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Using the WACC methodology to improve the assessment of projects in the french farming industry. Empirical evidences from farm's results of Isère

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Anaël BIBARD
Grenoble Graduate School of Business - MBA 2012

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3.2.4 Data Analysis

The WACC theory assumes that there is an optimal debt level to reduce the cost of capital of the company and then increase its overall performance (see Figure 1 page 12). Therefore, ROE and ROA were analyzed by groups of leverage in order to verify if this theory holds in agriculture. The groups more leveraged should have better results in terms of ROE and ROA than low leverage groups. We should also observe more variability and/or lower results for groups with really high leverages like group 1 or 2 (Table 10). This observation would be considered as financial distress.

As presented in part 3.2.2, the data had to be processed to be exploited. The ROE, ROA and leverage also have to be calculated considering the specificity of the accounting standards used at the CEFRANCE Isère. Therefore, ROE and ROA were calculated as follow:


P -- w E + P c P -- w

-- P


- P: Profit,

- Wc: cost of labor (each FTE self-employed unit of labor received a cost of the SMIC),

- E: shareholders equity. As no financial market exists to estimate a market value of farm's
equity in agriculture, the book value had to be retained,

- Pca: partners current accounts. These amounts are considered as debt from an accounting perspective. However, it is not considered by convention as a debt but as shareholder's equity from a consultant perspective because these «partners» are the shareholders,

- A: total assets,

- L: leverage,

- D: total debts. The value retained was book value, as the database do not includes

information allowing a recalculation at market value. However, the interest rate was analyzed at the market value,

- tl: total liabilities.


L < 20%

20%= L <40%

40%= L <60%

60%= L <80%

80% < L

Group #






Table 10: Groups of debt level

In order to compare the groups, a set of statistical tests were performed with the software Statgraphic Centurion:

- Shapiro Wilk test and Kolmogorov test for the normality of the datasets. Density trace and histograms were also used for sample sizes bigger than 2 000 farms (Shapiro Wilk test cannot be performed for this size of samples). Normality was tested before each test.

- One-way ANOVA and multiple range comparison to compare the means of the different groups when the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance were verified.

- When the assumption of normality or homogeneity of variance was rejected, a non parametric test was used (Kruskal-Wallis). As normality and equivalence of the variance are the base-assumptions of the ANOVA, the means cannot be compared if these two hypotheses are not verified. The Kruskal-Wallis test compares the rank of each observation to overcome this limitation, and tests if the medians are significantly different or not.

- Mood's and Median test to analyses the medians. It is a non-parametric test which compares the distribution of each sample around the overall median of all the groups. Therefore, this test can estimate if the medians are significantly different.

First, the effect of time was tested. As time has an effect on ROE or ROA, separate tests were performed for each year in order to isolate the time effect and analyze the effect on leverage more accurately. Then, the effect of specialization was tested. As specialization has an effect on ROE or ROA, separate tests were performed for each specialization to improve the robustness of the results. The risk error (alpha) represents the risk to reject the null hypothesis tested when it should be

considered actually true. Because 10% is an acceptable level of risk error in finance, this alpha was used for all statistical tests in this research.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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