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Development of a computerized provider order entry system for laboratory

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gérard Bisama Mutshipayi
University of Ghana - Master of Science (MSc) 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.7.2. The LabPush system in Swaziland

Mobile technologies are widely available and can play an important role in health care at the regional, community, and individual levels. In Swaziland, although National laboratoryis usually able to accomplish the requested test and produce the result within two days after receiving the samples, the time for the results to be delivered back to clinics is quite variable depending on how often the motorbike transport makes trips between the clinic and the laboratory. (Hao et al., 2015)

In the pilot study conducted by Wen-Rui Hao and others in 2014, to assess factors facilitating and hindering the adoption of mobile devices in the Swaziland healthcare through the evaluation of the end-users experiences, the Taipei Medical Universityperform a feasibility studyfor the development of a system that will allow the physicians to receive laboratory test result on the mobile phone through SMS. The research team conductsinterview with medical staff and come out with a software requirement document that serve as input to the software development team.According to the users' requirement, ten laboratories test has been considered the most urgent to be communicate by the medical staff. Those one should be notify to clinicians prior the receptions by the traditional ways (Motorbike mail) of the full report details on paper.(Hao et al., 2015)

Due to the limitation of internet access in health facility the SMS has been chosen as the better way of notify lab result through the country. The system will be installed at the national laboratory and the notification are sent to the remote clinic through SMS. The SMS should also contains the patient information and the code number for the laboratory test which should be enter in the system and submit after the validation. A mobile phone with a SIM card was provided to each participating clinic, and the use of this mobile phone was restricted to only receiving laboratory results via SMS. Missing lab result can be requested to the National laboratory that can be resend by SMS that improve follow up of missing lab result(Hao et al., 2015)

At the end of the pilot study, the participant has recognized the improvement of communication of laboratory result between the National laboratory and the clinics. But the participant has expressed the concern about the workloadwith the introduction of the labPush system since they have to transcribe the result from the phone to the paper based log book to keep thehistory of the patient result test.(Hao et al., 2015)

3.7.3. Design of an application for the chemotherapy treatment process at University Hospital of Geneva

Decision support, order entry, drug and care administration with their respective documentation cannot be seen as independent actions, especially in term of medical approach and patient safety. Chemotherapies errors in the process cited above can have dramatic effectson the patient life. In this study, Stéphane Spahni and otherspresent the overall approach leading the computerization of order entry, drug and medication administration.The research team conduct also the first evaluations about the potential benefits of the computer-aided controls during the care administration phaseat the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG). (Spahni et al., 2007)

In an effort to minimize the potential for chemotherapy-related errors, the HUGinitiated a project that start with the centralizationofthe pharmacy and the laboratorydata to manage the preparation of the right chemotherapies provide to the patient. All the related actions involved the laboratory test and the preparation of the right chemotherapies arecalled the protocol. HUG as already at the time of the study an in-house developed computerized patient record (CPR) systemdeployed in thirtyfacilities and runs on more than 4,500 personal computers.After setting up a global database, an application has been developed over this data repository for managing the request of new preparations, for organizingthe concrete preparations and managing the traceability before, during and after the production process. The Application has 3 main modules: the prescription side, the pharmacy side and the drug administration or the nursing side.(Spahni et al., 2007)

The prescription side is the features of the system that help the oncologist to follow their patients and the current status of all running protocols.It is a powerful feature that allow the management of the patient treatment and the following up of the associated side effects through the production of alert such as the overlapping dates, regimens and some anomalies in the laboratory results. The pharmacy side allow the management of most of the logistics needed to produce drugs from raw substances since some regiment are produced specifically by the HUG's central pharmacy.The protocol production for a patient is computerized during the drugs validation and laboratory analyses.(Spahni et al., 2007)

The Drug administration side, is the complex side of the system, it gives for each patient the treatment to follow, the side effects of the treatment and the precaution to follow. The bedside traceability of patient in the ward and the nurse who gives treatment is also managed by this module. . This module is deployed on the pocket personal computer (PC) The patient, the nurse and the treatment are both identified using an international numbering of objects code called GS1 that can be read by the Pocket PC.(Spahni et al., 2007)

After the evaluation of the impact of the introduction of the system, the benefits in patient safety, the acceptance by the users and the integration of the system in the workflow process of the hospital has been observe as positive outcomes.However, it must be emphasized that the formalization and the validation of all processes, including each protocol, require a significant amount of time, especially from oncologists.(Spahni et al., 2007)

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