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Evaluation of the level of safety culture

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par Moise FANDIO
University of Douala - Professional masters degree quality safety environment 2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


As recommended for our professional master's degree program, we carried out studies in organizations which are aimed at solving specific problems. It is for this reason that we carried out our research in Douala for a period of six months starting from 02nd July to 31st December 2012 within LES LABORATOIRES BIOPHARMA S.A. I.Z MAGZI BASSA P.O BOX 1674 DOUALA. Our topic is titled «EVALUATION OF THE LEVEL OF SAFETY TO IMPROVE ITS THE CULTURE WITHIN BIOPHARMA». What motivated us to choose the above topic was the fact that our company is growing very fast but safety standards are not visibly following the same trend. The hypothesis «encouraging a safety culture by putting in place a health and safety committee - HSE within Biopharma followed by specialized trainings, could help us to ameliorate productivity.

What is the current situation of safety culture; in other words, we verify whether our top management is committed (inquiry) as well as the personnel (questionnaire), existence of a health and safety committee and the available means of the firm.

To provide answers, we shall first of all give some briefs on safety culture; assess the present situation in the company followed by some examples of companies practicing this culture. Finally we shall propose a health and safety policy for the company to its General Manager for approval.

The true `health' of the safety of any organisation is primarily defined by the frequency of key day-to-day behaviours (frontline and management) and the extent to which these are encouraged and supported by an effective and flexible safety management system. The shared belief in the importance of safety, the extent to which an organisation actively strives to ensure health and safety is done properly and always given a high priority, is what defines a positive safety culture. Safety is for everybody, thus visitors, clients, customers, contractors, friends and family at any workplace have work health and safety (WHS) responsibilities and must comply with any reasonable work health and safety instructions at the workplace and take reasonable care not to put themselves or others at risk directly or indirectly. There is a need for leaders to know how to manage safety on a day to day basis throughout their areas of responsibility.

Today, it has generally become accepted that a high proportion of accidents, incidents and near misses in companies are due to unsafe acts (behaviours) by people. For example, improper equipment use, not following procedures, positions / reactions of people, housekeeping. But, rather than being the instigators, it is typically the case that unsafe (organisational) conditions, that have been long developing and that have been inherited by people, represent the root cause(s) of accidents and incidents. Examples of systemic organisational weaknesses include lack of supervision, ill-defined roles and responsibilities, inadequate training / assessment / procedures / instructions, poor leadership and safety communications, competing job demands, ineffective planning and safe systems of work. Such examples obviously correspond to symptoms of a poor or negative safety culture.

In an organisation, the benefit in consulting, sharing information and giving workers reasonable opportunity to express their views and contribute towards decision making on health and safety matters is that it can assist the employer in meeting its health and safety obligations, thus more profit resulting from preventive measures of related risks.

Through the research it has been revealed that questionnaires have a wide area of application. It can be used within an organisation for diagnosing the organisation's safety culture level, and bringing into focus how the organisation handles safety cultural issues. It can be used as a personal assessment tool which can create motivation and awareness for safety culture among organisational members (Camilla, 2003).

This research work is made up of four chapters. Chapter I gives some brief presentation and activities of LABORATOIRES BIOPHARMA S.A. Chapter II places our study in the context of the literatures concerning OHSAS 18001:2007 with much emphasis on safety cultures and the Cameroonian law on health and safety at workplace (Order No 039/MTPS/IMT of 26 November 1984). Chapter III outlines and spells out the materials and methodology used, with explanations of why and how it was used to yield our results, their interpretation, discussions and the recommendations expressed in chapter IV. Finally the general conclusion will close up our research.


In the paragraph below, we shall write briefly on the presentation, activities and administrative structure of BIOPHARMA S.A

«LES LABORATOIRES BIOPHARMA S.A» whose short form is BIOPHARMA in our memoire, was created on the 04th of July 2001. It is a private company with a current capital of 700,000,000 FCFA headed by a General Manager named Mr DJOMOU NANA Francis. Biopharma employs over 180 permanent workers within its two production units. The first is the plastic unit which produces most of our plastic bottles, caps and nylon films meanwhile the second unit is meant for the manufacturing of cosmetic products. The main activity of Biopharma is the production and distribution of cosmetic products. More details are shown in table 1 and Figure 1 below.

LES LABORATOIRES BIOPHARMA S.A (Figure 1) found in Cameroon is located in the Littoral region, Wouri division, Douala 3 subdivision at the Magzi industrial zone Bassa. With the GPS (Figure 2), datae were collected and used to indicate the precise position of our company as shown in the map below (Figure 3).

Figure 1: Main entrance of Biopharma. Figure 2: GPS collecting datae

Figure 3: Map for the localisation of Biopharma S.A.

Table 1: Presentation and Activities of Biopharma S.A

Identity of firm


Name of firm



P.O BOX 1674 Douala magzi industrial zone Bassa / Cameroon

Contacts (IT)


(00237) 33 37 56 16

(00237) 77 93 44 87


General Manager


Created on

04 Juillet 2001 (1st production : 2002)



Production and distribution of cosmetic and OTC products.


Plastic unit which produces our plastic bottles, caps and films (shrink nylon)

Type of Company


Tax payer statistic No



Business register No



Financial situation


700 000 000 FCFA

Principal brands

Primo, Rapid'clair, Essentiel, Stay White, Talangai, Lumina, Pluviherbal, Pluvicare, White Express Moby bébé, Nivys, Bettina, Citro clair, Biosuccess, BLIGHT, Talcum powder, Parfumes, Nail polish (Celine France, Lumina) etc.

Localisation of Customers

Cameroon, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, RCA, West Africa, Europe (Italy, Spain)


SIPCA, GANDOUR, Products imitated in Nigeria

Suppliers of licenced products

Mirato - Italy, Evoluderm and Dark § Lovely - France

Figure 4: Organigram of Biopharma 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld