in the district hospital according to the framework of CPOE system in Figure 1.1.

Figure3.3: Activity diagram

Use case diagrams

Since one of the goals in the systems development project is to create usable software, it is important to clearly determine the user's needs. Use cases help to understand and clarify the users' required interactions with the system by illustrating the interactions between users and business function to perform an activity in the workflow process. (Dennis et al., 2012) To allow the better view of the use case diagram we will split the use case diagram into three subsystem:

1. The authentication subsystem

2. The patient and medical staff management subsystem

3. The laboratory order management subsystem

4. The laboratory result management subsystem

Figure 3.4: Use case diagram for authentication subsystem

Figure3.5: Use case diagram for patient and medical staff management subsystem

Figure 3.6: Use case diagram for the laboratory test order management subsystem

Figure 3.7: Use case diagram for the laboratory test result management subsystem

Figure3.8: Use case diagram for the lab order result management subsystem

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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