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E-commerce capabilities assessment: -security of e-payment systems- case of the democratic republic of congo

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Espérant Ngongo Mbuli
University of Walles - Master in Advanced information technology and Business Management 2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

IV.3.3 Availability

Regarding the availability of e-payment system the study has to provide input about key concepts which are likely to facilitate a system recovery such as existence of uninterrupted power system, a formal contingency or business resumption plan, and a backup facility for data and programs.

Table 14: Availability capabilities


Number of institutions

Uninterrupted power source


Data backup


Contingency plan


From the table above, all the responding institutions have backup facilities for both data and power source in place. However the availability of the system is sustained by a contingency or business resumption plan, which is under development. This plan is available in only of the two institutions contacted.

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IV.4 Summary

This chapter presents a synthetic view of the status of the security of the e-payment system in the country according to the CIA concepts which are most important in the broadest view of the security of the information system.

Table 15: Summary of the security capability

Description of capability




Digital certificate

Not available

Antivirus protection






Data backup


Contingency Plan

Not available

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Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations

V.1 Introduction

The previous chapter illustrated the status of the security of the e-payment system through the results of the questionnaire collected in the six institutions from which responses have been received.

This chapter discusses the conclusion and recommendations for the effectiveness of the readiness of the banking system to really contribute to the development of the e-commerce in the country by improving the security of the e-payment system.

It will also make some recommendations to the use of this research and the future researches on similar topics.

V.2 Conclusions

V.2.1 E-payment system

The two major players of the market are Visa and MasterCard. Together, these two players represent more than 63% of e-payment methods used in the country.

Because the security of these e-payment systems is not fully handled by the IT infrastructure of the local banks, these two payment systems provide a guaranty that e-commerce can be developed in the country using these two e-payment channels. However, because this facility is linked to bank account held by the local bank, the security of the IT infrastructure of local banks become an imperative condition to the use of these two e-payment systems.

V.2.2 E-payment system security

The summary given in the section 4.4 of the previous chapter is the map representing the way of improvements in order to guaranty the security of the e-payment system for an effective development of e-commerce.

V.2.2.1 Firewall

All the institutions have a firewall in their IT infrastructure, however, it has been reported by this study that the integrity check of the configuration of the firewall in not conducted on a daily basis. According to this finding, the main security concern is to maintain the integrity of the configuration of the firewall. The cost of the illegal access can be very high because of the long delay of the check of the integrity of the configuration of the firewall.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Je voudrais vivre pour étudier, non pas étudier pour vivre"   Francis Bacon