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E-commerce capabilities assessment: -security of e-payment systems- case of the democratic republic of congo

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Espérant Ngongo Mbuli
University of Walles - Master in Advanced information technology and Business Management 2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

II.6.3.2 Mobile payment (M-payment)

The development of mobile network opens an opportunity to mobile operators to provide money transfer and payment system facilities using available communication credit loaded into the sim card.

Mobile phone users can then, as for the stored-value card, store money as telecommunication credit in their mobile phone which can be used to pay goods and services to merchants, participating as partners of mobile operators.

In DRC, some mobile operators are working with banks to link m-payment account to real bank account.

This payment system is used to pay salaries for public administration's staff in areas without banking facilities.

Because this activity is not developed by the government; regulation is the main concern for this payment system. However, in this study, as for the other e-payment systems described in the research, security of the m-payment system will be assessed for its effective participation in e-commerce transaction.

II.6.4. Information technology infrastructure for e-commerce

E-commerce, as defined earlier in this work embedded new processes which require necessary physical IT infrastructure, managerial and organizational capabilities in order to succeed.

All definitions of e-commerce show its dependency to information system infrastructure and processes to conduct business activities online. There is an evident relationship between e-commerce capabilities and IS infrastructure (Kevin Zhu, 2004).

P. Weill and M. Broadbent (1998) cited by Kevin Zhu (2004) define IT infrastructure as a technology platform and information foundation from which enterprise applications emanate and it includes «hardware, software, networks, and data processing architecture».

E-payment systems will use IT infrastructure to enable processing of payment transactions

Figure 4: IT infrastructure component.

Source: Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, 2006, p185

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II.7. IT security capabilities for e-commerce II.7.1 Introduction

There are many capabilities required and needed to implement an effective e-commerce business, among which most important are:

+ Web servers hardware and software

+ Electronic commerce software

+ Electronic commerce security systems

+ Electronic commerce payment systems

II.7.2 Security of online payment systems used for e-commerce

E-commerce security is a vast subject covering:

+ Securing online transaction

+ Securing clients computers and internet access devices like PDA and smart


+ Securing communication channels between computers

+ Securing servers.

Security, in the context of e-commerce is an important attribute and one of the key

elements for its adoption, that's why server infrastructure and software used for e-

commerce need to be secured.

The security framework of the information technology which is considered in this

research is ISO 27001 framework that presents eleven (11) high-level objectives for

the security standards (Timothy P. Layton, 2007, pp77-113):

O Security policy

O Organization of information security

O Asset management

O Human resources security

O Physical and environment security

O Communications and operations management

O Access control

O Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance

O Information security incident management

O Business continuity management

O Compliance.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote