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E-commerce capabilities assessment: -security of e-payment systems- case of the democratic republic of congo

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par Espérant Ngongo Mbuli
University of Walles - Master in Advanced information technology and Business Management 2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

II.8.1 Payment cards systems

Payment cards are cards with payment of financial information embedded in an electronic chip and which can be used for payment.

Three kinds of cars are currently used: (Turban et al., 2008, p551)

? Credit card ? Debit

? Charge card

Card processing overview

Card payment processing consists on authorization of the transaction and the settlement of the money.

Authorization is the phase during which verification is done to check the validity of the card and the availability of the fund to be paid for the transaction.

Settlement is the phase which consists on the transfer of money from the buyer's card bank account to the seller's account.

Payment processing is a service offered by payment processing service Provider (PSP).

Figure 8: Processing of a card transaction
Source: Gary Schneider, 2011, p.501

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The most threat for payment card is «the fraud»; and tools have been developed to combat it (Turban et al., 2008, pp 553-554).

> Address verification system (AVS): seller compare the shipping address entered on the e-commerce portal with the address contained in file at the cardholder's bank.

> Manual review: staffs review manually suspicious transactions orders to detect fraudulent transaction. This method can be used on business with small amount of transactions.

> Fraud screens and automated decision models: Intelligent systems which use automated rules to determine if the transaction can be accepted rejected or suspended.

> Card verification number (CVN): this number is printed on the back of the credit card; the verification will ensure that the buyer has the card into his hands. This verification will not be useful in case of stolen number.

> Card association payer authentication services. This service is provided by card issuer and offers the possibility for the card holder to register with the system to ensure the protection of the card. Merchant web portal will interact with this service to validate the authenticity of the card. Mastercard offers «Mastercard securecode» and Visa the «verified by visa» to authenticate and certify their cards.

> Negative file. Customer and information about the connection such as IP address name, shipping or billing address, contact numbers, etc are stored in a file. When the transaction takes place on the web portal it is matched against the information contained in the file and flag in case of problem.

II.8.2 Electronic cash

Electronic cash (e-cash or digital cash) is «a general term that describes any value storage and exchange system created by a private (non-governmental) entity that doesn't use paper documents or coins and that can serve as a substitute for government issued physical currency» (G. Schneider, 2011, p502).

Security issue of e-cash

As for the credit card payment, privacy and security of the transaction is the most important issue for e-cash implementation in the e-commerce business.

Fraud is a big concern for e-cash; therefore security system must be in place to prevent double spending which can happen while the electronic cash is submitted twice for the same cash amount to two different merchants.

To prevent this situation, cryptographic algorithms are creating tamperproof electronic cash that can trace back the transaction to its origin.

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The e-cash has a significant disadvantage because it doesn't provide an audit trail and can be used as money-laundering (conversion of illegal owned money to cash) system.

E-cash needs to be supported by a strong regulation to define standards with the supported secured system and banking in order to be widely accepted as an alternative to credit/debit card.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Ceux qui rêvent de jour ont conscience de bien des choses qui échappent à ceux qui rêvent de nuit"   Edgar Allan Poe